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Radial thresholding to mitigate Laser-Guide-Star aberrations on Centre-of-Gravity-based Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors

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 نشر من قبل Olivier Lardi\\`ere
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Sodium Laser Guide Stars (LGSs) are elongated sources due to the thickness and the finite distance of the sodium layer. The fluctuations of the sodium layer altitude and atom density profile induce errors on centroid measurements of elongated spots, and generate spurious optical aberrations in closed--loop adaptive optics (AO) systems. According to an analytical model and experimental results obtained with the University of Victoria LGS bench demonstrator, one of the main origins of these aberrations, referred to as LGS aberrations, is not the Centre-of-Gravity (CoG) algorithm itself, but the thresholding applied on the pixels of the image prior to computing the spot centroids. A new thresholding method, termed ``radial thresholding, is presented here, cancelling out most of the LGS aberrations without altering the centroid measurement accuracy.

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Over the last few years increasing consideration has been given to the study of Laser Guide Stars (LGS) for the measurement of the disturbance introduced by the atmosphere in optical and near-infrared astronomical observations from the ground. A poss ible method for the generation of a LGS is the excitation of the Sodium layer in the upper atmosphere at approximately 90 km of altitude. Since the Sodium layer is approximately 10 km thick, the artificial reference source looks elongated, especially when observed from the edge of a large aperture. The spot elongation strongly limits the performance of the most common wavefront sensors. The centroiding accuracy in a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor, for instance, decreases proportionally to the elongation (in a photon noise dominated regime). To compensate for this effect a straightforward solution is to increase the laser power, i.e. to increase the number of detected photons per subaperture. The scope of the work presented in this paper is twofold: an analysis of the performance of the Weighted Center of Gravity algorithm for centroiding with elongated spots and the determination of the required number of photons to achieve a certain average wavefront error over the telescope aperture.
150 - Alastair Basden 2015
We investigate the improvements in Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor image processing that can be realised using total variation minimisation techniques to remove noise from these images. We perform Monte-Carlo simulation to demonstrate that at certain signal-to-noise levels, sensitivity improvements of up to one astronomical magnitude can be realised. We also present on-sky measurements taken with the CANARY adaptive optics system that demonstrate an improvement in performance when this technique is employed, and show that this algorithm can be implemented in a real-time control system. We conclude that total variation minimisation can lead to improvements in sensitivity of up to one astronomical magnitude when used with adaptive optics systems.
After releasing reference camera solutions in the visible and infrared for natural guide star wavefront sensing with unbeaten performance, we will present the first results of First Light Imaging s C-MORE, the first laser guide star oriented wavefron t sensor camera. Within the Opticon WP2 european funded project (INFRAIA 2016-2017, Grant agreement n 730890), which has been set to develop LGS cameras, fast path solutions based on existing sensors had to be explored to provide working-proven cameras to ELT projects ready for the first light schedule. Result of this study, C-MORE is a CMOS based camera with 1600x1100 pixels (9um pitch) and 500 FPS refresh rate. It has been developed to answer most of the needs of future laser based adaptive optics systems (LGS) to be deployed on 20-40m-class telescopes as well as on smaller ones. Using a global shutter architecture, it won t introduce differential temporal errors on the wavefront reconstruction and simplifies the whole command loop. We present the global architecture of the camera, dimensions, weight, interfaces, its main features and measured performance in terms of noise, dark current, quantum efficiency and image quality which are the most important parameters for this application. Because of the very low cost of this solution, this camera can be used also in life-sciences and high end industrial applications, which was also an objective of the Opticon project.
In typical adaptive optics applications, the atmospheric residual turbulence affects the wavefront sensor response decreasing its sensitivity. On the other hand, wavefront sensors are generally calibrated in diffraction limited condition, and, so, th e interaction matrix sensitivity differs from the closed loop one. The ratio between the two sensitivities, that we will call the sensitivity loss factor, has to be estimated to retrieve a well-calibrated measurement. The spots size measurement could give a good estimation, but it is limited to systems with spots well sampled and uniform across the pupil. We present an algorithm to estimate sensitivity loss factor from closed loop data, based on the known parameters of the closed loop transfer functions. Here we preferred for simplicity the Shack-Hartmann WFS, but the algorithm we propose can be extended to other WFSs.
218 - Alastair Basden 2015
In recent years, detectors with sub-electron readout noise have been used very effectively in astronomical adaptive optics systems. Here, we compare readout noise models for the two key faint flux level detector technologies that are commonly used: E MCCD and scientific CMOS (sCMOS) detectors. We find that in almost all situations, EMCCD technology is advantageous, and that the commonly used simplified model for EMCCD readout is appropriate. We also find that the commonly used simple models for sCMOS readout noise are optimistic, and recommend that a proper treatment of the sCMOS rms readout noise probability distribution should be considered during instrument performance modelling and development.
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