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Simulation of attosecond streaking of electrons emitted from a tungsten surface

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 نشر من قبل Christoph Lemell
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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First time-resolved photoemission experiments employing attosecond streaking of electrons emitted by an XUV pump pulse and probed by a few-cycle NIR pulse found a time delay of about 100 attoseconds between photoelectrons from the conduction band and those from the 4f core level of tungsten. We present a microscopic simulation of the emission time and energy spectra employing a classical transport theory. Emission spectra and streaking images are well reproduced. Different contributions to the delayed emission of core electrons are identified: larger emission depth, slowing down by inelastic scattering processes, and possibly, energy dependent deviations from the free-electron dispersion. We find delay times near the lower bound of the experimental data.

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In this paper we present proof of principle experiments of an optical gating concept for free electrons. We demonstrate a temporal resolution of 1.2+-0.3 fs via energy and transverse momentum modulation as a function of time. The scheme is based on t he synchronous interaction between electrons and the near-field mode of a dielectric nano-grating excited by a femtosecond laser pulse with an optical period duration of 6.5 fs. The sub-optical cycle resolution demonstrated here is promising for use in laser-driven streak cameras for attosecond temporal characterization of bunched particle beams as well as time-resolved experiments with free-electron beams. We expect that 10 as temporal resolution will be achieved in the near future using such a scheme.
Attosecond streaking of photoelectrons emitted by extreme ultraviolet light has begun to reveal how electrons behave during their transport within simple crystalline solids. Many sample types within nanoplasmonics, thin-film physics, and semiconducto r physics, however, do not have a simple single crystal structure. The electron dynamics which underpin the optical response of plasmonic nanostructures and wide-bandgap semiconductors happen on an attosecond timescale. Measuring these dynamics using attosecond streaking will enable such systems to be specially tailored for applications in areas such as ultrafast opto-electronics. We show that streaking can be extended to this very general type of sample by presenting streaking measurements on an amorphous film of the wide-bandgap semiconductor tungsten trioxide, and on polycrystalline gold, a material that forms the basis of many nanoplasmonic devices. Our measurements reveal the near-field temporal structure at the sample surface, and photoelectron wavepacket temporal broadening consistent with a spread of electron transport times to the surface.
Tunnelling, one of the key features of quantum mechanics, ignited an ongoing debate about the value, meaning and interpretation of tunnelling time. Until recently the debate was purely theoretical, with the process considered to be instantaneous for all practical purposes. This changed with the development of ultrafast lasers and in particular, the attoclock technique that is used to probe the attosecond dynamics of electrons. Although the initial attoclock measurements hinted at instantaneous tunnelling, later experiments contradicted those findings, claiming to have measured finite tunnelling times. In each case these measurements were performed with multi-electron atoms. Atomic hydrogen (H), the simplest atomic system with a single electron, can be exactly (subject only to numerical limitations) modelled using numerical solutions of the 3D-TDSE with measured experimental parameters and acts as a convenient benchmark for both accurate experimental measurements and calculations. Here we report the first attoclock experiment performed on H and find that our experimentally determined offset angles are in excellent agreement with accurate 3D-TDSE simulations performed using our experimental pulse parameters. The same simulations with a short-range Yukawa potential result in zero offset angles for all intensities. We conclude that the offset angle measured in the attoclock experiments originates entirely from electron scattering by the long-range Coulomb potential with no contribution from tunnelling time delay. That conclusion is supported by empirical observation that the electron offset angles follow closely the simple formula for the deflection angle of electrons undergoing classical Rutherford scattering by the Coulomb potential. Thus we confirm that, in H, tunnelling is instantaneous (with an upperbound of 1.8 as) within our experimental and numerical uncertainty.
168 - Z. Fang , S. Fukuda , S. Yamaguchi 2000
Spurious oscillations in klystrons due to returning electrons from the collector into the drift tube were observed and studied at KEK. Simulations of returning electrons using EGS4 Monte Carlo method have been performed. And the oscillation conditions are described in this paper.
A resonance-induced change in the resistivity of the surface state electrons (SSE) exposed to the microwave (MW) radiation is observed. The MW frequency corresponds to the transition energy between two lowest Rydberg energy levels. All measurements a re done with electrons over liquid 3He in a temperature range 0.45-0.65 K, in which the electron relaxation time and the MW absorption linewidth are determined by collisions with helium vapor atoms. The input MW power is varied by two orders of magnitude, and the resistivity is always found to increase. This effect is attributed to the heating of electrons with the resonance MW radiation. The temperature and the momentum relaxation rate of the hot electrons are calculated as a function of the MW power in the cell, and the Rabi frequency is determined from the comparison of the theoretical result with the experiment. In addition, the broadening of the absorption signal caused by the heating is studied experimentally, and the results are found to be in good agreement with our calculations.
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