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Discovery of a large and bright bow shock nebula associated with low mass X-ray binary SAX J1712.6-3739

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 نشر من قبل Klaas Wiersema
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In a multiwavelength program dedicated to identifying optical counterparts of faint persistent X-ray sources in the Galactic Bulge, we find an accurate X-ray position of SAX J1712.6-3739 through Chandra observations, and discover its faint optical counterpart using our data from EFOSC2 on the ESO 3.6m telescope. We find this source to be a highly extincted neutron star LMXB with blue optical colours. We serendipitously discover a relatively bright and large bow shock shaped nebula in our deep narrowband H alpha imaging, most likely associated with the X-ray binary. A nebula like this has never been observed before in association with a LMXB, and as such provides a unique laboratory to study the energetics of accretion and jets. We put forward different models to explain the possible ways the LMXB may form this nebulosity, and outline how they can be confirmed observationally.

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اقرأ أيضاً

71 - Sangin Kim 2020
In this work, we study the X-ray bow-shock nebula powered by the mature pulsar PSR B1929+10 using data from XMM-Newton, with an effective exposure of $sim$ 300 ks, offering the deepest investigation of this system thus far. We found the X-ray axial o utflow extends as long as $sim$ 8 arc minute behind the proper motion direction, which is a factor of two longer than the result reported in the previous study. Furthermore, we found evidence of two faint lateral outflows extending laterally with respect to the proper motion. We also found indications of spectral hardening along the axial outflow, suggesting that certain acceleration processes might occur along this feature.
241 - N. I. Maxted 2020
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SAX J2103.5+4545 is the Be/X-ray binary with the shortest orbital period. It shows extended bright and faint X-ray states that last for a few hundred days. The main objective of this work is to investigate the relationship between the X-ray and optic al variability and to characterise the spectral and timing properties of the bright and faint states. We have found a correlation between the spectral and temporal parameters that fit the energy and power spectra. Softer energy spectra correspond to softer power spectra. That is to say, when the energy spectrum is soft the power at high frequencies is suppressed. We also present the results of our monitoring of the Halpha line of the optical counterpart since its discovery in 2003. There is a correlation between the strength and shape of the Halpha line, originated in the circumstellar envelope of the massive companion and the X-ray emission from the vicinity of the neutron star. Halpha emission, indicative of an equatorial disc around the B-type star, is detected whenever the source is bright in X-rays. When the disc is absent, the X-ray emission decreases significantly. The long-term variability of SAX J2103.5+4545 is characterised by fast episodes of disc loss and subsequent reformation. The time scales for the loss and reformation of the disc (about 2 years) are the fastest among Be/X-ray binaries.
We report the discovery of a very young high-mass X-ray binary (HMXB) system associated with the supernova remnant (SNR) MCSNRJ0513-6724 in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), using XMM-Newton X-ray observations. The HMXB is located at the geometrical centre of extended soft X-ray emission, which we confirm as an SNR. The HMXB spectrum is consistent with an absorbed power law with spectral index ~1.6 and a luminosity of 7x10^{33} ergs/s (0.2--12 keV). Tentative X-ray pulsations are observed with a periodicity of 4.4 s and the OGLE I-band light curve of the optical counterpart from more than 17.5 years reveals a period of 2.2324pm0.0003 d, which we interpret as the orbital period of the binary system. The X-ray spectrum of the SNR is consistent with non-equilibrium shock models as expected for young/less evolved SNRs. From the derived ionisation time scale we estimate the age of the SNR to be <6 kyr. The association of the HMXB with the SNR makes it the youngest HMXB, in the earliest evolutionary stage known to date. A HMXB as young as this can switch on as an accreting pulsar only when the spin period has reached a critical value. Under this assumption, we obtain an upper limit to the magnetic field of < 5x10^{11} G. This implies several interesting possibilities including magnetic field burial, possibly by an episode of post-supernova hyper-critical accretion. Since these fields are expected to diffuse out on a timescale of 10^{3}-10^{4} years, the discovery of a very young HMXB can provide us the unique opportunity to observe the evolution of the observable magnetic field for the first time in X-ray binaries.
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