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Magnetic anomalies of hydrous cobaltate compound Na_x(H_3O)_zCoO_2 cdot yH_2O detected by NMR and NQR measurements

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 نشر من قبل Yoshihiko Ihara
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In order to investigate the relationship between superconductivity and magnetism in bilayer-hydrate cobaltate Na_x(H_3O)_zCoO_2 cdot yH_2O, Co nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) measurements were performed on three different samples, which demonstrate various ground states at low temperatures. The appearance of small internal fields is observed in the NQR spectra below approximately 6 K on one of the samples that possesses the largest c-axis length and the highest NQR frequency. The other two samples exhibit superconducting transition in zero magnetic field, while these two samples show different ground states in the magnetic fields greater than 5 T. The comparison of the NMR spectra of these two samples obtained in high magnetic fields reveals the appearance of static internal magnetic fields at the Co site below 4 K in the sample that possesses the intermediate c-axis length and the NQR frequency.

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We report 139La, 57Fe and 75As nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) measurements on powders of the new LaO1-xFxFeAs superconductor for x = 0 and x = 0.1 at temperatures up to 480 K, and compare our measured NQR spec tra with local density approximation (LDA) calculations. For all three nuclei in the x = 0.1 material, it is found that the local Knight shift increases monotonically with an increase in temperature, and scales with the macroscopic susceptibility, suggesting a single magnetic degree of freedom. Surprisingly, the spin lattice relaxation rates for all nuclei also scale with one another, despite the fact that the form factors for each site sample different regions of q-space. This result suggests a lack of any q-space structure in the dynamical spin susceptibility that might be expected in the presence of antiferromagnetic correlations. Rather, our results are more compatible with simple quasi-particle scattering. Furthermore, we find that the increase in the electric field gradient at the As cannot be accounted for by LDA calculations, suggesting that structural changes, in particular the position of the As in the unit cell, dominate the NQR response.
We present $^{75}$As Nuclear Magnetic and Quadrupole Resonance results (NMR, NQR) on a new set of LaFeAsO$_{1-x}$F$_x$ polycrystalline samples. Improved synthesis conditions led to more homogenized samples with better control of the fluorine content. The structural$equiv$nematic, magnetic, and superconducting transition temperatures have been determined by NMR spin-lattice relaxation rate and AC susceptibility measurements. The so-determined phase diagram deviates from the published one especially for low F-doping concentrations. However, if the doping level is determined from the NQR spectra, both phase diagrams can be reconciled. The absence of bulk coexistence of magnetism and superconductivity and a nanoscale separation into low-doping-like and high-doping-like regions have been confirmed. Additional frequency dependent intensity, spin-spin, and spin-lattice relaxation rate measurements on underdoped samples at the boundary of magnetism and superconductivity indicate that orthorhombicity and magnetism originate from the low-doping-like regions, and superconductivity develops at first in the high-doping-like regions.
162 - Chao Mu , Qiangwei Yin , Zhijun Tu 2021
We report $^{121/123}$Sb nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) and $^{51}$V nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements on kagome metal CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ with $T_{rm c}=2.5$ K. Both $^{51}$V NMR spectra and $^{121/123}$Sb NQR spectra split after a charge density wave (CDW) transition, which demonstrates a commensurate CDW state. The coexistence of the high temperature phase and the CDW phase between $91$ K and $94$ K manifests that it is a first order phase transition. At low temperature, electric-field-gradient fluctuations diminish and magnetic fluctuations become dominant. Superconductivity emerges in the charge order state. Knight shift decreases and $1/T_{1}T$ shows a Hebel--Slichter coherence peak just below $T_{rm c}$, indicating that CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ is an s-wave superconductor.
We present the results of $^{75}$As nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR), and resistivity measurements in KFe$_2$As$_2$ under pressure ($p$). The temperature dependence of the NMR shift, nuclear spin-lattice relaxation time ($T_1$) and resistivity show a crossover between a high-temperature incoherent, local-moment behavior and a low-temperature coherent behavior at a crossover temperature ($T^*$). $T^*$ is found to increase monotonically with pressure, consistent with increasing hybridization between localized $3d$ orbital-derived bands with the itinerant electron bands. No anomaly in $T^*$ is seen at the critical pressure $p_{rm c}=1.8$ GPa where a change of slope of the superconducting (SC) transition temperature $T_{rm c}(p)$ has been observed. In contrast, $T_{rm c}(p)$ seems to correlate with antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations in the normal state as measured by the NQR $1/T_1$ data, although such a correlation cannot be seen in the replacement effects of A in the AFe$_2$As$_2$ (A= K, Rb, Cs) family. In the superconducting state, two $T_1$ components are observed at low temperatures, suggesting the existence of two distinct local electronic environments. The temperature dependence of the short $T_{rm 1s}$ indicates nearly gapless state below $T_{rm c}$. On the other hand, the temperature dependence of the long component 1/$T_{rm 1L}$ implies a large reduction in the density of states at the Fermi level due to the SC gap formation. These results suggest a real-space modulation of the local SC gap structure in KFe$_2$As$_2$ under pressure.
We report systematic 57Fe-NMR and 75As-NMR/NQR studies on an underdoped sample (T_c=20 K), an optimally doped sample (T_c=28 K), and an overdoped sample (T_c=22 K) of oxygen-deficient iron (Fe)-based oxypnictide superconductor LaFeAsO_{1-y}$. A micro scopic phase separation between superconducting domains and magnetic domains is shown to take place in the underdoped sample, indicating a local inhomogeneity in association with the density distribution of oxygen deficiencies. As a result, 1/T_1T in the normal state of the superconducting domain decreases significantly upon cooling at both the Fe and As sites regardless of the electron-doping level in LaFeAsO_{1-y}. On the basis of this result, we claim that $1/T_1T$ is not always enhanced by antiferromagnetic fluctuations close to an antiferromagnetic phase in the underdoped superconducting sample. This contrasts with the behavior in hole-doped Ba_{0.6}K_{0.4}Fe2As2(T_c= 38 K), which exhibits a significant increase in $1/T_1T$ upon cooling. We remark that the crucial difference between the normal-state properties of LaFeAsO_{1-y} and Ba_{0.6}K_{0.4}Fe2As2 originates from the fact that the relevant Fermi surface topologies are differently modified depending on whether electrons or holes are doped into the FeAs layers.
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