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Spin-Transport in Defective Graphene Nanoribbons

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 نشر من قبل Simon Dubois
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Using first-principles calculations, the effect of magnetic point defects (vacancy and adatom) is investigated in zigzag graphene nanoribbons. The structural, electronic, and spin-transport properties are studied. While pristine ribbons display anti-parallel spin states at their edges, the defects are found to perturb this coupling. The introduction of a vacancy drastically reduces the energy difference between parallel and anti-parallel spin orientations, though the latter is still favored. Moreover, the local magnetic moment of the defect is screened by the edges so that the total magnetic moment is quite small. In contrast, when an adatom is introduced, the parallel spin orientation is preferred and the local magnetic moment of the defect adds up to the contributions of the edges. Furthermore, a spin-polarized transmission is observed at the Fermi energy, suggesting the use of such a defective graphene nanoribbon as spin-valve device.

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On-surface synthesis has recently emerged as an effective route towards the atomically precise fabrication of graphene nanoribbons of controlled topologies and widths. However, whether and to which degree structural disorder occurs in the resulting s amples is a crucial issue for prospective applications that remains to be explored. Here, we experimentally identify missing benzene rings at the edges, which we name bite defects, as the most abundant type of disorder in armchair nanoribbons synthesized by the bottom-up approach. First, we address their density and spatial distribution on the basis of scanning tunnelling microscopy and find that they exhibit a strong tendency to aggregate. Next, we explore their effect on the quantum charge transport from first-principles calculations, revealing that such imperfections substantially disrupt the conduction properties at the band edges. Finally, we generalize our theoretical findings to wider nanoribbons in a systematic manner, hence establishing practical guidelines to minimize the detrimental role of such defects on the charge transport. Overall, our work portrays a detailed picture of bite defects in bottom-up armchair graphene nanoribbons and assesses their effect on the performance of carbon-based nanoelectronic devices.
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215 - D. Hou , J. H. Wei , S. J. Xie 2010
We theoretically design a graphene-based all-organic ferromagnetic semiconductor by terminating zigzag graphene nanoribbons (ZGNRs) with organic magnets. A large spin-split gap with 100% spin polarized density of states near the Fermi energy is obtai ned, which is of potential application in spin transistors. The interplays among electron, spin and lattice degrees of freedom are studied using the first-principles calculations combined with fundamental model analysis. All of the calculations consistently demonstrate that although no d electrons existing, the antiferromagnetic pi-pi exchange together with the strong spin-lattice interactions between organic magnets and ZGNRs make the ground state ferromagnetic. The fundamental physics makes it possible to optimally select the organic magnets towards practical applications.
Graphene nanoribbons are the counterpart of carbon nanotubes in graphene-based nanoelectronics. We investigate the electronic properties of chemically modified ribbons by means of density functional theory. We observe that chemical modifications of z igzag ribbons can break the spin degeneracy. This promotes the onset of a semiconducting-metal transition, or of an half-semiconducting state, with the two spin channels having a different bandgap, or of a spin-polarized half-semiconducting state -where the spins in the valence and conduction bands are oppositely polarized. Edge functionalization of armchair ribbons gives electronic states a few eV away from the Fermi level, and does not significantly affect their bandgap. N and B produce different effects, depending on the position of the substitutional site. In particular, edge substitutions at low density do not significantly alter the bandgap, while bulk substitution promotes the onset of semiconducting-metal transitions. Pyridine-like defects induce a semiconducting-metal transition.
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