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Lattice and Magnetic structures of PrFeAsO, PrFeAsO0.85F0.15 and PrFeAsO0.85

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 نشر من قبل Jun Zhao
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We use powder neutron diffraction to study the spin and lattice structures of polycrystalline samples of nonsuperconducting PrFeAsO and superconducting PrFeAsO0.85F0.15 and PrFeAsO0.85. We find that PrFeAsO exhibits an abrupt structural phase transitions at 153 K, followed by static long range antiferromagnetic order at 127 K. Both the structural distortion and magnetic order are identical to other rare-earth oxypnictides. Electron-doping the system with either Fluorine or oxygen deficiency suppresses the structural distortion and static long range antiferromagnetic order, therefore placing these materials into the same class of FeAs-based superconductors.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We present results of transport and magnetic properties and heat capacity measurements on polycrystalline CeFeAsO, PrFeAsO, and NdFeAsO. These materials undergo structural phase transitions, spin density wave-like magnetic ordering of small moments o n iron, and antiferromagnetic ordering of rare earth moments. The temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity, Seebeck coefficient, thermal conductivity, Hall coefficient, and magnetoresistance are reported. The magnetic behavior of the materials have been investigated using Mossbauer spectroscopy and magnetization measurements. Transport and magnetic properties are affected strongly by the structural and magnetic transitions, suggesting significant changes in the band structure and/or carrier mobilities occur, and phonon-phonon scattering is reduced upon transformation to the low temperature structure. Results are compared to recent reports for LaFeAsO, and systematic variations in properties as the identity of Ln is changed are observed and discussed. As Ln progresses across the rare-earth series from La to Nd, an increase in the hole contributions to Seebeck coefficient, and increases in magnetoresistance and the Hall coefficient are observed in the low temperature phase. Analysis of hyperfine fields at the iron nuclei determined from Mossbauer spectra indicates that the moment on Fe in the orthorhombic phase is nearly independent of the identity of Ln, in apparent contrast to reports of powder neutron diffraction refinements.
Recent experimental results indicate that superconductivity in Sr2RuO4 is described by the p-wave E_u representation of the D_{4h} point group. Results on the vortex lattice structures for this representation are presented. The theoretical results are compared with experiment.
We report the structure and magnetism of PrOFeAs, one of the parent phases of the newly discovered Fe-As superconductors, as measured by neutron powder diffraction. In common with other REOFeAs materials, a tetragonal-orthorhombic phase transition is found on cooling below 136 K and striped Fe magnetism with $k =$(1,0,1) is detected below $sim$ 85 K. Our magnetic order parameter measurements show that the ordered Fe moment along the a axis reaches a maximum at $sim$ 40 K, below which an anomalous expansion of the c axis sets in, which results in a negative thermal volume expansion of 0.015 % at 2 K. We propose that this effect, which is suppressed in superconducting samples, is driven by a delicate interplay between Fe and Pr ordered moments.
Neutron diffraction and muon spin relaxation measurements are used to obtain a detailed phase diagram of Pr(Fe,Ru)AsO. The isoelectronic substitution of Ru for Fe acts effectively as spin dilution, suppressing both the structural and magnetic phase t ransitions. The temperature of the tetragonal-orthorhombic structural phase transition decreases gradually as a function of x. Slightly below the transition temperature coherent precessions of the muon spin are observed corresponding to static magnetism, possibly reflecting a significant magneto-elastic coupling in the FeAs layers. Short range order in both the Fe and Pr moments persists for higher levels of x. The static magnetic moments disappear at a concentration coincident with that expected for percolation of the J1-J2 square lattice model.
A detailed elastic neutron scattering study of the structural and magnetic phase transitions in single-crystal SrFe$_2$As$_2$ reveals that the orthorhombic (O)-tetragonal (T) and the antiferromagnetic transitions coincide at $T_texttt{O}$ = $T_texttt {N}$ = (201.5 $pm$ 0.25) K. The observation of coexisting O-T phases over a finite temperature range at the transition and the sudden onset of the O distortion provide strong evidences that the structural transition is first order. The simultaneous appearance and disappearance within 0.5 K upon cooling and within 0.25 K upon warming, respectively, indicate that the magnetic and structural transitions are intimately coupled. We find that the hysteresis in the transition temperature extends over a 1-2 K range. Based on the observation of a remnant orthorhombic phase at temperatures higher than emph{T}$_texttt{O}$, we suggest that the T-O transition may be an order-disorder transition.
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