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Stark deceleration of OH radicals in low-field-seeking and high-field-seeking quantum states

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 نشر من قبل Jochen K\\\"upper
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The Stark deceleration of OH radicals in both low-field-seeking and high-field-seeking levels of the rovibronic ${}^2Pi_{3/2},v=0,J=3/2$ ground state is demonstrated using a single experimental setup. Applying alternating-gradient focusing, OH radicals in their low-field-seeking ${}^2Pi_{3/2},v=0,J=3/2,f$ state have been decelerated from 345 m/s to 239 m/s, removing 50 % of the kinetic energy using only 27 deceleration stages. The alternating-gradient decelerator allows to independently control longitudinal and transverse manipulation of the molecules. Optimized high-voltage switching sequences for the alternating-gradient deceleration are applied, in order to adjust the dynamic focusing strength in every deceleration stage to the changing velocity over the deceleration process. In addition we have also decelerated OH radicals in their high-field-seeking ${}^2Pi_{3/2},v=0,J=3/2,e$ state from 355 m/s to 316 m/s. For the states involved, a real crossing of hyperfine levels occurs at 640 V/cm, which is examined by varying a bias voltage applied to the electrodes.

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We demonstrate the deceleration of heavy polar molecules in low-field seeking states by combining a cryogenic source and a travelling-wave Stark decelerator. The cryogenic source provides a high intensity beam with low speed and temperature, and the travelling-wave decelerator provides large deceleration forces and high phase-space acceptance. We prove these techniques using YbF molecules and find the experimental data to be in excellent agreement with numerical simulations. These methods extend the scope of Stark deceleration to a very wide range of molecules.
We report on the Stark deceleration of a pulsed molecular beam of NO radicals. Stark deceleration of this chemically important species has long been considered unfeasible due to its small electric dipole moment of 0.16 D. We prepared the NO radicals in the X 2{Pi}3/2, v=0, J=3/2 spin-orbit excited state from the X 2{Pi}1/2, v=0, J=1/2 ground state by Franck-Condon pumping via the A 2{Sigma}+ state. The larger effective dipole moment in the J=3/2 level of the X 2{Pi}3/2, v=0 state, in combination with a 316-stages-long Stark decelerator, allowed us to decelerate NO radicals from 315.0 m/s to 229.2 m/s, thus removing 47 % of their kinetic energy. The measured time-of-flight profiles of the NO radicals exiting the decelerator show good agreement with the outcome of numerical trajectory simulations.
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