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Design Method for Electromagnetic Cloak with Arbitrary Shapes Based on Laplaces Equation

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 نشر من قبل Jin Hu
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In transformation optics, the space transformation is viewed as the deformation of a material. The permittivity and permeability tensors in the transformed space are found to correlate with the deformation field of the material. By solving the Laplaces equation, which describes how the material will deform during a transformation, we can design electromagnetic cloaks with arbitrary shapes if the boundary conditions of the cloak are considered. As examples, the material parameters of the spherical and elliptical cylindrical cloaks are derived based on the analytical solutions of the Laplaces equation. For cloaks with irregular shapes, the material parameters of the transformation medium are determined numerically by solving the Laplaces equation. Full-wave simulations based on the Maxwells equations validate the designed cloaks. The proposed method can be easily extended to design other transformation materials for electromagnetic and acoustic wave phenomena.

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The fact that the capacitance coefficients for a set of conductors are geometrical factors is derived in most electricity and magnetism textbooks. We present an alternative derivation based on Laplaces equation that is accessible for an intermediate course on electricity and magnetism. The properties of Laplaces equation permits to prove many properties of the capacitance matrix. Some examples are given to illustrate the usefulness of such properties.
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In computational physics and mathematical physics, modal analysis method has been one of important study topics. The central purposes of this Post-Doctoral Concluding Report are (1) to reveal the core position of energy viewpoint in the realm of elec tromagnetic modal analysis; (2) to show how to do energy-viewpoint-based modal analysis for various electromagnetic structures. The major conclusions of this report are that: energy conservation law governs the energy utilization processes of various electromagnetic structures, and its energy source term sustains the steady energy utilization processes; the whole modal space of an electromagnetic structure is spanned by a series of energy-decoupled modes (DMs), which dont have net energy exchange in any integral period; the DMs can be effectively constructed by orthogonalizing energy source operator, which is just the operator form of the energy source term. Specifically speaking: in classical electromagnetism, energy conservation law has five different manifestation forms, that are power transport theorem (PTT), partial-structure-oriented work-energy theorem (PS-WET), entire-structure-oriented work-energy theorem (ES-WET), Poyntings theorem (PtT), and Lorentzs reciprocity theorem (LRT) forms; the energy source terms in the first four forms are formulated as input power operator (IPO), partial-structure-oriented driving power operator (PS-DPO), entire-structure-oriented driving power operator (ES-DPO), and Poyntings flux operator (PtFO); the DMs of wave-port-fed, lumped-port-driven, externally-incident-field-driven, and energy-dissipating/self-oscillating electromagnetic structures can be constructed by orthogonalizing IPO, PS-DPO, ES-DPO, and PtFO; LRT guarantees that the obtained DMs satisfy some useful Em-Hn orthogonality relations, where the Em and Hn represent the electric field of the m-th DM and the magnetic field of the n-th DM.
We present a new methodology for calculating the electromagnetic radiation from accelerated charged particles. Our formulation --- the `endpoint formulation --- combines numerous results developed in the literature in relation to radiation arising fr om particle acceleration using a complete, and completely general, treatment. We do this by describing particle motion via a series of discrete, instantaneous acceleration events, or `endpoints, with each such event being treated as a source of emission. This method implicitly allows for particle creation/destruction, and is suited to direct numerical implementation in either the time- or frequency-domains. In this paper, we demonstrate the complete generality of our method for calculating the radiated field from charged particle acceleration, and show how it reduces to the classical named radiation processes such as synchrotron, Tamms description of Vavilov-Cherenkov, and transition radiation under appropriate limits. Using this formulation, we are immediately able to answer outstanding questions regarding the phenomenology of radio emission from ultra-high-energy particle interactions in both the Earths atmosphere and the Moon. In particular, our formulation makes it apparent that the dominant emission component of the Askaryan Effect (coherent radio-wave radiation from high-energy particle cascades in dense media) comes from coherent `bremsstrahlung from particle acceleration, rather than coherent Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation.
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