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Reconstruction of HI power spectra with radio-interferometers to study dark energy

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 نشر من قبل James Rich
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Among the tools available for the study of the dark energy driving the expansion of the Universe, Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) and their effects on the matter power spectrum are particularly attractive. It was recently proposed to study these oscillations by mapping the 21cm emission of the neutral hydrogen in the redshift range $0.5<z<3$. We discuss here the precision of such measurements using radio-interferometers consisting of arrays of dishes or north-south oriented cylinders. We then discuss the resulting uncertainties on the BAO scales and the sensitivity to the parameters of the Dark Energy equation of state.

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LOFAR detected toward 3C 196 linear polarization structures which were found subsequently to be closely correlated with cold filamentary HI structures. The derived direction-dependent HI power spectra revealed marked anisotropies for narrow ranges in velocity, sharing the orientation of the magnetic field as expected for magneto hydrodynamical turbulence. Using the Galactic portion of the Effelsberg-Bonn HI Survey we continue our study of such anisotropies in the HI distribution in direction of two WSRT fields, Horologium and Auriga; both are well known for their prominent radio-polarimetric depolarization canals. At 349 MHz the observed pattern in total intensity is insignificant but polarized intensity and polarization angle show prominent ubiquitous structures with so far unknown origin. Apodizing the HI survey data by applying a rotational symmetric 50 percent Tukey window, we derive average and position angle dependent power spectra. We fit power laws and characterize anisotropies in the power distribution. We use a Gaussian analysis to determine relative abundances for the cold and warm neutral medium. For the analyzed radio-polarimetric targets significant anisotropies are detected in the HI power spectra; their position angles are aligned to the prominent depolarization canals, initially detected by WSRT. HI anisotropies are associated with steep power spectra. Steep power spectra, associated with cold gas, are detected also in other fields. Radio-polarimetric depolarization canals are associated with filamentary HI structures that belong to the cold neutral medium (CNM). Anisotropies in the CNM are in this case linked to a steepening of the power-spectrum spectral index, indicating that phase transitions in a turbulent medium occur on all scales. Filamentary HI structures, driven by thermal instabilities, and radio-polarimetric filaments are associated with each other.
156 - F. Govoni , M. Murgia , H. Xu 2013
Synchrotron radio halos at the center of merging galaxy clusters provide the most spectacular and direct evidence of the presence of relativistic particles and magnetic fields associated with the intracluster medium. The study of polarized emission f rom radio halos has been shown to be extremely important to constrain the properties of intracluster magnetic fields. However, detecting this polarized signal is a very hard task with the current radio facilities.We investigate whether future radio observatories, such as the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) and its precursors and pathfinders, will be able to detect the polarized emission of radio halos in galaxy clusters.On the basis of cosmological magnetohydrodynamical simulations with initial magnetic fields injected by active galactic nuclei, we predict the expected radio halo polarized signal at 1.4 GHz. We compare these expectations with the limits of current radio facilities and explore the potential of the forthcoming radio interferometers to investigate intracluster magnetic fields through the detection of polarized emission from radio halos.The resolution and sensitivity values that are expected to be obtained in future sky surveys performed at 1.4 GHz using the SKA precursors and pathfinders (like APERTIF and ASKAP) are very promising for the detection of the polarized emission of the most powerful (L1.4GHz>10e25 Watt/Hz) radio halos. Furthermore, the JVLA have the potential to already detect polarized emission from strong radio halos, at a relatively low resolution.However, the possibility of detecting the polarized signal in fainter radio halos (L1.4GHz~10e24 Watt/Hz) at high resolution requires a sensitivity reachable only with SKA.
117 - Masahiro Takada 2007
(Abridged) Combining cosmic shear power spectra and cluster counts is powerful to improve cosmological parameter constraints and/or test inherent systematics. However they probe the same cosmic mass density field, if the two are drawn from the same s urvey region, and therefore the combination may be less powerful than first thought. We investigate the cross-covariance between the cosmic shear power spectra and the cluster counts based on the halo model approach, where the cross-covariance arises from the three-point correlations of the underlying mass density field. Fully taking into account the cross-covariance as well as non-Gaussian errors on the lensing power spectrum covariance, we find a significant cross-correlation between the lensing power spectrum signals at multipoles l~10^3 and the cluster counts containing halos with masses M>10^{14}Msun. Including the cross-covariance for the combined measurement degrades and in some cases improves the total signal-to-noise ratios up to plus or minus 20% relative to when the two are independent. For cosmological parameter determination, the cross-covariance has a smaller effect as a result of working in a multi-dimensional parameter space, implying that the two observables can be considered independent to a good approximation. We also discuss that cluster count experiments using lensing-selected mass peaks could be more complementary to cosmic shear tomography than mass-selected cluster counts of the corresponding mass threshold. Using lensing selected clusters with a realistic usable detection threshold (S/N~6 for a ground-based survey), the uncertainty on each dark energy parameter may be roughly halved by the combined experiments, relative to using the power spectra alone.
We investigate cosmological scenarios containing one canonical scalar field with an exponential potential in the context of bouncing models, where the bounce happens due to quantum cosmological effects. The only possible bouncing solutions in this sc enario (discarding an infinitely fine tuned exception) must have one and only one dark energy phase, either occurring in the contracting era or in the expanding era. Hence,these bounce solutions are necessarily asymmetric. We calculate the spectral indexes and amplitudes of scalar and tensor perturbations numerically, considering the whole history of the model, including the bounce phase itself, without making any approximation or using any matching condition on the perturbations. As the background model is necessarily dust dominated in the far past, the usual adiabatic vacuum initial conditions can be easily imposed in this era. Hence, this is a cosmological model where the presence of dark energy behavior in the Universe does not turn problematic the usual vacuum initial conditions prescription for cosmological perturbation in bouncing models. Scalar and tensor perturbations end up being almost scale invariant, as expected. The background parameters can be adjusted, without fine tunings, to yield the observed amplitude for scalar perturbations, and also for the ratio between tensor and scalar amplitudes, $r = T/S lesssim 0.1$. The amplification of scalar perturbations over tensor perturbations takes place only around the bounce, due to quantum effects, and it would not occur if General Relativity has remained valid throughout this phase. Hence, this is a bouncing model where a single field induces not only an expanding background dark energy phase, but also produces all observed features of cosmological perturbations of quantum mechanical origin at linear order.
95 - Miguel F. Morales 2008
This proceeding concentrates on the BAO signature of dark energy, and how the SKA dark energy case has been complicated by the emergence of HI structure experiments modeled after the Epoch of Reionization observatories. The purpose of the conference talk was to review the current status of the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA), and show the applications of HI structure observations for both reionization and dark energy measurements. Since the status of the MWA is changing weekly, please see the website www.haystack.mit.edu/ast/arrays/mwa/ for the current status. This proceedings will instead concentrate on HI structure observations, their applicability to reionization and cosmography, and the implications for the SKA and future HI structure observations of dark energy.
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