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الكثافة الحالية للفونون من LaFeAsO1-xFx

Phonon Density of States of LaFeAsO1-xFx

931   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 نشر من قبل Mark D. Lumsden
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We have studied the phonon density of states (PDOS) in LaFeAsO1-xFx with inelastic neutron scattering methods. The PDOS of the parent compound(x=0) is very similar to the PDOS of samples optimally doped with fluorine to achieve the maximum Tc (x~0.1). Good agreement is found between the experimental PDOS and first-principle calculations with the exception of a small difference in Fe mode frequencies. The PDOS reported here is not consistent with conventional electron-phonon mediated superconductivity.

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اقرأ أيضاً

The electrical resistivity (Rxx) and Hall resistivity (Rxy) of LaFeAsO1-xFx have been measured over a wide fluorine doping range 0 =< x =< 0.14 using 60 T pulsed magnets. While the superconducting phase diagram (Tc, x) displays the classic dome-shape d structure, we find that the resistive upper critical field (Hc2) increases monotonically with decreasing fluorine concentration, with the largest Hc2 >= 75 T for x = 0.05. This is reminiscent of the composition dependence in high-Tc cuprates and might correlate with opening of a pseudo-gap in the underdoped region. Further, the temperature dependence of Hc2(T) for superconducting samples can be understood in terms of multi-band superconductivity. Rxy data for non-superconducting samples show non-linear field dependence, which is also consistent with a multi-carrier scenario.
The anisotropy of the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate $1/T_{1}$ of $^{75}$As was investigated in the iron-based superconductor LaFeAs(O$_{1-x}$F$_{x}$) ($x = 0.07, 0.11$ and 0.14) as well as LaFeAsO. While the temperature dependence of the norma l-state $1/T_1T$ in the superconducting (SC) $x = 0.07$ is different from that in the SC $x = 0.11$, their anisotropy of $1/T_1$, $R equiv (1/T_{1})_{H parallel ab}/(1/T_{1})_{H parallel c}$ in the normal state is almost the same ($simeq$ 1.5). The observed anisotropy is ascribable to the presence of the local stripe correlations with $Q = (pi, 0)$ or $(0, pi)$. In contrast, $1/T_1$ is isotropic and $R$ is approximately 1 in the overdoped $x = 0.14$ sample, where superconductivity is almost suppressed. These results suggest that the presence of the local stripe correlations originating from the nesting between hole and electron Fermi surfaces is linked to high-$T_c$ superconductivity in iron pnictides.
300 - Wei Lu , Xiao-Li Shen , Jie Yang 2008
Here we report the superconductivity in the LaFeAsO1-xFx system prepared by high pressure synthesis. The highest onset superconducting transition temperature (Tc) in this La-based system is 41.0 K with the nominal composition of LaFeAsO1-xFx (x = 0.6 ), which is higher than that reported previously by ambient pressure synthesis. The increase of Tc can be attributed to the further shrinkage of crystal lattice that causes the stronger chemical pressure on the Fe-As plane, which is induced by the increased F-doping level under high pressure synthesis.
183 - G. Li , B. S. Conner , S. Weyeneth 2010
Here, we present a de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) effect1 study on the newly discovered LaFeAsO1-xFx compounds2,3 in order to unveil the topography of the Fermi surface associated with their antiferromagnetic and superconducting phases, which is essential for understanding their magnetism, pairing symmetry and superconducting mechanism. Calculations 4 and surface-sensitive measurements 5,6,7 provided early guidance, but lead to contradictory results, generating a need for a direct experimental probe of their bulk Fermi surface. In antiferromagnetic LaFeAsO1-xFx 8,9 we observe a complex pattern in the Fourier spectrum of the oscillatory component superimposed onto the magnetic torque signal revealing a reconstructed Fermi surface, whose geometry is not fully described by band structure calculations. Surprisingly, several of the same frequencies, or Fermi surface cross-sectional areas, are also observed in superconducting LaFeAsO1-xFx (with a superconducting transition temperature Tc ~ 15 K). Although one could attribute this to inhomogeneous F doping, the corresponding effective masses are largely enhanced with respect to those of the antiferromagnetic compound. Instead, this implies the microscopic coexistence of superconductivity and antiferromagnetism on the same Fermi surface in the underdoped region of the phase diagram of the LaFeAsO1-xFx series. Thus, the dHvA-effect reveals a more complex Fermi surface topography than that predicted by band structure calculations4 upon which the currently proposed superconducting pairing scenarios10,11,12,13 are based, which could be at the origin of their higher Tcs when compared to their phosphide analogs.
Millimeter-sized single crystals of LaFeAsO, LaFeAsO1-xFx, and LaFe1-xCoxAsO were grown in NaAs flux at ambient pressure. The detailed growth procedure and crystal characterizations are reported. The as-grown crystals have typical dimensions of 3 * 4 * 0.05-0.3 mm3 with the crystallographic c-axis perpendicular to the plane of the plate-like single crystals. Some crystals manifest linear dimensions as large as 4-5 mm. X-ray and neutron single crystal scattering confirmed that LaFeAsO crystals exhibit a structural phase transition at Ts ~ 154 K and a magnetic phase transition at TSDW ~ 140 K. The transition temperatures agree with those determined by anisotropic magnetization, in-plane electrical resistivity and specific heat measurements and are consistent with previous reports on polycrystalline samples. Co and F were successfully introduced into the lattice leading to superconducting LaFe1-xCoxAsO and LaFeAsO1-xFx single crystals, respectively. This growth protocol has been successfully employed to grow single crystals of NdFeAsO. Thus it is expected to be broadly applicable to grow other RMAsO (R = rare earth, M = transition metal) compounds. These large crystals will facilitate the efforts of unraveling the underlying physics of iron pniticide superconductors.
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