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The SMC SNR 1E0102.2-7219 as a Calibration Standard for X-ray Astronomy in the 0.3-2.5 keV Bandpass

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 نشر من قبل Paul Plucinsky
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The flight calibration of the spectral response of CCD instruments below 1.5 keV is difficult in general because of the lack of strong lines in the on-board calibration sources typically available. We have been using 1E 0102.2-7219, the brightest supernova remnant in the Small Magellanic Cloud, to evaluate the response models of the ACIS CCDs on the Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO), the EPIC CCDs on the XMM-Newton Observatory, the XIS CCDs on the Suzaku Observatory, and the XRT CCD on the Swift Observatory. E0102 has strong lines of O, Ne, and Mg below 1.5 keV and little or no Fe emission to complicate the spectrum. The spectrum of E0102 has been well characterized using high-resolution grating instruments, namely the XMM-Newton RGS and the CXO HETG, through which a consistent spectral model has been developed that can then be used to fit the lower-resolution CCD spectra. We have also used the measured intensities of the lines to investigate the consistency of the effective area models for the various instruments around the bright O (~570 eV and 654 eV) and Ne (~910 eV and 1022 eV) lines. We find that the measured fluxes of the O VII triplet, the O VIII Ly-alpha line, the Ne IX triplet, and the Ne X Ly-alpha line generally agree to within +/-10 % for all instruments, with 28 of our 32 fitted normalizations within +/-10% of the RGS-determined value. The maximum discrepancies, computed as the percentage difference between the lowest and highest normalization for any instrument pair, are 23% for the O VII triplet, 24% for the O VIII Ly-alpha line, 13% for the Ne IX triplet, and 19% for the Ne X Ly-alpha line. If only the CXO and XMM are compared, the maximum discrepancies are 22% for the O VII triplet, 16% for the O VIII Ly-alpha line, 4% for the Ne IX triplet, and 12% for the Ne X Ly-alpha line.

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103 - Paul P. Plucinsky 2016
We desire a simple comparison of the absolute effective areas of the current generation of CCD instruments onboard the following observatories: Chandra ACIS-S3, XMM-Newton (EPIC-MOS and EPIC-pn), Suzaku XIS, and Swift XRT and a straightforward compar ison of the time-dependent response of these instruments across their respective mission lifetimes. We have been using 1E 0102.2-7219, the brightest supernova remnant in the Small Magellanic Cloud, to evaluate and modify the response models of these instruments. 1E 0102.2-7219 has strong lines of O, Ne, and Mg below 1.5 keV and little or no Fe emission to complicate the spectrum. As part of the activities of the International Astronomical Consortium for High Energy Calibration (IACHEC), we have developed a standard spectral model for 1E 0102.2-7219. The model is empirical in that it includes Gaussians for the identified lines, an absorption component in the Galaxy, another absorption component in the SMC, and two thermal continuum components. In our fits, the model is highly constrained in that only the normalizations of the four brightest lines/line complexes (the O vii He$alpha$ triplet, O viii Ly$alpha$ line, the Ne ix He$alpha$ triplet, and the Ne x Ly$alpha$ line) and an overall normalization are allowed to vary. We have examined these measured line fluxes as a function of time for each instrument after applying the most recent calibrations that account for the time-dependent response of each instrument. We perform our effective area comparison with representative, early mission data when the radiation damage and contamination layers were at a minimum. We find that the measured fluxes of these lines generally agree to within +/-10% for all instruments, with 38 of our 48 fitted normalizations within +/-10% of the IACHEC model value.
Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer observations of the supernova remnant 1E0102.2-7219 in the Small Magellanic Cloud reveal a spectrum dominated by X-ray emission lines from hydrogen-like and helium-like ions of oxygen, neon, magne sium and silicon, with little iron. The dispersed spectrum shows a series of monochromatic images of the source in the light of individual spectral lines. Detailed examination of these dispersed images reveals Doppler shifts within the supernova remnant, indicating bulk matter velocities on the order of 1000 km/s. These bulk velocities suggest an expanding ring-like structure with additional substructure, inclined to the line of sight. A two-dimensional spatial/velocity map of the SNR shows a striking spatial separation of redshifted and blueshifted regions, and indicates a need for further investigation before an adequate 3D model can be found. The radii of the ring-like images of the dispersed spectrum vary with ionization stage, supporting an interpretation of progressive ionization due to passage of the reverse shock through the ejecta. Plasma diagnostics with individual emission lines of oxygen are consistent with an ionizing plasma in the low density limit, and provide temperature and ionization constraints on the plasma. Assuming a pure metal plasma, the mass of oxygen is estimated at ~6 solar masses, consistent with a massive progenitor.
textit{Resolve} onboard the X-ray satellite XRISM is a cryogenic instrument with an X-ray microcalorimeter in a Dewar. A lid partially transparent to X-rays (called gate valve, or GV) is installed at the top of the Dewar along the optical axis. Becau se observations will be made through the GV for the first few months, the X-ray transmission calibration of the GV is crucial for initial scientific outcomes. We present the results of our ground calibration campaign of the GV, which is composed of a Be window and a stainless steel mesh. For the stainless steel mesh, we measured its transmission using the X-ray beamline at ISAS. For the Be window, we used synchrotron facilities to measure the transmission and modeled the data with (i) photoelectric absorption and incoherent scattering of Be, (ii) photoelectric absorption of contaminants, and (iii) coherent scattering of Be changing at specific energies. We discuss the physical interpretation of the transmission discontinuity caused by the Bragg diffraction in poly-crystal Be, which we incorporated into our transmission phenomenological model. We present the X-ray diffraction measurement on the sample to support our interpretation. The measurements and the constructed model meet the calibration requirements of the GV. We also performed a spectral fitting of the Crab nebula observed with Hitomi SXS and confirmed improvements of the model parameters.
Aims: IKT 16 is an X-ray and radio-faint supernova remnant (SNR) in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). A previous X-ray study of this SNR found a hard X-ray source near its centre. Using all available archival and proprietary XMM-Newton data, alongsid e new multi-frequency radio-continuum surveys and optical observations at H-alpha and forbidden [SII] and [OIII] lines, we aim to constrain the properties of the SNR and discover the nature of the hard source within. Methods: We combine XMM-Newton datasets to produce the highest quality X-ray image of IKT 16 to date. We use this, in combination with radio and optical images, to conduct a multi-wavelength morphological analysis of the remnant. We extract separate spectra from the SNR and the bright source near its centre, and conduct spectral fitting of both regions. Results: We find IKT 16 to have a radius of 37+-3 pc, with the bright source located 8+-2 pc from the centre. This is the largest known SNR in the SMC. The large size of the remnant suggests it is likely in the Sedov-adiabatic phase of evolution. Using a Sedov model to fit the SNR spectrum, we find an electron temperature kT of 1.03+-0.12 keV and an age of 14700 yr. The absorption found requires the remnant to be located deep within the SMC. The bright source is fit with a power law with index 1.58+-0.07, and is associated with diffuse radio emission extending towards the centre of the SNR. We argue that this source is likely to be the neutron star remnant of the supernova explosion, and infer its transverse kick velocity to be 580+-100 km/s. The X-ray and radio properties of this source strongly favour a pulsar wind nebula (PWN) origin.
We present new X-ray timing and spectral observations of PSR J1930+1852, the young energetic pulsar at the center of the non-thermal supernova remnant G54.1+0.3. Using data obtained with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer and Chandra X-ray observatories we have derived an updated timing ephemeris of the 136 ms pulsar spanning 6 years. During this interval, however, the period evolution shows significant variability from the best fit constant spin-down rate of $dot P = 7.5112(6) times 10^{-13}$ s s$^{-1}$, suggesting strong timing noise and/or glitch activity. The X-ray emission is highly pulsed ($71pm5%$ modulation) and is characterized by an asymmetric, broad profile ($sim 70%$ duty cycle) which is nearly twice the radio width. The spectrum of the pulsed emission is well fitted with an absorbed power law of photon index $Gamma = 1.2pm0.2$; this is marginally harder than that of the unpulsed component. The total 2-10 keV flux of the pulsar is $1.7 times 10^{-12}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$. These results confirm PSR J1930+1852 as a typical Crab-like pulsar.
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