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Weyl groupoids of rank two and continued fractions

147   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 نشر من قبل I. Heckenberger
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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A relationship between continued fractions and Weyl groupoids of Cartan schemes of rank two is found. This allows to decide easily if a given Cartan scheme of rank two admits a finite root system. We obtain obstructions and sharp bounds for the entries of the Cartan matrices. Key words: Cartan matrix, continued fraction, Nichols algebra, Weyl groupoid

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We compare two families of continued fractions algorithms, the symmetrized Rosen algorithm and the Veech algorithm. Each of these algorithms expands real numbers in terms of certain algebraic integers. We give explicit models of the natural extension of the maps associated with these algorithms; prove that these natural extensions are in fact conjugate to the first return map of the geodesic flow on a related surface; and, deduce that, up to a conjugacy, almost every real number has an infinite number of common approximants for both algorithms.
194 - J. Bouttier , E. Guitter 2010
We present an unexpected connection between two map enumeration problems. The first one consists in counting planar maps with a boundary of prescribed length. The second one consists in counting planar maps with two points at a prescribed distance. W e show that, in the general class of maps with controlled face degrees, the solution for both problems is actually encoded into the same quantity, respectively via its power series expansion and its continued fraction expansion. We then use known techniques for tackling the first problem in order to solve the second. This novel viewpoint provides a constructive approach for computing the so-called distance-dependent two-point function of general planar maps. We prove and extend some previously predicted exact formulas, which we identify in terms of particular Schur functions.
104 - Boris Adamczewski 2005
It is widely believed that the continued fraction expansion of every irrational algebraic number $alpha$ either is eventually periodic (and we know that this is the case if and only if $alpha$ is a quadratic irrational), or it contains arbitrarily la rge partial quotients. Apparently, this question was first considered by Khintchine. A preliminary step towards its resolution consists in providing explicit examples of transcendental continued fractions. The main purpose of the present work is to present new families of transcendental continued fractions with bounded partial quotients. Our results are derived thanks to new combinatorial transcendence criteria recently obtained by Adamczewski and Bugeaud.
232 - Leonhard Euler 2018
This is a translation of Eulers Latin paper De fractionibus continuis observationes into English. In this paper Euler describes his theory of continued fractions. He teaches, how to transform series into continued fractions, solves the Riccati-Differ ential equation by means of continued fractions and finds many other interesting formulas and results (e.g, the continued fraction for the quotient of two hypergeometric series usually attributed to Gau{ss})
We exhibit a method to use continued fractions in function fields to find new families of hyperelliptic curves over the rationals with given torsion order in their Jacobians. To show the utility of the method, we exhibit a new infinite family of curv es over $mathbb Q$ with genus two whose Jacobians have torsion order eleven.
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