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Discovery of a [WO] central star in the planetary nebula Th 2-A

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 نشر من قبل Walter Weidmann A
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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% context About 2500 planetary nebulae are known in our Galaxy but only 224 have central stars with reported spectral types in the Strasbourg-ESO Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae (Acker et al. 1992; Acker et al. 1996) % aims We have started an observational program aiming to increase the number of PN central stars with spectral classification. % methods By means of spectroscopy and high resolution imaging, we identify the position and true nature of the central star. We carried out low resolution spectroscopic observations at CASLEO telescope, complemented with medium resolution spectroscopy performed at Gemini South and Magellan telescopes. % results As a first outcome of this survey, we present for the first time the spectra of the central star of the PN Th 2-A. These spectra show emission lines of ionized C and O, typical in Wolf-Rayet stars. % conclusions We identify the position of that central star, which is not the brightest one of the visual central pair. We classify it as of type [WO 3]pec, which is consistent with the high excitation and dynamical age of the nebula.

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We present the discovery and characterisation of the post-common-envelope central star system in the planetary nebula PN G283.7$-$05.1. Deep images taken as part of the POPIPlaN survey indicate that the nebula may possess a bipolar morphology similar to other post-common-envelope planetary nebulae. Simultaneous light and radial velocity curve modelling reveals the newly discovered binary system to comprise a highly-irradiated, M-type main-sequence star in a 5.9 hour orbit with a hot pre-white-dwarf. The nebular progenitor is found to have a particularly low mass of around 0.4 M$_odot$, making PN G283.7$-$05.1 one of only a handful of candidate planetary nebulae to be the product of a common-envelope event while still on the red giant branch. Beyond its low mass, the model temperature, surface gravity and luminosity are all found to be consistent with the observed stellar and nebular spectra through comparison with model atmospheres and photoionisation modelling. However, the high temperature (T$_mathrm{eff}sim$95kK) and high luminosity of the central star of the nebula are not consistent with post-RGB evolutionary tracks.
We present the first detailed spatio-kinematical analysis and modelling of the planetary nebula Abell 41, which is known to contain the well-studied close-binary system MT Ser. This object represents an important test case in the study of the evoluti on of planetary nebulae with binary central stars as current evolutionary theories predict that the binary plane should be aligned perpendicular to the symmetry axis of the nebula. Deep narrowband imaging in the light of [NII], [OIII] and [SII], obtained using ACAM on the William Herschel Telescope, has been used to investigate the ionisation structure of Abell 41. Longslit observations of the H-alpha and [NII] emission were obtained using the Manchester Echelle Spectrometer on the 2.1-m San Pedro Martir Telescope. These spectra, combined with the narrowband imagery, were used to develop a spatio-kinematical model of [NII] emission from Abell 41. The best fitting model reveals Abell 41 to have a waisted, bipolar structure with an expansion velocity of ~40kms at the waist. The symmetry axis of the model nebula is within 5$degr$ of perpendicular to the orbital plane of the central binary system. This provides strong evidence that the close-binary system, MT Ser, has directly affected the shaping of its nebula, Abell 41. Although the theoretical link between bipolar planetary nebulae and binary central stars is long established, this nebula is only the second to have this link, between nebular symmetry axis and binary plane, proved observationally.
A considerable fraction of the central stars of planetary nebulae (CSPNe) are hydrogen-deficient. Almost all of these H-deficient central stars (CSs) display spectra with strong carbon and helium lines. Most of them exhibit emission line spectra rese mbling those of massive WC stars. Therefore these stars are classed as CSPNe of spectral type [WC]. Recently, quantitative spectral analysis of two emission-line CSs, PB 8 and IC 4663, revealed that these stars do not belong to the [WC] class. Instead PB 8 has been classified as [WN/WC] type and IC 4663 as [WN] type. In this work we report the spectroscopic identification of another rare [WN] star, the CS of Abell 48. We performed a spectral analysis of Abell 48 with the Potsdam Wolf-Rayet (PoWR) models for expanding atmospheres. We find that the expanding atmosphere of Abell 48 is mainly composed of helium (85 per cent by mass), hydrogen (10 per cent), and nitrogen (5 per cent). The residual hydrogen and the enhanced nitrogen abundance make this object different from the other [WN] star IC 4663. We discuss the possible origin of this atmospheric composition.
Classical barium stars are binary systems which consist of a late-type giant enriched in carbon and slow neutron capture (s-process) elements and an evolved white dwarf (WD) that is invisible at optical wavelengths. The youngest observed barium stars are surrounded by planetary nebulae (PNe), ejected soon after the wind accretion of polluted material when the WD was in its preceeding asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase. Such systems are rare but powerful laboratories for studying AGB nucleosynthesis as we can measure the chemical abundances of both the polluted star and the nebula ejected by the polluter. Here we present evidence for a barium star in the PN Hen 2-39. The polluted giant is very similar to that found in WeBo 1. It is a cool (Teff=4250 +/- 150 K) giant enhanced in carbon ([C/H]=0.42 +/- 0.02 dex) and barium ([Ba/Fe]=1.50 +/- 0.25 dex). A spectral type of C-R3 C_24 nominally places Hen 2-39 amongst the peculiar early R-type carbon stars, however the barium enhancement and likely binary status mean that it is more likely to be a barium star with similar properties, rather than a true member of this class. An AGB star model of initial mass 1.8 Msun and a relatively large carbon pocket size can reproduce the observed abundances well, provided mass is transferred in a highly conservative way from the AGB star to the polluted star (e.g. wind Roche-lobe overflow). The nebula exhibits an apparent ring morphology in keeping with the other PNe around barium stars (WeBo 1 and A 70) and shows a high degree of ionization implying the presence of an invisible hot pre-WD companion that will require confirmation with UV observations. In contrast to A 70, the nebular chemical abundance pattern is consistent with non-Type I PNe, in keeping with the trend found from nebular s-process studies that non-Type I PNe are more likely to be s-process enhanced. (abridged)
146 - Brent Miszalski 2012
Several [WC]-type central stars of planetary nebulae (PNe) are known to mimic the spectroscopic appearance of massive carbon-rich or WC-type Wolf-Rayet stars. In stark contrast, no [WN]-type central stars have yet been identified as clear-cut analogu es of the common nitrogen-rich or WN-type Wolf-Rayet stars. We have identified the [WN3] central star of IC4663 to be the first unambiguous example in PNe. The low luminosity nucleus and an asymptotic giant branch (AGB) halo surrounding the main nebula prove the bona-fide PN nature of IC4663. Model atmosphere analysis reveals the [WN3] star to have an exotic chemical composition of helium (95%), hydrogen (<2%), nitrogen (0.8%), neon (0.2%) and oxygen (0.05%) by mass. Such an extreme helium-dominated composition cannot be predicted by current evolutionary scenarios for hydrogen deficient [WC]-type central stars. Only with the discovery of IC4663 and its unusual composition can we now connect [WN] central stars to the O(He) central stars in a second H-deficient and He-rich evolutionary sequence, [WN]->O(He), that exists in parallel to the carbon-rich [WC]->PG1159 sequence. This suggests a simpler mechanism, perhaps a binary merger, can better explain H-deficiency in PNe and potentially other H-deficient/He-rich stars. In this respect IC4663 is the best supported case for a possible merged binary central star of a PN.
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