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Metodos de Multiresolucion y su Aplicacion a un Modelo de Ingenieria

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 نشر من قبل Ricardo Ruiz Baier
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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The main objective of this dissertation is to present an adaptation of some finite volume methods used in the resolution of problems arising in sedimentation processes of flocculated suspensions (or sedimentation with compression). This adaptation is based on the utilization of multiresolution techniques, originally designed to reduce the computational cost incurred in solving using high resolution schemes in the numerical solution of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

197 - Raul Perez-Enriquez 2013
A modification to the gnomonic factor using the concept of triangle of Plato is presented. With the aid of the platonic gnomonic factor (fgp) as we called it, we find that the oracles mentioned by Herodotus in his History, Dodona in Greece and Ammon in Oasis Siwa, Libya, were placed there because the noon shadow of Sun of a gnomon formed, back in 2500BC, the triangle of Plato the former, and the Egyptian sacred triangle the latter. This means that both concepts were known by Egyptians form Thebes long before they were formalized by the Greeks. The right angled triangle concept is an idealization, as said by D. Magdolen, of an astronomical observation; i. e. it is the shadow cast by a gnomon. ----- Se presenta una modificacion al factor gnomonico usando el concepto de triangulo de Platon. Con la ayuda de lo que llamamos factor gnomonico platonico (fgp) nosotros encontramos que los oraculos mencionados por Herodoto en su Historia, Dodona en Grecia, y Ammon en el Oasis Siwa, Libia, fueron ubicados ahi porque, hacia el anio 2500AC, la sombra proyectada por un gnomon vertical formo el triangulo de Platon en el primero y el triangulo sagrado Egipcio el ultimo. Esto significa que ambos conceptos eran conocidos por los Egipcios de Tebas, a decir de Herodoto, bastante antes de estos fueran formalizados por los griegos. El concepto de triangulo rectangulo seria la idealizacion, como dice D. Magdolen, de una observacion astronomica; esto es, la proyeccion de la sombra por un gnomon.
This paper presents a finite-volume method, together with fully adaptive multi-resolution scheme to obtain spatial adaptation, and a Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg scheme with a local time-varying step to obtain temporal adaptation, to solve numerically the kn own bidominio equations that model the electrical activity of the tissue in the myocardium. Two simple models are considered for membrane flows and ionic currents. First we define an approximate solution and we verify its convergence to the corresponding weak solution of the continuum problem, obtaining in this way an alternative demonstration that the continuum problem is well-posed. Next we introduce the multiresolution technique and derive an optimal noise reduction threshold. The efficiency and precision of our method is seen in the reduction of machine time, memory usage, and errors in comparison to other methods. ----- En este trabajo se presenta un metodo de volumenes finitos enriquecido con un esquema de multiresolucion completamente adaptativo para obtener adaptatividad espacial, y un esquema Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg con paso temporal de variacion local para obtener adaptatividad temporal, para resolver numericamente las conocidas ecuaciones bidominio que modelan la actividad electrica del tejido en el miocardio. Se consideran dos modelos simples para las corrientes de membrana y corrientes ionicas. En primer lugar definimos una solucion aproximada y nos referimos a su convergencia a la correspondiente solucion debil del problema continuo, obteniendo de este modo una demostracion alternativa de que el problema continuo es bien puesto. Luego de introducir la tecnica de multiresolucion, se deriva un umbral optimo para descartar la informacion no significativa, y tanto la eficiencia como la precision de nuestro metodo es vista en terminos de la aceleracion de tiempo de maquina, compresion de memoria computacional y errores en diferentes normas.
This document is intended to present in detail the processing criteria and the analysis techniques used for the production of the Vulnerability Map Sanitary based on the use of public and open data sources. The paper makes use of statistical analysis techniques (MCA, PCA, etc.) and machine learning (autoencoders) for the processing and analysis of information. The final product is a map at the census track level that seeks to quantify the populations access to basic health benefits.
64 - Pierre Charollois 2004
We define Dedekind sums attached to a totally real number field of class number one. We prove that they satisfy some reciprocity law. Then we relate them to special values of Hecke $L$-functions. We conclude that they are ruled by Starks conjecture.
Institutional repositories are deposits of different types of digital files for access, disseminate and preserve them. This paper aims to explain the importance of repositories in the academic field of engineering as a way to democratize knowledge by teachers, researchers and students to contribute to social and human development. These repositories, usually framed in the Open Access Initiative, allow to ensure access free and open (unrestricted legal and economic) to different sectors of society and, thus, can make use of the services they offer. Finally, that repositories are evolving in the academic and scientific, and different disciplines of engineering should be prepared to provide a range of services through these systems to society of today and tomorrow.
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