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Groebner-Shirshov basis for the braid group in the Artin-Garside generators

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 نشر من قبل Leonid Bokut
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف L. A. Bokut

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In this paper, we give a Groebner-Shirshov basis of the braid group $B_{n+1}$ in the Artin--Garside generators. As results, we obtain a new algorithm for getting the Garside normal form, and a new proof that the braid semigroup $B^+{n+1}$ is the subsemigroup in $B_{n+1}$.

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اقرأ أيضاً

186 - L. A. Bokut 2008
In this paper, we obtain Groebner-Shirshov (non-commutative Grobner) bases for the braid groups in the Birman-Ko-Lee generators enriched by new ``Garside word $delta$. It gives a new algorithm for getting the Birman-Ko-Lee Normal Form in the braid gr oups, and thus a new algorithm for solving the word problem in these groups.
170 - L. A. Bokut , Y. Fong , W.-F. Ke 2008
We found Groebner-Shirshov basis for the braid semigroup $B^+_{n+1}$. It gives a new algorithm for the solution of the word problem for the braid semigroup and so for the braid group.
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In this paper we will present the results of Artin--Markov on braid groups by using the Groebner--Shirshov basis. As a consequence we can reobtain the normal form of Artin--Markov--Ivanovsky as an easy corollary.
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