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Uplink Macro Diversity of Limited Backhaul Cellular Network

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 نشر من قبل Amichai Sanderovich
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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In this work new achievable rates are derived, for the uplink channel of a cellular network with joint multicell processing, where unlike previous results, the ideal backhaul network has finite capacity per-cell. Namely, the cell sites are linked to the central joint processor via lossless links with finite capacity. The cellular network is abstracted by symmetric models, which render analytical treatment plausible. For this idealistic model family, achievable rates are presented for cell-sites that use compress-and-forward schemes combined with local decoding, for both Gaussian and fading channels. The rates are given in closed form for the classical Wyner model and the soft-handover model. These rates are then demonstrated to be rather close to the optimal unlimited backhaul joint processing rates, already for modest backhaul capacities, supporting the potential gain offered by the joint multicell processing approach. Particular attention is also given to the low-SNR characterization of these rates through which the effect of the limited backhaul network is explicitly revealed. In addition, the rate at which the backhaul capacity should scale in order to maintain the original high-SNR characterization of an unlimited backhaul capacity system is found.

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Two mobile users communicate with a central decoder via two base stations. Communication between the mobile users and the base stations takes place over a Gaussian interference channel with constant channel gains or quasi-static fading. Instead, the base stations are connected to the central decoder through orthogonal finite-capacity links, whose connectivity is subject to random fluctuations. There is only receive-side channel state information, and hence the mobile users are unaware of the channel state and of the backhaul connectivity state, while the base stations know the fading coefficients but are uncertain about the backhaul links state. The base stations are oblivious to the mobile users codebooks and employ compress-and-forward to relay information to the central decoder. Upper and lower bounds are derived on average achievable throughput with respect to the prior distribution of the fading coefficients and of the backhaul links states. The lower bounds are obtained by proposing strategies that combine the broadcast coding approach and layered distributed compression techniques. The upper bound is obtained by assuming that all the nodes know the channel state. Numerical results confirm the advantages of the proposed approach with respect to conventional non-robust strategies in both scenarios with and without fading.
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Hybrid analog and digital BeamForming (HBF) is one of the enabling transceiver technologies for millimeter Wave (mmWave) Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) systems. This technology offers highly directional communication, which is able to confront the intrinsic characteristics of mmWave signal propagation. However, the small coherence time in mmWave systems, especially under mobility conditions, renders efficient Beam Management (BM) in standalone mmWave communication a very difficult task. In this paper, we consider HBF transceivers with planar antenna panels and design a multi-level beam codebook for the analog beamformer comprising flat top beams with variable widths. These beams exhibit an almost constant array gain for the whole desired angle width, thereby facilitating efficient hierarchical BM. Focusing on the uplink communication, we present a novel beam training algorithm with dynamic beam ordering, which is suitable for the stringent latency requirements of the latest mmWave standard discussions. Our simulation results showcase the latency performance improvement and received signal-to-noise ratio with different variations of the proposed scheme over the optimum beam training scheme based on exhaustive narrow beam search.
Improving the data rate of machine-type communication (MTC) is essential in supporting emerging Internet of things (IoT) applications ranging from real-time surveillance to edge machine learning. To this end, in this paper we propose a resource alloc ation approach for uplink transmissions within a random access procedure in MTC by exploiting multichannel selection diversity, coined explore-before-talk (EBT). Each user in EBT first sends pilot signals through multiple channels that are initially allocated by a base station (BS) for exploration, and then the BS informs a subset of initially allocated channels that are associated with high signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) for data packet transmission by the user while releasing the rest of the channels for other users. Consequently, EBT exploits a multichannel selection diversity gain during data packet transmission, at the cost of exploration during pilot transmission. We optimize this exploration-exploitation trade-off, by deriving closed-form mean data rate and resource outage probability expressions. Numerical results corroborate that EBT achieves a higher mean data rate while satisfying the same outage constraint, compared to a conventional MTC protocol without exploration.
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