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HD 75289Ab revisited - Searching for starlight reflected from a hot Jupiter

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 نشر من قبل Florian Rodler
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Aims. We attempt to detect starlight reflected from a hot Jupiter, orbiting the main-sequence star HD 75289Ab. We report a revised analysis of observations of this planetary system presented previously by another research group. Methods. We analyse high-precision, high-resolution spectra, collected over four nights using UVES at the VLT/UT2, by way of data synthesis. We try to interpret our data using different atmospheric models for hot Jupiters. Results. We do not find any evidence for reflected light, and, therefore, establish revised upper limits to the planet-to-star flux ratio at the 99.9% significance level. At high orbital inclinations, where the best sensitivity is attained, we can limit the relative reflected radiation to be less than e = 6.7 x 10-5 assuming a grey albedo, and e = 8.3 x 10-5 assuming an Class IV function, respectively. This implies a geometric albedo smaller than p = 0.46 and p = 0.57, for the grey albedo and the Class IV albedo shape, respectively, assuming a planetary radius of 1.2 RJup.

قيم البحث

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In data from three clear nights of a WHT/UES run in 2000 Oct/Nov, and using improved Doppler tomographic signal-analysis techniques, we have carried out a deep search for starlight reflected from the innermost of upsilon Ands three planets. We place upper limits on the planets radius R_p as functions of its projected orbital velocity K_p ~ 139 sin i km/sec for various assumptions about the wavelength-dependent geometric albedo spectrum p(lambda) of its atmosphere. For a grey albedo p we find R_p sqrt{p} < 0.98 R_Jup with 0.1 percent false-alarm probability (4-sigma). For a Sudarsky et al (2000) Class V model atmosphere, the mean albedo in our 380-676 nm bandpass is <p> ~ 0.42, requiring R_p < 1.51 R_Jup, while an (isolated) Class IV model with <p> ~ 0.19 requires R_p < 2.23 R_Jup. The stars v sin{i} ~ 10 km/sec and estimated rotation period P_{rot} ~ 10 d suggest a high orbital inclination i ~ 70-80 degrees. We also develop methods for assessing the false-alarm probabilities of faint candidate detections, and for extracting information about the albedo spectrum and other planetary parameters from faint reflected-light signals.
Using improved doppler tomographic signal-analysis techniques we have carried out a deep search for starlight reflected from the giant planet orbiting the star Tau Bootis. We combined echelle spectra secured at the 4.2 m William Herschel telescope in 1998 and 1999 (which yielded a tentative detection of a reflected starlight component from the orbiting companion) with new data obtained in 2000 (which failed to confirm the detection). The combined dataset comprises 893 high resolution spectra with a total integration time of 75 hr 32 min spanning 17 nights. We establish an upper limit on the planets geometric albedo p<0.39 (at the 99.9 % significance level) at the most probable orbital inclination i=36 degrees, assuming a grey albedo, a Venus-like phase function and a planetary radius R_p=1.2 R_Jup. We are able to rule out some combinations of the predicted planetary radius and atmospheric albedo models with high, reflective cloud decks. Although a weak candidate signal appears near to the most probable radial velocity amplitude, its statistical significance is insufficient for us to claim a detection with any confidence.
Using the POLISH instrument, I am unable to reproduce the large-amplitude polarimetric observations of Berdyugina et al. (2008) to the >99.99% confidence level. I observe no significant polarimetric variability in the HD 189733 system, and the upper limit to variability from the exoplanet is Delta_P < 7.9 x 10^(-5) with 99% confidence in the 400 nm to 675 nm wavelength range. Berdyugina et al. (2008) report polarized, scattered light from the atmosphere of the HD 189733b hot Jupiter with an amplitude of two parts in 10^4. Such a large amplitude is over an order of magnitude larger than expected given a geometric albedo similar to other hot Jupiters. However, my non-detection of polarimetric variability phase-locked to the orbital period of the exoplanet, and the lack of any significant variability, shows that the polarimetric modulation reported by Berdyugina et al. (2008) cannot be due to the exoplanet.
The measurement of the light scattered from extrasolar planets informs atmospheric and formation models. With the discovery of many hot Jupiter planets orbiting nearby stars, this motivates the development of robust methods of characterisation from f ollow up observations. In this paper we discuss two methods for determining the planetary albedo in transiting systems. First, the most widely used method for measuring the light scattered by hot Jupiters (Collier Cameron et al.) is investigated for application for typical echelle spectra of a transiting planet system, showing that detection requires high signal-to-noise ratio data of bright planets. Secondly a new Fourier analysis method is also presented, which is model-independent and utilises the benefits of the reduced number of unknown parameters in transiting systems. This approach involves solving for the planet and stellar spectra in Fourier space by least-squares. The sensitivities of the methods are determined via Monte Carlo simulations for a range of planet-to-star fluxes. We find the Fourier analysis method to be better suited to the ideal case of typical observations of a well constrained transiting system than the Collier Cameron et al. method. We apply the Fourier analysis method for extracting the light scattered by transiting hot Jupiters from high resolution spectra to echelle spectra of HD 209458 and HD 189733. Unfortunately we are unable to improve on the previous upper limit of the planet-to-star flux for HD 209458b set by space-based observations. A 1{sigma}upper limit on the planet-to-star flux of HD 189733b is measured in the wavelength range of 558.83-599.56 nm yielding {epsilon} < 4.5 times 10-4. Improvement in the measurement of the upper limit of the planet-to-star flux of this system, with ground-based capabilities, requires data with a higher signal-to-noise ratio, and increased stability of the telescope.
225 - I. Pillitteri 2015
Hot Jupiters are subject to strong irradiation from the host stars and, as a consequence, they do evaporate. They can also interact with the parent stars by means of tides and magnetic fields. Both phenomena have strong implications for the evolution of these systems. Here we present time resolved spectroscopy of HD~189733 observed with the Cosmic Origin Spectrograph (COS) on board to HST. The star has been observed during five consecutive HST orbits, starting at a secondary transit of the planet ($phi$ ~0.50-0.63). Two main episodes of variability of ion lines of Si, C, N and O are detected, with an increase of line fluxes. Si IV lines show the highest degree of variability. The FUV variability is a signature of enhanced activity in phase with the planet motion, occurring after the planet egress, as already observed three times in X-rays. With the support of MHD simulations, we propose the following interpretation: a stream of gas evaporating from the planet is actively and almost steadily accreting onto the stellar surface, impacting at $70-90deg$ ahead of the sub-planetary point.
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