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Post-selective two-photon interference from a continuous non-classical stream of photons emitted by a quantum dot

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 نشر من قبل Anthony Bennett
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We report an electrically driven semiconductor single photon source capable of emitting photons with a coherence time of up to 400 ps under fixed bias. It is shown that increasing the injection current causes the coherence time to reduce and this effect is well explained by the fast modulation of a fluctuating environment. Hong-Ou-Mandel type two-photon interference using a Mach-Zehnder interferometer is demonstrated using this source to test the indistinguishability of individual photons by post-selecting events where two photons collide at a beamsplitter. Finally, we consider how improvements in our detection system can be used to achieve a higher interference visibility.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We propose methods for realization of continuous two photon source using coherently pumped quantum dot embedded inside a photonic crystal cavity. We analyze steady state population in quantum dot energy levels and field inside the cavity mode. We fin d conditions for population inversion in coherently pumped and incoherently pumped quantum dot. We show that squeezing in the output for two two photon laser is not visible using coherent as well as incoherent pump. We discuss effect of phonon coupling using recently developed polaron transformed master equation at low temperatures. We also propose scheme for generating squeezed state of field using four wave mixing.
Quantum repeaters are critical components for distributing entanglement over long distances in presence of unavoidable optical losses during transmission. Stimulated by Duan-Lukin-Cirac-Zoller protocol, many improved quantum-repeater protocols based on quantum memories have been proposed, which commonly focus on the entanglement-distribution rate. Among these protocols, the elimination of multi-photons (multi-photon-pairs) and the use of multimode quantum memory are demonstrated to have the ability to greatly improve the entanglement-distribution rate. Here, we demonstrate the storage of deterministic single photons emitted from a quantum dot in a polarization-maintaining solid-state quantum memory; in addition, multi-temporal-mode memory with $1$, $20$ and $100$ narrow single-photon pulses is also demonstrated. Multi-photons are eliminated, and only one photon at most is contained in each pulse. Moreover, the solid-state properties of both sub-systems make this configuration more stable and easier to be scalable. Our work will be helpful in the construction of efficient quantum repeaters based on all-solid-state devices
An entangled photon experiment has been performed with a large variation of the temperature of the non-linear crystal generating the entangled pair by spontaneous downconversion. The photon pairs are separated by a nonpolarizing beamsplitter, and the polarization modes are mixed by half wave plates. The correlation function of the coincidences is studied as a function of the temperature. In the presence of a narrow interference filter we observe that the correlation changes between -1 and +1 about seven times within a temperature interval of about 30 degrees C. We show that the common simplified single-mode pair representation of entangled photons is insufficient to describe the results, but that the biphoton description that includes frequency and phase details gives close to perfect fit with experimental data for two different choices of interference filters. We explain the main ideas of the underlying physics, and give an interpretation of the two-photon amplitude which provides an intuitive understanding of the effect of changing the temperature and inserting interference filters.
192 - H. Kumano , S. Ekuni , H. Nakajima 2009
Interference of a single photon generated from a single quantum dot is observed between two photon polarization modes. Each emitted single photon has two orthogonal polarization modes associated with the solid-state single photon source, in which two non-degenerate neutral exciton states are involved. The interference between the two modes takes place only under the condition that the emitted photon is free from which-mode information.
Long distance quantum communication is one of the prime goals in the field of quantum information science. With information encoded in the quantum state of photons, existing telecommunication fiber networks can be effectively used as a transport medi um. To achieve this goal, a source of robust entangled single photon pairs is required. While time-bin entanglement offers the required robustness, currently used parametric down-conversion sources have limited performance due to multi-pair contributions. We report the realization of a source of single time-bin entangled photon pairs utilizing the biexciton-exciton cascade in a III/V self-assembled quantum dot. We analyzed the generated photon pairs by an inherently phase-stable interferometry technique, facilitating uninterrupted long integration times. We confirmed the entanglement by performing a quantum state tomography of the emitted photons, which yielded a fidelity of 0.69(3) and a concurrence of 0.41(6).
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