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Lorentz Transformation and General Covariance Principle

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 نشر من قبل Aleks Kleyn
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Aleks Kleyn

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I tell about different mathematical tool that is important in general relativity. The text of the book includes definition of geometrical object, concept of reference frame, geometry of metric-affinne manifold. Using this concept I learn few physical applications: dynamics and Lorentz transformation in gravitational fields, Doppler shift. A reference frame in event space is a smooth field of orthonormal bases. Every reference frame is equipped by anholonomic coordinates. Using anholonomic coordinates allows to find out relative speed of two observers and appropriate Lorentz transformation. Synchronization of a reference frame is an anholonomic time coordinate. Simple calculations show how synchronization influences time measurement in the vicinity of the Earth. Measurement of Doppler shift from the star orbiting the black hole helps to determine mass of the black hole. We call a manifold with torsion and nonmetricity the metrichyph affine manifold. The nonmetricity leads to a difference between the auto parallel line and the extreme line, and to a change in the expression of the Frenet transport and moving basis. The torsion leads to a change in the Killing equation. We also need to add a similar equation for the connection. The analysis of the Frenet transport leads to the concept of the Cartan transport and an introduction of the connection compatible with the metric tensor. The dynamics of a particle follows to the Cartan transport. We need additional physical constraints to make a nonmetricity observable. Learning how torsion influences on tidal force reveals similarity between tidal equation for geodesic and the Killing equation of second type.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

In recent years it has been recognized that the hyperbolic numbers (an extension of complex numbers, defined as z=x+h*y with h*h=1 and x,y real numbers) can be associated to space-time geometry as stated by the Lorentz transformations of special rela tivity. In this paper we show that as the complex numbers had allowed the most complete and conclusive mathematical formalization of the constant curvature surfaces in the Euclidean space, in the same way the hyperbolic numbers allow a representation of constant curvature surfaces with non-definite line elements (Lorentz surfaces). The results are obtained just as a consequence of the space-time symmetry stated by the Lorentz group, but, from a physical point of view, they give the right link between fields and curvature as postulated by general relativity. This mathematical formalization can open new ways for application in the studies of field theories.
We present a variational approach which shows that the wave functions belonging to quantum systems in different potential landscapes, are pairwise linked to each other through a generalized continuity equation. This equation contains a source term pr oportional to the potential difference. In case the potential landscapes are related by a linear symmetry transformation in a finite domain of the embedding space, the derived continuity equation leads to generalized currents which are divergence free within this spatial domain. In a single spatial dimension these generalized currents are invariant. In contrast to the standard continuity equation, originating from the abelian $U(1)$-phase symmetry of the standard Lagrangian, the generalized continuity equations derived here, are based on a non-abelian $SU(2)$-transformation of a Super-Lagrangian. Our approach not only provides a rigorous theoretical framework to study quantum mechanical systems in potential landscapes possessing local symmetries, but it also reveals a general duality between quantum states corresponding to different Schr{o}dinger problems.
We prove that the energy of any eigenvector of a sum of several independent large Wigner matrices is equally distributed among these matrices with very high precision. This shows a particularly strong microcanonical form of the equipartition prin ciple for quantum systems whose components are modelled by Wigner matrices.
164 - Richard Kerner 2009
We show that the Lorentz and the SU(3) groups can be derived from the covariance principle conserving a $Z_3$-graded three-form on a $Z_3$-graded cubic algebra representing quarks endowed with non-standard commutation laws.
One manifestation of quantum resonances is a large sojourn time, or autocorrelation, for states which are initially localized. We elaborate on Lavines time-energy uncertainty principle and give an estimate on the sojourn time. For the case of perturb ed embedded eigenstates the bound is explicit and involves Fermis Golden Rule. It is valid for a very general class of systems. We illustrate the theory by applications to resonances for time dependent systems including the AC Stark effect as well as multistate systems.
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