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Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Using Random Matrix Theory

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 نشر من قبل Leonardo Cardoso
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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In this paper, using tools from asymptotic random matrix theory, a new cooperative scheme for frequency band sensing is introduced for both AWGN and fading channels. Unlike previous works in the field, the new scheme does not require the knowledge of the noise statistics or its variance and is related to the behavior of the largest and smallest eigenvalue of random matrices. Remarkably, simulations show that the asymptotic claims hold even for a small number of observations (which makes it convenient for time-varying topologies), outperforming classical energy detection techniques.

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This paper considers the problem of selecting a set of $k$ measurements from $n$ available sensor observations. The selected measurements should minimize a certain error function assessing the error in estimating a certain $m$ dimensional parameter v ector. The exhaustive search inspecting each of the $nchoose k$ possible choices would require a very high computational complexity and as such is not practical for large $n$ and $k$. Alternative methods with low complexity have recently been investigated but their main drawbacks are that 1) they require perfect knowledge of the measurement matrix and 2) they need to be applied at the pace of change of the measurement matrix. To overcome these issues, we consider the asymptotic regime in which $k$, $n$ and $m$ grow large at the same pace. Tools from random matrix theory are then used to approximate in closed-form the most important error measures that are commonly used. The asymptotic approximations are then leveraged to select properly $k$ measurements exhibiting low values for the asymptotic error measures. Two heuristic algorithms are proposed: the first one merely consists in applying the convex optimization artifice to the asymptotic error measure. The second algorithm is a low-complexity greedy algorithm that attempts to look for a sufficiently good solution for the original minimization problem. The greedy algorithm can be applied to both the exact and the asymptotic error measures and can be thus implemented in blind and channel-aware fashions. We present two potential applications where the proposed algorithms can be used, namely antenna selection for uplink transmissions in large scale multi-user systems and sensor selection for wireless sensor networks. Numerical results are also presented and sustain the efficiency of the proposed blind methods in reaching the performances of channel-aware algorithms.
In this paper, a new cooperation structure for spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks is proposed which outperforms the existing commonly-used ones in terms of energy efficiency. The efficiency is achieved in the proposed design by introducing random interruptions in the cooperation process between the sensing nodes and the fusion center, along with a compensation process at the fusion center. Regarding the hypothesis testing problem concerned, first, the proposed system behavior is thoroughly analyzed and its associated likelihood-ratio test (LRT) is provided. Next, based on a general linear fusion rule, statistics of the global test summary are derived and the sensing quality is characterized in terms of the probability of false alarm and the probability of detection. Then, optimization of the overall detection performance is formulated according to the Neyman-Pearson criterion (NPC) and it is discussed that the optimization required is indeed a decision-making process with uncertainty which incurs prohibitive computational complexity. The NPC is then modified to achieve a good affordable solution by using semidefinite programming (SDP) techniques and it is shown that this new solution is nearly optimal according to the deflection criterion. Finally, effectiveness of the proposed architecture and its associated SDP are demonstrated by simulation results.
Spectrum sensing is a fundamental operation in cognitive radio environment. It gives information about spectrum availability by scanning the bands. Usually a fixed amount of time is given to scan individual bands. Most of the times, historical inform ation about the traffic in the spectrum bands is not used. But this information gives the idea, how busy a specific band is. Therefore, instead of scanning a band for a fixed amount of time, more time can be given to less occupied bands and less time to heavily occupied ones. In this paper we have formulated the time assignment problem as integer linear programming and source coding problems. The time assignment problem is solved using the associated stochastic optimization problem.
104 - Zhongxing Sun , Wei Cui , 2021
Corrupted sensing concerns the problem of recovering a high-dimensional structured signal from a collection of measurements that are contaminated by unknown structured corruption and unstructured noise. In the case of linear measurements, the recover y performance of different convex programming procedures (e.g., generalized Lasso and its variants) is well established in the literature. However, in practical applications of digital signal processing, the quantization process is inevitable, which often leads to non-linear measurements. This paper is devoted to studying corrupted sensing under quantized measurements. Specifically, we demonstrate that, with the aid of uniform dithering, both constrained and unconstrained Lassos are able to recover signal and corruption from the quantized samples when the measurement matrix is sub-Gaussian. Our theoretical results reveal the role of quantization resolution in the recovery performance of Lassos. Numerical experiments are provided to confirm our theoretical results.
Spectrum sensing is an essential enabling functionality for cognitive radio networks to detect spectrum holes and opportunistically use the under-utilized frequency bands without causing harmful interference to legacy networks. This paper introduces a novel wideband spectrum sensing technique, called multiband joint detection, which jointly detects the signal energy levels over multiple frequency bands rather than consider one band at a time. The proposed strategy is efficient in improving the dynamic spectrum utilization and reducing interference to the primary users. The spectrum sensing problem is formulated as a class of optimization problems in interference limited cognitive radio networks. By exploiting the hidden convexity in the seemingly non-convex problem formulations, optimal solutions for multiband joint detection are obtained under practical conditions. Simulation results show that the proposed spectrum sensing schemes can considerably improve the system performance. This paper establishes important principles for the design of wideband spectrum sensing algorithms in cognitive radio networks.
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