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Production of Two Pions Induced by Neutrinos

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 نشر من قبل Manuel Valverde
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث
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We study the threshold production of two pions induced by neutrinos in nucleon targets. The contribution of nucleon pole, pion and contact terms is calculated using a chiral Lagrangian. The contribution of the Roper resonance, neglected in earlier studies, has also been taken into account.

قيم البحث

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We study the threshold production of two pions induced by neutrinos in nucleon targets. The contribution of nucleon, pion and contact terms are calculated using a chiral Lagrangian. The contribution of the Roper resonance, neglected in earlier studie s, has also been taken into account. The numerical results for the cross sections are presented and compared with the available experimental data. It has been found that in the two pion channels with $pi^+pi^-$ and $pi^0pi^0$ in the final state, the contribution of the $N^*(1440)$ is quite important and could be used to determine the $N^*(1440)$ electroweak transition form factors if experimental data with better statistics become available in the future.
We have studied quasielastic charged current hyperon production induced by $bar u_mu$ on free nucleon and the nucleons bound inside the nucleus and the results are presented for several nuclear targets like $^{40}Ar$, $^{56}Fe$ and $^{208}Pb$. The hy peron-nucleon transition form factors are determined from neutrino-nucleon scattering and semileptonic decays of neutron and hyperons using SU(3) symmetry. The nuclear medium effects(NME) due to Fermi motion and final state interaction(FSI) effect due to hyperon-nucleon scattering have been taken into account. Also we have studied two pion production at threshold induced by neutrinos off nucleon targets. The contribution of nucleon, pion, and contact terms are calculated using Lagrangian given by nonlinear $sigma$ model. The contribution of the Roper resonance has also been taken into account. The numerical results for the cross sections are presented and compared with the experimental results from ANL and BNL.
The gluon distributions of the pion obtained from various global fits exhibit large variations among them. Within the framework of the color evaporation model, we show that the existing pion-induced $J/psi$ production data, usually not included in th e global fits, can impose useful additional constraints on the pion parton distribution functions (PDFs). In particular, these data can probe the pions gluon densities at large $x$. Existing pion-induced $J/psi$ data covering a broad range of beam momenta are compared with next-to-leading-order QCD calculations using various sets of pion PDFs. It is found that $J/psi$ data measured at forward rapidity and at sufficiently high beam momentum are sensitive to the large-$x$ gluon distribution of pions. The current $J/psi$ data favor the Sutton-Martin-Roberts-Stirling and Gluck-Reya-Vogt pion PDFs, containing significant gluon content at large $x$.
72 - A. Fatima , M. Sajjad Athar , 2021
The quasielastic production cross sections and polarizations of the hyperons induced by ${bar u}_mu$ on the free nucleon as well as from $^{40}$Ar in the sub-GeV energy region has been reviewed [1-5]. The effects of the second class currents in the a xial vector sector with and without T-invariance as well as the effect of SU(3) symmetry breaking are also studied. We find that the cross sections and the various polarization components can effectively be used to determine the axial vector transition form factors in the strangeness sector and to test the validity of various symmetries of the weak hadronic currents like G-invariance, T-invariance and SU(3) symmetry. These hyperons decay dominantly into pions giving an additional contribution to the weak pion production induced by the antineutrinos. In the case of nuclear targets like $^{40}$Ar, this contribution is shown to be significant when compared with the pion production by the $Delta$ excitations in the energy range of $E_{bar{ u}_{mu}} le 0.7$ GeV [1]. This study could be useful for the DUNE experiment where argon will be used as the target material and the electronic imaging of particles is possible and the particle tracks can be identified.
New physics can emerge at low energy scales, involving very light and very weakly interacting new particles. These particles can mediate interactions between neutrinos and usual matter and contribute to the Wolfenstein potential relevant for neutrino oscillations. We compute the Wolfenstein potential in the presence of ultra-light scalar and vector mediators and study the dependence of the potential on the mediator mass $m_A$, taking the finite size of matter distribution (Earth, Sun, supernovae) into consideration. For ultra-light mediators with $m_{A}^{-1}$ comparable to the size of the medium ($R$), the usual $m_{A}^{-2}$ dependence of the potential is modified. In particular, when $m_{A}^{-1}gg R$, the potential does not depend on $m_{A}$. Taking into account existing bounds on light mediators, we find that for the scalar case significant effects on neutrino propagation are not possible, while for the vector case large matter effects are allowed for $m_{A} in [2times10^{-17}$, $4times10^{-14}]$ eV and the gauge coupling $gsim 10^{-25}$.
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