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The Suppression and Recovery of the Ferroelectric Phase in Multiferroic $MnWO_4$

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 نشر من قبل Bernd Lorenz
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We report the discovery of a complete suppression of ferroelectricity in $MnWO_4$ by 10 % iron substitution and its restoration in external magnetic fields. The spontaneous polarization in $Mn_{0.9}Fe_{0.1}WO_4$ arises below 12 K in external fields above 4 T. The magnetic/ferroelectric phase diagram is constructed from the anomalies of the dielectric constant, polarization, magnetization, and heat capacity. The observations are qualitatively described by a mean field model with competing interactions and strong anisotropy. We propose that the magnetic field induces a non-collinear inversion symmetry breaking magnetic structure in $Mn_{0.9}Fe_{0.1}WO_4$.

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LiCu2O2 is the first multiferroic cuprate to be reported and its ferroelectricity is induced by complex magnetic ordering in ground state, which is still in controversy today. Herein, we have grown nearly untwinned LiCu2O2 single crystals of high qua lity and systematically investigated their dielectric and ferroelectric behaviours in external magnetic fields. The highly anisotropic response observed in different magnetic fields apparently contradicts the prevalent bc- or ab- plane cycloidal spin model. Our observations give strong evidence supporting a new helimagnetic picture in which the normal of the spin helix plane is along the diagonal of CuO4 squares which form the quasi-1D spin chains by edge-sharing. Further analysis suggests that the spin helix in the ground state is elliptical and in the intermediate state the present c-axis collinear SDW model is applicable with some appropriate modifications. In addition, our studies show that the dielectric and ferroelectric measurements could be used as probes for the characterization of the complex spin structures in multiferroic materials due to the close tie between their magnetic and electric orderings.
Ferroelectric Ising chain magnet Ca$_3$Co$_{2-x}$Mn$_x$O$_6$ ($xsimeq$0.96) was studied in magnetic fields up to 33 T. Magnetization and neutron scattering measurements reveal successive metamagnetic transitions from the zero-field $uparrow uparrow d ownarrow downarrow$ spin configuration to the $uparrow uparrow uparrow downarrow$ state with a broad magnetization plateau, and then to the $uparrow uparrow uparrow uparrow$ state. The absence of hysteresis in these plateaus reveals an intriguing coupling between the intra-chain state and the three-dimensional geometrically frustrated magnetic system. Inversion symmetry, broken in the $uparrow uparrow downarrow downarrow$ state, is restored in the $uparrow uparrow uparrow downarrow$ state, leading to the complete suppression of the electric polarization driven by symmetric superexchange.
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147 - Z. Y. Zhao , M. F. Liu , X. Li 2014
The multiferroic RMn2O5 family, where R is rare-earth ion or Y, exhibits rich physics of multiferroicity which has not yet well understood, noting that multiferroicity is receiving attentions for promising application potentials. DyMn2O5 is a represe ntative member of this family. The ferroelectric polarization in DyMn2O5 is claimed to have two anti-parallel components: one (PDM) from the symmetric exchange striction between the Dy3+-Mn4+ interactions and the other (PMM) from the symmetric exchange striction between the Mn3+-Mn4+ interactions. We investigate the evolutions of the two components upon a partial substitution of Mn3+ by nonmagnetic Al3+ in order to tailor the Mn-Mn interactions and then to modulate component PMM in DyMn2-x/2Alx/2O5. It is revealed that the ferroelectric polarization can be successfully reversed by the Al-substitution via substantially suppressing the Mn3+-Mn4+ interactions and thus the PMM. The Dy3+-Mn4+ interactions and the polarization component PDM can sustain against the substitution until a level as high as x=0.2. In addition, the independent Dy spin ordering is shifted remarkably down to an extremely low temperature due to the Al3+ substitution. The present work not only confirms the existence of the two anti-parallel polarization components but also unveils the possibility of tailoring them independently.
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