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NUV-IR colours of red sequence galaxies in local clusters

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 نشر من قبل Tim Rawle
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Timothy D. Rawle

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We present GALEX near-UV (NUV) and 2MASS J band photometry for red sequence galaxies in local clusters. We define quiescent samples according to a strict emission threshold, removing galaxies with very recent star formation. We analyse the NUV-J colour-magnitude relation (CMR) and find that the intrinsic scatter is an order of magnitude larger than for the analogous optical CMR (~0.35 rather than 0.05 mag), in agreement with previous studies. Comparing the NUV-J colours with spectroscopically-derived stellar population parameters, we find a strong (> 5.5sigma) correlation with metallicity, only a marginal trend with age, and no correlation with the alpha/Fe ratio. We explore the origin of the large scatter and conclude that neither aperture effects nor the UV upturn phenomenon contribute significantly. We show that the scatter could be attributed to simple `frosting by either a young or a low metallicity subpopulation.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We study the color-magnitude red sequence and blue fraction of 72 X-ray selected galaxy clusters at z=0.04-0.07 from the WINGS survey, searching for correlations between the characteristics of the red sequence and the environment. We consider the slo pe and scatter of the red sequence, the number ratio of red luminous-to-faint galaxies, the blue fraction and the fractions of ellipticals, S0s and spirals that compose the red sequence. None of these quantities correlate with the cluster velocity dispersion, X-ray luminosity, number of cluster substructures, BCG prevalence over next brightest galaxies and spatial concentration of ellipticals. Instead, the properties of the red sequence depend strongly on local galaxy density. Higher density regions have a lower RS scatter, a higher luminous-to-faint ratio, a lower blue fraction, and a lower spiral fraction on the RS. Our results highlight the prominent effect of the local density in setting the epoch when galaxies become passive and join the red sequence, as opposed to the mass of the galaxy host structure.
We study the slope, intercept, and scatter of the color-magnitude and color-mass relations for a sample of ten infrared red-sequence-selected clusters at z ~ 1. The quiescent galaxies in these clusters formed the bulk of their stars above z ~ 3 with an age spread {Delta}t ~ 1 Gyr. We compare UVJ color-color and spectroscopic-based galaxy selection techniques, and find a 15% difference in the galaxy populations classified as quiescent by these methods. We compare the color-magnitude relations from our red-sequence selected sample with X-ray- and photometric- redshift-selected cluster samples of similar mass and redshift. Within uncertainties, we are unable to detect any difference in the ages and star formation histories of quiescent cluster members in clusters selected by different methods, suggesting that the dominant quenching mechanism is insensitive to cluster baryon partitioning at z ~ 1.
We investigate the origin of the color-magnitude relation (CMR) observed in cluster galaxies by using a combination of a cosmological N-body simulation of a cluster of galaxies and a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation. The departure of galaxies in the bright end of the CMR with respect to the trend defined by less luminous galaxies could be explained by the influence of minor mergers.
Using data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS; data release 7), we have conducted a search for local analogs to the extremely compact, massive, quiescent galaxies that have been identified at z > 2. We show that incompleteness is a concern for s uch compact galaxies, particularly for low redshifts (z < ~0.05) as a result of the SDSS spectroscopic target selection algorithm. We have identified 63 massive red sequence galaxies at 0.066 < z < 0.12 that are smaller than the median size-mass relation by a factor of 2 or more. Consistent with expectations from the virial theorem, the median offset from the mass-velocity dispersion relation for these galaxies is 0.12 dex. We do not find any galaxies with sizes and masses comparable to those observed at z ~ 2, implying a decrease in the comoving number density (at fixed size and mass) by a factor of > 5000. This result cannot be explained by incompleteness: at 0.066 < z <0.12, the SDSS spectroscopic sample should typically be ~75% complete for galaxies with the sizes and masses seen at high redshift, although for the very smallest galaxies it may be as low as ~20%. To confirm that the absence of such compact massive galaxies in SDSS is not a spectroscopic selection effect, we have also looked for such galaxies in the SDSS photometric catalog, using photometric redshifts. While we do find signs of a bias against massive, compact galaxies, this analysis suggests that the SDSS spectroscopic sample is missing at most a few objects in the regime we consider. Accepting the high redshift results, it is clear that massive galaxies must undergo significant structural evolution over z<2 in order to match the population seen in the local universe. Our results suggest that a highly stochastic mechanism like major mergers cannot be the primary driver of this strong size evolution.
399 - Andreea S. Font 2008
Current models of galaxy formation predict satellite galaxies in groups and clusters that are redder than observed. We investigate the effect on the colours of satellite galaxies produced by the ram pressure stripping of their hot gaseous atmospheres as the satellites orbit within their parent halo. We incorporate a model of the stripping process based on detailed hydrodynamic simulations within the Durham semi-analytic model of galaxy formation. The simulations show that the environment in groups and clusters is less aggressive than previously assumed. The main uncertainty in the model is the treatment of gas expelled by supernovae. With reasonable assumptions for the stripping of this material, we find that satellite galaxies are able to retain a significant fraction of their hot gas for several Gigayears, thereby replenishing their reservoirs of cold, star forming gas and remaining blue for a relatively long period of time. A bimodal distribution of galaxy colours, similar to that observed in SDSS data, is established and the colours of the satellite galaxies are in good agreement with the data. In addition, our model naturally accounts for the observed dependence of satellite colours on environment, from small groups to high mass clusters.
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