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Dynamically generated open and hidden charm mesons

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 نشر من قبل Daniel Gamermann
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث
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In this presentation I explain our framework for dynamically generating resonances from the meson meson interaction. Our model generates many poles in the T-matrix which are associated with known states, while at the same time new states are predicted.

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119 - D. Gamermann , L. R. Dai , E. Oset 2007
We present the formalism for the decay of dynamically generated scalar mesons with open- or hidden-charm and give results for the decay of D^*_{s0} (2317) to gamma D_s^* plus that of a hidden charm scalar meson state predicted by the theory around 3700 MeV decaying into gamma J/psi.
The $rhorho$ interaction and the corresponding dynamically generated bound states are revisited. We demonstrate that an improved unitarization method is necessary to study the pole structures of amplitudes outside the near-threshold region. In this w ork, we extend the study of the covariant $rhorho$ scattering in a unitarized chiral theory to the $S$-wave interactions for the whole vector-meson nonet. We demonstrate that there are unphysical left-hand cuts in the on-shell factorization approach of the Bethe-Salpeter equation. This is in conflict with the correct analytic behavior and makes the so-obtained poles, corresponding to possible bound states or resonances, unreliable. To avoid this difficulty, we employ the first iterated solution of the $N/D$ method and investigate the possible dynamically generated resonances from vector-vector interactions. A comparison with the results from the nonrelativistic calculation is provided as well.
We calculate spatial correlation functions of in-medium mesons consisting of strange--anti-strange, strange--anti-charm and charm--anti-charm quarks in (2+1)-flavor lattice QCD using the highly improved staggered quark action. A comparative study of the in-medium modifications of mesons with different flavor contents is performed. We observe significant in-medium modifications for the $phi$ and $D_s$ meson channels already at temperatures around the chiral crossover region. On the other hand, for the $J/psi$ and $eta_c$ meson channels in-medium modifications remain relatively small around the chiral crossover region and become significant only above 1.3 times the chiral crossover temperature.
117 - Jia-Jun Wu , R.Molina , E.Oset 2010
The interactions of $bar{D}Sigma_{c}$-$bar DLambda_c$, $bar{D}^{*}Sigma_{c}$-$bar D^*Lambda_c$, and related strangeness channels, are studied within the framework of the coupled channel unitary approach with the local hidden gauge formalism. A series of meson-baryon dynamically generated relatively narrow $N^*$ and $Lambda^*$ resonances are predicted around 4.3 GeV in the hidden charm sector. We make estimates of production cross sections of these predicted resonances in $bar{p} p $ collisions for PANDA at the forthcoming FAIR facility.
182 - D. Gamermann , E. Oset 2007
We analyze two recent reactions of Belle, producing $Dbar D$ and $Dbar D^*$ states that have an enhancement of the invariant $Dbar D$, $Dbar D^*$ mass distribution close to threshold, from the point of view that they might be indicative of the existe nce of a hidden charm scalar and an axial vector meson states below $Dbar D$ or $Dbar D^*$ thresholds, respectively. We conclude that the data is compatible with the existing prediction of a hidden charm scalar meson with mass around 3700 MeV, though other possibilities cannot be discarded. The peak seen in the $Dbar D^*$ spectrum above threshold is, however, unlikely to be due to a threshold enhancement produced by the presence, below threshold, of the hidden charm axial vector meson X(3872).
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