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Quantum Physics Exploring Gravity in the Outer Solar System: The Sagas Project

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 نشر من قبل Peter Wolf
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We summarise the scientific and technological aspects of the SAGAS (Search for Anomalous Gravitation using Atomic Sensors) project, submitted to ESA in June 2007 in response to the Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 call for proposals. The proposed mission aims at flying highly sensitive atomic sensors (optical clock, cold atom accelerometer, optical link) on a Solar System escape trajectory in the 2020 to 2030 time-frame. SAGAS has numerous science objectives in fundamental physics and Solar System science, for example numerous tests of general relativity and the exploration of the Kuiper belt. The combination of highly sensitive atomic sensors and of the laser link well adapted for large distances will allow measurements with unprecedented accuracy and on scales never reached before. We present the proposed mission in some detail, with particular emphasis on the science goals and associated measurements.

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108 - Gerard t Hooft 1999
It is argued that the so-called holographic principle will obstruct attempts to produce physically realistic models for the unification of general relativity with quantum mechanics, unless determinism in the latter is restored. The notion of time in GR is so different from the usual one in elementary particle physics that we believe that certa
We report the discovery and orbit determination of 14 trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) from the ESSENCE Supernova Survey difference imaging dataset. Two additional objects discovered in a similar search of the SDSS-II Supernova Survey database were rec overed in this effort. ESSENCE repeatedly observed fields far from the Solar System ecliptic (-21 deg < beta < -5 deg), reaching limiting magnitudes per observation of I~23.1 and R~23.7. We examine several of the newly detected objects in detail, including 2003 UC_414 which orbits entirely between Uranus and Neptune and lies very close to a dynamical region that would make it stable for the lifetime of the Solar System. 2003 SS_422 and 2007 TA_418 have high eccentricities and large perihelia, making them candidate members of an outer class of trans-Neptunian objects. We also report a new member of the extended or detached scattered disk, 2004 VN_112, and verify the stability of its orbit using numerical simulations. This object would have been visible to ESSENCE for only ~2% of its orbit, suggesting a vast number of similar objects across the sky. We emphasize that off-ecliptic surveys are optimal for uncovering the diversity of such objects, which in turn will constrain the history of gravitational influences that shaped our early Solar System.
We consider a closed region $R$ of 3d quantum space modeled by $SU(2)$ spin-networks. Using the concentration of measure phenomenon we prove that, whenever the ratio between the boundary $partial R$ and the bulk edges of the graph overcomes a finite threshold, the state of the boundary is always thermal, with an entropy proportional to its area. The emergence of a thermal state of the boundary can be traced back to a large amount of entanglement between boundary and bulk degrees of freedom. Using the dual geometric interpretation provided by loop quantum gravity, we interprete such phenomenon as a pre-geometric analogue of Thornes Hoop conjecture, at the core of the formation of a horizon in General Relativity.
The field equations of Mannheims theory of conformal gravity with dynamic mass generation are solved numerically in the interior and exterior regions of a model spherically symmetric sun with matched boundary conditions at the surface. The model cons ists of a generic fermion field inside the sun, and a scalar Higgs field in both the interior and exterior regions. From the conformal geodesic equations it is shown how an asymptotic gradient in the Higgs field causes an anomalous radial acceleration in qualitative agreement with that observed on the Pioneer 10/11, Galileo, and Ulysses spacecraft. At the same time the standard solar system tests of general relativity are preserved within the limits of observation.
In order for a modified gravity model to be a candidate for cosmological dark energy it has to pass stringent local gravity experiments. We find that a Brans-Dicke (BD) theory with well-defined second order corrections that include the Gauss-Bonnet t erm possess this feature. We construct the generic second order theory that gives, to linear order, a BD metric solution for a point-like mass source. We find that these theories interpolate between general relativity (GR) and BD gravity. In particular it is found that the relevant Eddington parameter, that is commonly heavily constrained by time delay experiments, can be arbitrarily close to the GR value of 1, with an arbitrary BD parameter. We find the region where the solution is stable to small timelike perturbations.
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