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Estimates of multipolar coefficients to search for cosmic ray anisotropies with non-uniform or partial sky coverage

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 نشر من قبل Deligny Olivier
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study the possibility to extract the multipolar moments of an underlying distribution from a set of cosmic rays observed with non-uniform or even partial sky coverage. We show that if the degree is assumed to be upper bounded by $L$, each multipolar moment can be recovered whatever the coverage, but with a variance increasing exponentially with the bound $L$ if the coverage is zero somewhere. Despite this limitation, we show the possibility to test predictions of a model without any assumption on $L$ by building an estimate of the covariance matrix seen through the exposure function.

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We study the angular power spectrum estimate in order to search for large scale anisotropies in the arrival directions distribution of the highest-energy cosmic rays. We show that this estimate can be performed even in the case of partial sky coverag e and validated over the full sky under the assumption that the observed fluctuations are statistically spatial stationary. If this hypothesis - which can be tested directly on the data - is not satisfied, it would prove, of course, that the cosmic ray sky is non isotropic but also that the power spectrum is not an appropriate tool to represent its anisotropies, whatever the sky coverage available. We apply the method to simulations of the Pierre Auger Observatory, reconstructing an input power spectrum with the Southern site only and with both Northern and Southern ones. Finally, we show the improvement that a full-sky observatory brings to test an isotropic distribution, and we discuss the sensitivity of the Pierre Auger Observatory to large scale anisotropies.
In our recent paper (Yadav et al. 2007) we described a fast cubic (bispectrum) estimator of the amplitude of primordial non-Gaussianity of local type, f_{NL}, from a combined analysis of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature and E-polariz ation observations. In this paper we generalize the estimator to deal with a partial sky coverage as well as inhomogeneous noise. Our generalized estimator is still computationally efficient, scaling as O(N^3/2) compared to the O(N^5/2) scaling of the brute force bispectrum calculation for sky maps with N pixels. Upcoming CMB experiments are expected to yield high-sensitivity temperature and E-polarization data. Our generalized estimator will allow us to optimally utilize the combined CMB temperature and E-polarization information from these realistic experiments, and to constrain primordial non-Gaussianity.
41 - E. Jeong , G.F. Smoot 2004
We have searched the 1st-year WMAP W-Band CMB anisotropy map for evidence of cosmic strings. We have set a limit of $delta = 8 pi G mu / c^2 < 8.2 times 10^{-6}$ at 95% CL for statistical search for a significant number of strings in the map. We also have set a limit using the uniform distribution of strings model in the WMAP data with $delta = 8 pi G mu / c^2 < 7.34 times 10^{-5}$ at 95% CL. And the pattern search technique we developed here set a limit $delta = 8 pi G mu / c^2 < 1.54 times 10^{-5}$ at 95% CL.
The PAMELA detector was launched on board of the Russian Resurs-DK1 satellite on June 15, 2006. Data collected during the first four years have been used to search for large-scale anisotropies in the arrival directions of cosmic-ray positrons. The PA MELA experiment allows for a full sky investigation, with sensitivity to global anisotropies in any angular window of the celestial sphere. Data samples of positrons in the rigidity range 10 GV $leq$ R $leq$ 200 GV were analyzed. This article discusses the method and the results of the search for possible local sources through analysis of anisotropy in positron data compared to the proton background. The resulting distributions of arrival directions are found to be isotropic. Starting from the angular power spectrum, a dipole anisotropy upper limit delta = 0.166 at 95% C.L. is determined. Additional search is carried out around the Sun. No evidence of an excess correlated with that direction was found.
We have surveyed two science fields totaling one square degree with Bolocam at 2.1 mm to search for secondary CMB anisotropies caused by the Sunyaev- Zeldovich effect (SZE). The fields are in the Lynx and Subaru/XMM SDS1 fields. Our survey is sensiti ve to angular scales with an effective angular multipole of l_eff = 5700 with FWHM_l = 2800 and has an angular resolution of 60 arcseconds FWHM. Our data provide no evidence for anisotropy. We are able to constrain the level of total astronomical anisotropy, modeled as a flat bandpower in C_l, with frequentist 68%, 90%, and 95% CL upper limits of 590, 760, and 830 uKCMB^2. We statistically subtract the known contribution from primary CMB anisotropy, including cosmic variance, to obtain constraints on the SZE anisotropy contribution. Now including flux calibration uncertainty, our frequentist 68%, 90% and 95% CL upper limits on a flat bandpower in C_l are 690, 960, and 1000 uKCMB^2. When we instead employ the analytic spectrum suggested by Komatsu and Seljak (2002), and account for the non-Gaussianity of the SZE anisotropy signal, we obtain upper limits on the average amplitude of their spectrum weighted by our transfer function of 790, 1060, and 1080 uKCMB^2. We obtain a 90% CL upper limit on sigma8, which normalizes the power spectrum of density fluctuations, of 1.57. These are the first constraints on anisotropy and sigma8 from survey data at these angular scales at frequencies near 150 GHz.
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