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Evolving small-world scale-free networks consist of cliques

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 نشر من قبل Lujun Fang
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a family of scale-free network model consisting of cliques, which is established by a simple recursive algorithm. We investigate the networks both analytically and numerically. The obtained analytical solutions show that the networks follow a power-law degree distribution, with degree exponent continuously tuned between 2 and 3. The exact expression of clustering coefficient is also provided for the networks. Furthermore, the investigation of the average path length reveals that the networks possess small-world feature. Interestingly, we find that a special case of our model can be mapped into the Yule process.

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اقرأ أيضاً

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A vast variety of real-life networks display the ubiquitous presence of scale-free phenomenon and small-world effect, both of which play a significant role in the dynamical processes running on networks. Although various dynamical processes have been investigated in scale-free small-world networks, analytical research about random walks on such networks is much less. In this paper, we will study analytically the scaling of the mean first-passage time (MFPT) for random walks on scale-free small-world networks. To this end, we first map the classical Koch fractal to a network, called Koch network. According to this proposed mapping, we present an iterative algorithm for generating the Koch network, based on which we derive closed-form expressions for the relevant topological features, such as degree distribution, clustering coefficient, average path length, and degree correlations. The obtained solutions show that the Koch network exhibits scale-free behavior and small-world effect. Then, we investigate the standard random walks and trapping issue on the Koch network. Through the recurrence relations derived from the structure of the Koch network, we obtain the exact scaling for the MFPT. We show that in the infinite network order limit, the MFPT grows linearly with the number of all nodes in the network. The obtained analytical results are corroborated by direct extensive numerical calculations. In addition, we also determine the scaling efficiency exponents characterizing random walks on the Koch network.
We bring rigor to the vibrant activity of detecting power laws in empirical degree distributions in real-world networks. We first provide a rigorous definition of power-law distributions, equivalent to the definition of regularly varying distribution s that are widely used in statistics and other fields. This definition allows the distribution to deviate from a pure power law arbitrarily but without affecting the power-law tail exponent. We then identify three estimators of these exponents that are proven to be statistically consistent -- that is, converging to the true value of the exponent for any regularly varying distribution -- and that satisfy some additional niceness requirements. In contrast to estimators that are currently popular in network science, the estimators considered here are based on fundamental results in extreme value theory, and so are the proofs of their consistency. Finally, we apply these estimators to a representative collection of synthetic and real-world data. According to their estimates, real-world scale-free networks are definitely not as rare as one would conclude based on the popular but unrealistic assumption that real-world data comes from power laws of pristine purity, void of noise and deviations.
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