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Recoilless Resonance Absorption of Tritium Antineutrinos and Time-Energy Uncertainty Relation

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 نشر من قبل Samoil Bilenky M.
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف S. M. Bilenky

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We discuss neutrino oscillations in an experiment with Mossbauer recoilless resonance absorbtion of tritium antineutrinos, proposed recently by Raghavan. We demonstrate that small energy uncertainty of antineutrinos which ensures a large resonance absorption cross section is in a conflict with the energy uncertainty which, according to the time-energy uncertainty relation, is necessary for neutrino oscillations to happen. The search for neutrino oscillations in the Mossbauer neutrino experiment would be an important test of the applicability of the time-energy uncertainty relation to a newly discovered interference phenomenon.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

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Basic questions concerning phononless resonant capture of monoenergetic electron antineutrinos (Mossbauer antineutrinos) emitted in bound-state beta-decay in the 3H - 3He system are discussed. It is shown that lattice expansion and contraction after the transformation of the nucleus will drastically reduce the probability of phononless transitions and that various solid-state effects will cause large line broadening. As a possible alternative, the rare-earth system 163Ho - 163Dy is favoured. Mossbauer-antineutrino experiments could be used to gain new and deep insights into several basic problems in neutrino physics.
287 - Roderich Tumulka 2020
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122 - Yi-Xin Chen , Yong Xiao 2008
By collecting both quantum and gravitational principles, a space-time uncertainty relation $(delta t)(delta r)^{3}geqslantpi r^{2}l_{p}^{2}$ is derived. It can be used to facilitate the discussion of several profound questions, such as computational capacity and thermodynamic properties of the universe and the origin of holographic dark energy. The universality and validity of the proposed relation are illustrated via these examples.
To reveal the role of the quantumness in the Otto cycle and to discuss the validity of the thermodynamic uncertainty relation (TUR) in the cycle, we study the quantum Otto cycle and its classical counterpart. In particular, we calculate exactly the m ean values and relative error of thermodynamic quantities. In the quasistatic limit, quantumness reduces the productivity and precision of the Otto cycle compared to that in the absence of quantumness, whereas in the finite-time mode, it can increase the cycles productivity and precision. Interestingly, as the strength (heat conductance) between the system and the bath increases, the precision of the quantum Otto cycle overtakes that of the classical one. Testing the conventional TUR of the Otto cycle, in the region where the entropy production is large enough, we find a tighter bound than that of the conventional TUR. However, in the finite-time mode, both quantum and classical Otto cycles violate the conventional TUR in the region where the entropy production is small. This implies that another modified TUR is required to cover the finite-time Otto cycle. Finally, we discuss the possible origin of this violation in terms of the uncertainty products of the thermodynamic quantities and the relative error near resonance conditions.
We show that the dissipation rate bounds the rate at which physical processes can be performed in stochastic systems far from equilibrium. Namely, for rare processes we prove the fundamental tradeoff $langle dot S_text{e} rangle mathcal{T} geq k_{tex t{B}} $ between the entropy flow $langle dot S_text{e} rangle$ into the reservoirs and the mean time $mathcal{T}$ to complete a process. This dissipation-time uncertainty relation is a novel form of speed limit: the smaller the dissipation, the larger the time to perform a process.
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