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The Circumstellar Structure and Excitation Effects around the Massive Protostar Cepheus A HW 2

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 نشر من قبل Nimesh Patel
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We report SMA 335 GHz continuum observations with angular resolution of ~0.3, together with VLA ammonia observations with ~1 resolution toward Cep A HW 2. We find that the flattened disk structure of the dust emission observed by Patel et al. is preserved at the 0.3 scale, showing an elongated structure of ~$0.6 size (450 AU) peaking on HW 2. In addition, two ammonia cores are observed, one associated with a hot-core previously reported, and an elongated core with a double peak separated by ~1.3 and with signs of heating at the inner edges of the gas facing HW 2. The double-peaked ammonia structure, as well as the double-peaked CH3CN structure reported previously (and proposed to be two independent hot-cores), surround both the dust emission as well as the double-peaked SO2 disk structure found by Jimenez-Serra et al. All these results argue against the interpretation of the elongated dust-gas structure as due to a chance-superposition of different cores; instead, they imply that it is physically related to the central massive object within a disk-protostar-jet system.

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اقرأ أيضاً

EC53 is an embedded protostar with quasi-periodic emission in the near-IR and sub-mm. We use ALMA high-resolution observations of continuum and molecular line emission to describe the circumstellar environment of EC 53. The continuum image reveals a disk with a flux that suggests a mass of 0.075 Msun, much less than the estimated mass in the envelope, and an in-band spectral index that indicates grain growth to centimeter sizes. Molecular lines trace the outflow cavity walls, infalling and rotating envelope, and/or the Keplerian disk. The rotation profile of the C17O 3-2 line emission cannot isolate the Keplerian motion clearly although the lower limit of the protostellar mass can be calculated as 0.3 +- 0.1 Msun if the Keplerian motion is adopted. The weak CH3OH emission, which is anti-correlated with the HCO+ 4-3 line emission, indicates that the water snow line is more extended than what expected from the current luminosity, attesting to bygone outburst events. The extended snow line may persist for longer at the disk surface because the lower density increases the freeze-out timescale of methanol and water.
We present the first resolved observations of the 1.3mm polarized emission from the disk-like structure surrounding the high-mass protostar Cepheus A HW2. These CARMA data partially resolve the dust polarization, suggesting an uniform morphology of p olarization vectors with an average position angle of 57 degrees and an average polarization fraction of 2.0%. The distribution of the polarization vectors can be attributed to (1) the direct emission of magnetically aligned grains of dust by a uniform magnetic field, or (2) the pattern produced by the scattering of an inclined disk. We show that both models can explain the observations, and perhaps a combination of the two mechanisms produce the polarized emission. A third model including a toroidal magnetic field does not match the observations. Assuming scattering is the polarization mechanism, these observations suggest that during the first few 10000 years of high-mass star formation, grain sizes can grow from 1 to several 10s micron.
We present the discovery of the first molecular hot core associated with an intermediate mass protostar in the CepA HW2 region. The hot condensation was detected from single dish and interferometric observations of several high excitation rotational lines (from 100 to 880K above the ground state) of SO2 in the ground vibrational state and of HC3N in the vibrationally excited states v7=1 and v7=2. The kinetic temperature derived from both molecules is 160K. The high-angular resolution observations (1.25 x 0.99) of the SO2 J=28(7,21)-29(6,24) line (488K above the ground state) show that the hot gas is concentrated in a compact condensation with a size of 0.6(430AU), located 0.4 (300AU) east from the radio-jet HW2. The total SO2 column density in the hot condensation is 10E18cm-2, with a H2 column density ranging from 10E23 to 6 x 10E24cm-2. The H2 density and the SO2 fractional abundance must be larger than 10E7cm-3 and 2 x 10E-7 respectively. The most likely alternatives for the nature of the hot and very dense condensation are discussed. From the large column densities of hot gas, the detection of the HC3N vibrationally excited lines and the large SO2 abundance, we favor the interpretation of a hot core heated by an intermediate mass protostar of 10E3 Lo. This indicates that the CepA HW2 region contains a cluster of very young stars.
We used ALMA to observe the star-forming region GGD27 at 1.14 mm with an unprecedented angular resolution, 40 mas (56 au) and sensitivity (0.002 Msun). We detected a cluster of 25 continuum sources, most of which are likely tracing disks around Class 0/I protostars. Excluding the two most massive objects, disks masses are in the range 0.003-0.05 Msun. The analysis of the cluster properties indicates that GGD27 displays moderate subclustering. This result combined with the dynamical timescale of the radio jet (10000 years) suggests the youthfulness of the cluster. The lack of disk mass segregation signatures may support this too. We found a clear paucity of disks with Rdisk >100 au. The median value of the radius is 34 au, smaller than the median of 92 au for Taurus but comparable to the value found in Ophiuchus and in the Orion Nebula Cluster. In GGD27 there is no evidence of a distance-dependent disk mass distribution (i. e., disk mass depletion due to external photoevaporation), most likely due to the cluster youth. There is a clear deficit of disks for distances <0.02 pc. Only for distances >0.04 pc stars can form larger and more massive disks, suggesting that dynamical interactions far from the cluster center are weaker, although the small disks found could be the result of disk truncation. This work demonstrates the potential to characterize disks from low-mass YSOs in distant and massive (still deeply embedded) clustered environments.
We present new spectral line observations of the CH3CN molecule in the accretion disk around the massive protostar IRAS 20126+4104 with the Submillimeter Array that for the first time measure the disk density, temperature, and rotational velocity wit h sufficient resolution (0.37, equivalent to ~600 AU) to assess the gravitational stability of the disk through the Toomre-Q parameter. Our observations resolve the central 2000 AU region that shows steeper velocity gradients with increasing upper state energy, indicating an increase in the rotational velocity of the hotter gas nearer the star. Such spin-up motions are characteristics of an accretion flow in a rotationally supported disk. We compare the observed data with synthetic image cubes produced by three-dimensional radiative transfer models describing a thin flared disk in Keplerian motion enveloped within the centrifugal radius of an angular-momentum-conserving accretion flow. Given a luminosity of 1.3x10^4 Lsun, the optimized model gives a disk mass of 1.5 Msun and a radius of 858 AU rotating about a 12.0 Msun protostar with a disk mass accretion rate of 3.9x10^{-5} Msun/yr. Our study finds that, in contrast to some theoretical expectations, the disk is hot and stable to fragmentation with Q > 2.8 at all radii which permits a smooth accretion flow. These results put forward the first constraints on gravitational instabilities in massive protostellar disks, which are closely connected to the formation of companion stars and planetary systems by fragmentation.
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