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Supergravity solutions with constant scalar invariants

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 نشر من قبل Andrea Fuster
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study a class of constant scalar invariant (CSI) spacetimes, which belong to the higher-dimensional Kundt class, that are solutions of supergravity. We review the known CSI supergravity solutions in this class and we explicitly present a number of new exact CSI supergravity solutions, some of which are Einstein.

قيم البحث

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We consider compactifications induced by the gravitino field of eleven dimensional supergravity. Such compactifications are not trivial in the sense that the gravitino profiles are not related to pure bosonic ones by means of a supersymmetry transfor mation. The basic property of such backgrounds is that they admit $psi$-torsion although they have vanishing Riemann tensor. Thus, these backgrounds may be considered also as solutions of the teleparallel formulation of supergravity. We construct two classes of solutions, one with both antisymmetric three-form field, gravity and gravitino and one with only gravity and gravitino. In these classes of solutions, the internal space is a parallelized compact manifold, so that it does not inherit any cosmological constant to the external spacetime. The latter turns out to be flat Minkowski in the maximally symmetric case. The elimination of the cosmological constant in the spontaneously compactified supergravity seems to be a generic property based on the trading of the cosmological constant for parallelizing torsion.
164 - Nakwoo Kim 2014
We consider scalar fields which are coupled to Einstein gravity with a negative cosmological constant, and construct periodic solutions perturbatively. In particular, we study tachyonic scalar fields whose mass is at or above the Breitenlohner-Freedm an bound in four, five, and seven spacetime dimensions. The critical amplitude of the leading order perturbation, for which the perturbative expansion breaks down, increases as we consider less massive fields. We present various examples including a model with a self-interacting scalar field which is derived from a consistent truncation of IIB supergravity.
We study a self-interacting scalar field theory coupled to gravity and are interested in spherically symmetric solutions with a regular origin surrounded by a horizon. For a scalar potential containing a barrier, and using the most general sphericall y symmetric ansatz, we show that in addition to the known static, oscillating solutions discussed earlier in the literature there exist new classes of solutions which appear in the strong field case. For these solutions the spatial sphere shrinks either beyond the horizon, implying a collapsing universe outside of the cosmological horizon, or it shrinks already inside of the horizon, implying the existence of a black hole surrounding the scalar lump in all directions. Crucial for the existence of all such solutions is the presence of a scalar field potential with a barrier that satisfies the swampland conjectures.
The locally supersymmetric extension of the most general gravity theory in three dimensions leading to first order field equations for the vielbein and the spin connection is constructed. Apart from the Einstein-Hilbert term with cosmological constan t, the gravitational sector contains the Lorentz-Chern-Simons form and a term involving the torsion each with arbitrary couplings. The supersymmetric extension is carried out for vanishing and negative effective cosmological constant, and it is shown that the action can be written as a Chern-Simons theory for the supersymmetric extension of the Poincare and AdS groups, respectively. The construction can be simply carried out by making use of a duality map between different gravity theories discussed here, which relies on the different ways to make geometry emerge from a single gauge potential. The extension for N =p+q gravitini is also performed.
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