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WMAP 3yr data with the CCA: anomalous emission and impact of component separation on the CMB power spectrum

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 نشر من قبل Sara Ricciardi
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف A. Bonaldi

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The Correlated Component Analysis (CCA) allows us to estimate how the different diffuse emissions mix in CMB experiments, exploiting also complementary information from other surveys. It is especially useful to deal with possible additional components. An application of CCA to WMAP maps assuming that only the canonical Galactic emissions are present, highlights the widespread presence of a spectrally flat synchrotron component, largely uncorrelated with the synchrotron template, suggesting that an additional foreground is indeed required. We have tested various spectral shapes for such component, namely a power law as expected if it is flat synchrotron, and two spectral shapes that may fit the spinning dust emission: a parabola in the logS - log(frequency) plane, and a grey body. Quality tests applied to the reconstructed CMB maps clearly disfavour two of the models. The CMB power spectra, estimated from CMB maps reconstructed exploiting the three surviving foreground models, are generally consistent with the WMAP ones, although at least one of them gives a significantly higher quadrupole moment than found by the WMAP team. Taking foreground modeling uncertainties into account, we find that the mean quadrupole amplitude for the three good models is less than 1 sigma below the expectation from the standard LambdaCDM model. Also the other reported deviations from model predictions are found not to be statistically significant, except for the excess power at l~40. We confirm the evidence for a marked North-South asymmetry in the large scale (l < 20) CMB anisotropies. We also present a first, albeit preliminary, all-sky map of the anomalous component.

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64 - D.Maino , S.Donzelli , A.J.Banday 2006
We present an application of the fast Independent Component Analysis (FastICA) to the WMAP 3yr data with the goal of extracting the CMB signal. We evaluate the confidence of our results by means of Monte Carlo simulations including CMB, foreground co ntaminations and instrumental noise specific of each WMAP frequency band. We perform a complete analysis involving all or a subset of the WMAP channels in order to select the optimal combination for CMB extraction, using the frequency scaling of the reconstructed component as a figure of merit. We found that the combination KQVW provides the best CMB frequency scaling, indicating that the low frequency foreground contamination in Q, V and W bands is better traced by the emission in the K band. The CMB angular power spectrum is recovered up to the degree scale, it is consistent within errors for all WMAP channel combination considered, and in close agreement with the WMAP 3yr results. We perform a statistical analysis of the recovered CMB pattern, and confirm the sky asymmetry reported in several previous works with independent techniques.
We describe and implement an exact, flexible, and computationally efficient algorithm for joint component separation and CMB power spectrum estimation, building on a Gibbs sampling framework. Two essential new features are 1) conditional sampling of foreground spectral parameters, and 2) joint sampling of all amplitude-type degrees of freedom (e.g., CMB, foreground pixel amplitudes, and global template amplitudes) given spectral parameters. Given a parametric model of the foreground signals, we estimate efficiently and accurately the exact joint foreground-CMB posterior distribution, and therefore all marginal distributions such as the CMB power spectrum or foreground spectral index posteriors. The main limitation of the current implementation is the requirement of identical beam responses at all frequencies, which restricts the analysis to the lowest resolution of a given experiment. We outline a future generalization to multi-resolution observations. To verify the method, we analyse simple models and compare the results to analytical predictions. We then analyze a realistic simulation with properties similar to the 3-yr WMAP data, downgraded to a common resolution of 3 degree FWHM. The results from the actual 3-yr WMAP temperature analysis are presented in a companion Letter.
154 - C. Dickinson 2009
A well-tested and validated Gibbs sampling code, that performs component separation and CMB power spectrum estimation, was applied to the {it WMAP} 5-yr data. Using a simple model consisting of CMB, noise, monopoles and dipoles, a ``per pixel low-fre quency power-law (fitting for both amplitude and spectral index), and a thermal dust template with fixed spectral index, we found that the low-$ell$ ($ell < 50$) CMB power spectrum is in good agreement with the published {it WMAP}5 results. Residual monopoles and dipoles were found to be small ($lesssim 3 mu$K) or negligible in the 5-yr data. We comprehensively tested the assumptions that were made about the foregrounds (e.g. dust spectral index, power-law spectral index prior, templates), and found that the CMB power spectrum was insensitive to these choices. We confirm the asymmetry of power between the north and south ecliptic hemispheres, which appears to be robust against foreground modeling. The map of low frequency spectral indices indicates a steeper spectrum on average ($beta=-2.97pm0.21$) relative to those found at low ($sim$GHz) frequencies.
We present the angular power spectrum of the CMB component extracted with FastICA from the Background Emission Anisotropy Scanning Telescope (BEAST) data. BEAST is a 2.2 meter off-axis telescope with a focal plane comprising 8 elements at Q (38-45 GH z) and Ka (26-36 GHz) bands. It operates from the UC White Mountain Research Station at an altitude of 3800 meters. The BEAST CMB angular power spectrum has been already calculated by ODwyer et.al. using only the Q band data. With two input channels FastICA returns two possible independent components. We found that one of these two has an unphysical spectral behaviour while the other is a reasonable CMB component. After a detailed calibration procedure based on Monte-Carlo (MC) simulations we extracted the angular power spectrum for the identified CMB component and found a very good agreement with the already published BEAST CMB angular power spectrum and with the WMAP data.
266 - Lung-Yih Chiang 2010
Cross-power spectrum is a quadratic estimator between two maps that can provide unbiased estimate of the underlying power spectrum of the correlated signals, which is therefore used for extracting the power spectrum in the WMAP data. In this paper we discuss the limit of cross-power spectrum and derive the residual from uncorrelated signal, which is the source of error in power spectrum extraction. We employ the estimator to extract window functions by crossing pairs of extragalactic point sources. We desmonstrate its usefulness in WMAP Difference Assembly maps where the window functions are measured via Jupiter and then extract the window functions of the 5 WMAP frequency band maps.
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