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Reciprocal Symmetry and Classical Discrete Oscillator Incorporating Half-Integral Energy Levels

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 نشر من قبل Mushfiq Ahmad Mr.
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Mushfiq Ahmad

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Classical oscillator differential equation is replaced by the corresponding (finite time) difference equation. The equation is, then, symmetrized so that it remains invariant under the change d going to -d, where d is the smallest span of time. This symmetric equation has solutions, which come in reciprocally related pairs. One member of a pair agrees with the classical solution and the other is an oscillating solution and does not converge to a limit as d goes to 0. This solution contributes to oscillator energy a term which is a multiple of half-integers.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

The coherent states that describe the classical motion of a mechanical oscillator do not have well-defined energy, but are rather quantum superpositions of equally-spaced energy eigenstates. Revealing this quantized structure is only possible with an apparatus that measures the mechanical energy with a precision greater than the energy of a single phonon, $hbaromega_text{m}$. One way to achieve this sensitivity is by engineering a strong but nonresonant interaction between the oscillator and an atom. In a system with sufficient quantum coherence, this interaction allows one to distinguish different phonon number states by resolvable differences in the atoms transition frequency. Such dispersive measurements have been studied in cavity and circuit quantum electrodynamics where experiments using real and artificial atoms have resolved the photon number states of cavities. Here, we report an experiment where an artificial atom senses the motional energy of a driven nanomechanical oscillator with sufficient sensitivity to resolve the quantization of its energy. To realize this, we build a hybrid platform that integrates nanomechanical piezoelectric resonators with a microwave superconducting qubit on the same chip. We excite phonons with resonant pulses of varying amplitude and probe the resulting excitation spectrum of the qubit to observe phonon-number-dependent frequency shifts $approx 5$ times larger than the qubit linewidth. Our result demonstrates a fully integrated platform for quantum acoustics that combines large couplings, considerable coherence times, and excellent control over the mechanical mode structure. With modest experimental improvements, we expect our approach will make quantum nondemolition measurements of phonons an experimental reality, leading the way to new quantum sensors and information processing approaches that use chip-scale nanomechanical devices.
309 - Roman Sverdlov 2011
The purpose of this paper is to propose a classical model of quantum fields which is local. Yet it admittedly violates relativity as we know it and, instead, it fits within a bimetric model with one metric corresponding to speed of light and another metric to superlumianl signals whose speed is still finite albeit very large. The key obstacle to such model is the notion of functional in the context of QFT which is inherently non-local. The goal of this paper is to stop viewing functionals as fundamental and instead model their emergence from the deeper processes that are based on functions over $mathbb{R}^4$ alone. The latter are claimed to be local in the above bimetric sense.
184 - Boris Tatischeff 2011
A contribution is presented to the application of fractal properties and log-periodic corrections to the masses of several nuclei (isotopes or isotones), and to the energy levels of some nuclei. The fractal parameters $alpha$ and $lambda$ are not ran domly distributed, but take a small number of values, common also with the values extracted previously from fractal distributions of quark, lepton, and hadronic masses. Several masses of still unobserved nuclei are tentatively predicted.
140 - David G. Taylor 2008
Bloch and Okounkovs correlation function on the infinite wedge space has connections to Gromov-Witten theory, Hilbert schemes, symmetric groups, and certain character functions of $hgl_infty$-modules of level one. Recent works have calculated these c haracter functions for higher levels for $hgl_infty$ and its Lie subalgebras of classical type. Here we obtain these functions for the subalgebra of type $D$ of half-integral levels and as a byproduct, obtain $q$-dimension formulas for integral modules of type $D$ at half-integral level.
108 - Xingchu Zhang , Weilong She 2020
In this letter, the wavelet transform is used to decompose the classical linearly polarized plane light wave into a series of discrete Morlet wavelets. It is found that the energy of the light wave can be discrete, associated with its discrete wavele t structure.It is also found that the changeable energy of a basic plane light wave packet or wave train of wave vector $mathord{buildrel{lower3pthbox{$scriptscriptstylerightharpoonup$}}over k} $ and with discrete wavelet structure can be with the form of ${H_{0k}} = n{p_{0k}}omega$ $(n = 1,2,3,...)$, where $n$ is the parameter of discrete wavelet structure, $omega $ is the idler frequency of the light wave packet or wave train, and ${p_{0k}}$ is a constant to be determined.This is consistent with the energy division of $P$ portions in Planck radiation theory, where $P$ is an integer. Finally, the random light wave packets with $n=1$ are used to simulate the Mach-Zehnder interference of single photons, showing the wave-particle duality of light.
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