يهدف البحث الحالي التعرف على طبيعة العلاقة بين كشف الذات و علاقتها بقوة
الشخصية لدى عينة من طلبة التعليم المفتوح بجامعة دمشق، حسب متغير التخصص
الدراسي (رياض اطفال، محاسبة).
The current research aims to identify the nature of the The
current research aims to identify the nature of the relationship between
the self -disclosure and its relationship to reveal Strong Personality
among a sample of open education students at the University of
Damascus, according to a variable specialization school (Kindergarten,
المراجع المستخدمة
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Lee, T. Foo, K. Morgan, R. Frewen, A. (2015) Strengths of character, orientations to happiness, life satisfaction and purpose in Singapore. Journal of Tropical Psychology, 5. pp. 1-21
Sermat, V. & Smyth, M.(1973).Content analysis of verbal communication in the development of relationship: Conditions influencing self- disclosure, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,26,pp.332-346