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Differential forms on arithmetic jet spaces

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 نشر من قبل James M. Borger
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We study derivations and differential forms on the arithmetic jet spaces of smooth schemes, relative to several primes. As applications we give a new interpretation of arithmetic Laplacians and we discuss the de Rham cohomology of some specific arithmetic jet spaces.

قيم البحث

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Using arithmetic jet spaces, we attach perfectoid spaces to smooth schemes and to $delta$-morphisms of smooth schemes. We also study perfectoid spaces attached to arithmetic differential equations defined by some of the remarkable $delta$-morphisms a ppearing in the theory such as the $delta$-characters of elliptic curves and the $delta$-period map on modular curves.
We prove that the main examples in the theory of algebraic differential equations possess a remarkable total differential overconvergence property. This allows one to consider solutions to these equations with coordinates in algebraically closed fields.
A formalism of arithmetic partial differential equations (PDEs) is being developed in which one considers several arithmetic differentiations at one fixed prime. In this theory solutions can be defined in algebraically closed p-adic fields. As an app lication we show that for at least two arithmetic directions every elliptic curve possesses a non-zero arithmetic PDE Manin map of order 1; such maps do not exist in the arithmetic ODE case. Similarly we construct and study genuinely PDE differential modular forms. As further applications we derive a Theorem of the Kernel and a Reciprocity Theorem for arithmetic PDE Manin maps and also a finiteness Diophantine result for modular parameterizations. We also prove structure results for the spaces of PDE differential modular forms defined on the ordinary locus. We also produce a system of differential equations satisfied by our PDE modular forms based on Serre and Euler operators.
We consider a complete discrete valuation field of characteristic p, with possibly non perfect residue field. Let V be a rank one continuous representation with finite local monodromy of its absolute Galois group. We will prove that the Arithmetic Sw an conductor of V (defined after Kato in [Kat89] which fits in the more general theory of [AS02] and [AS06]) coincides with the Differential Swan conductor of the associated differential module $D^{dag}(V)$ defined by Kedlaya in [Ked]. This construction is a generalization to the non perfect residue case of the Fontaines formalism as presented in [Tsu98a]. Our method of proof will allow us to give a new interpretation of the Refined Swan Conductor.
In the 1990s, J.H. Conway published a combinatorial-geometric method for analyzing integer-valued binary quadratic forms (BQFs). Using a visualization he named the topograph, Conway revisited the reduction of BQFs and the solution of quadratic Diopha ntine equations such as Pells equation. It appears that the crux of his method is the coincidence between the arithmetic group $PGL_2({mathbb Z})$ and the Coxeter group of type $(3,infty)$. There are many arithmetic Coxeter groups, and each may have unforeseen applications to arithmetic. We introduce Conways topograph, and generalizations to other arithmetic Coxeter groups. This includes a study of arithmetic flags and variants of binary quadratic forms.
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