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Geometrization of dynamics consists of representing trajectories by geodesics on a configuration space with a suitably defined metric. Previously, efforts were made to show that the analysis of dynamical stability can also be carried out within geome trical frameworks, by measuring the broadening rate of a bundle of geodesics. Two known formalisms are via Jacobi and Eisenhart metrics. We find that this geometrical analysis measures the actual stability when the length of any geodesic is proportional to the corresponding time interval. We prove that the Jacobi metric is not always an appropriate parametrization by showing that it predicts chaotic behavior for a system of harmonic oscillators. Furthermore, we show, by explicit calculation, that the correspondence between dynamical- and geometrical-spread is ill-defined for the Jacobi metric. We find that the Eisenhart dynamics corresponds to the actual tangent dynamics and is therefore an appropriate geometrization scheme.
123 - Zoran Levnajic , Igor Mezic 2014
We present a new method of analysis of measure-preserving dynamical systems, based on frequency analysis and ergodic theory, which extends our earlier work [1]. Our method employs the novel concept of harmonic time average [2], and is realized as a c omputational algorithms for visualization of periodic and quasi-periodic sets or arbitrary periodicity in the phase space. Besides identifying all periodic sets, our method is useful in detecting chaotic phase space regions with a good precision. The range of methods applicability is illustrated using well-known Chirikov standard map, while its full potential is presented by studying higher-dimensional measure-preserving systems, in particular Froeschle map and extended standard map.
The linear response of synchronized chaotic units with delayed couplings and feedback to small external perturbations is investigated in the context of communication with chaos synchronization. For iterated chaotic maps, the distribution of distances is calculated numerically and, for some special cases, analytically as well. Depending on model parameters, this distribution has power law tails leading to diverging moments of distances in the region of synchronization. The corresponding linear equations have multiplicative and additive noise due to perturbations and chaos. The response to small harmonic perturbations shows resonances related to coupling and feedback delay times. For perturbation from a binary message the bit error rate is calculated. The bit error rate is not related to the transverse Lyapunov exponents, and it can be reduced when additional noise is added to the transmitted signal. For some special cases, the bit error rate as a function of coupling strength has the structure of a devils staircase, related to an iterated function system. Finally, the security of communication is discussed by comparing uni- and bi-directional couplings.
We use symbolic dynamics to study discrete-time dynamical systems with multiple time delays. We exploit the concept of avoiding sets, which arise from specific non-generating partitions of the phase space and restrict the occurrence of certain symbol sequences related to the characteristics of the dynamics. In particular, we show that the resulting forbidden sequences are closely related to the time delays in the system. We present two applications to coupled map lattices, namely (1) detecting synchronization and (2) determining unknown values of the transmission delays in networks with possibly directed and weighted connections and measurement noise. The method is applicable to multi-dimensional as well as set-valued maps, and to networks with time-varying delays and connection structure.
470 - Reginald D. Smith 2010
The Internet is the most complex system ever created in human history. Therefore, its dynamics and traffic unsurprisingly take on a rich variety of complex dynamics, self-organization, and other phenomena that have been researched for years. This pap er is a review of the complex dynamics of Internet traffic. Departing from normal treatises, we will take a view from both the network engineering and physics perspectives showing the strengths and weaknesses as well as insights of both. In addition, many less covered phenomena such as traffic oscillations, large-scale effects of worm traffic, and comparisons of the Internet and biological models will be covered.
145 - Zoran Levnajic , Igor Mezic 2010
We present a computational study of a visualization method for invariant sets based on ergodic partition theory, first proposed in [1,2]. The algorithms for computation of the time averages of observables on phase space are developed and used to prov ide an approximation of the ergodic partition of the phase space. We term the graphical representation of this approximation - based on time averages of observables - a Mesochronic Plot (from Greek: textit{meso} - mean, textit{chronos} - time}. The method is useful for identifying low-dimensional projections (e.g. two-dimensional slices) of invariant structures in phase spaces of dimensionality bigger than two. We also introduce the concept of the ergodic quotient space, obtained by assigning a point to every ergodic set, and provide an embedding method whose graphical representation we call the Mesochronic Scatter Plot (MSP). We use the Chirikov standard map as a well-known and dynamically rich example in order to illustrate the implementation of our methods. In addition, we expose applications to other higher dimensional maps such as the Froeschle map for which we utilize our methods to analyze merging of resonances and, the three-dimensional Extended standard map for which we study the conjecture on its ergodicity [3]. We extend the study in our next paper [4] by investigating the visualization of periodic sets using harmonic time averages. Both of these methods are related to eigenspace structure of the Koopman operator.
Excitable membranes are an important type of nonlinear dynamical system and their study can be used to provide a connection between physical and biological circuits. We discuss two models of excitable membranes important in cardiac and neural tissues . One model is based on the Fitzhugh-Nagumo equations and the other is based on a three-transistor excitable circuit. We construct a circuit that simulates reentrant tachycardia and its treatment by surgical ablation. This project is appropriate for advanced undergraduates as a laboratory capstone project, or as a senior thesis or honors project, and can also be a collaborative project, with one student responsible for the computational predictions and another for the circuit construction and measurements.
We present an investigation of the statistics of velocity gradient related quantities, in particluar energy dissipation rate and enstrophy, along the trajectories of fluid tracers and of heavy/light particles advected by a homogeneous and isotropic t urbulent flow. The Refined Similarity Hypothesis (RSH) proposed by Kolmogorov and Oboukhov in 1962 is rephrased in the Lagrangian context and then tested along the particle trajectories. The study is performed on state-of-the-art numerical data resulting from numerical simulations up to Re~400 with 2048^3 collocation points. When particles have small inertia, we show that the Lagrangian formulation of the RSH is well verified for time lags larger than the typical response time of the particle. In contrast, in the large inertia limit when the particle response time approaches the integral-time-scale of the flow, particles behave nearly ballistic, and the Eulerian formulation of RSH holds in the inertial-range.
The escape rate of a stochastic dynamical system can be found as an expansion in powers of the noise strength. In previous work the coefficients of such an expansion for a one-dimensional map were fitted to a general form containing a few parameters. These parameters were found to be related to the fractal structure of the repeller of the system. The parameter alpha, the noise dimension, remains to be interpreted. This report presents new data for alpha showing that the relation to the dimensions is more complicated than predicted in earlier work and oscillates as a function of the map parameter, in contrast to other dimension-like quantities.
81 - R. Klages 2009
This is an easy-to-read introduction to foundations of deterministic chaos, deterministic diffusion and anomalous diffusion. The first part introduces to deterministic chaos in one-dimensional maps in form of Ljapunov exponents and dynamical entropie s. The second part outlines the concept of deterministic diffusion. Then the escape rate formalism for deterministic diffusion, which expresses the diffusion coefficient in terms of the above two chaos quantities, is worked out for a simple map. Part three explains basics of anomalous diffusion by demonstrating the stochastic approach of continuous time random walk theory for an intermittent map. As an example of experimental applications, the anomalous dynamics of biological cell migration is discussed.

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