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To meet the extreme compute demands for deep learning across commercial and scientific applications, dataflow accelerators are becoming increasingly popular. While these domain-specific accelerators are not fully programmable like CPUs and GPUs, they retain varying levels of flexibility with respect to data orchestration, i.e., dataflow and tiling optimizations to enhance efficiency. There are several challenges when designing new algorithms and mapping approaches to execute the algorithms for a target problem on new hardware. Previous works have addressed these challenges individually. To address this challenge as a whole, in this work, we present a HW-SW co-design ecosystem for spatial accelerators called Union within the popular MLIR compiler infrastructure. Our framework allows exploring different algorithms and their mappings on several accelerator cost models. Union also includes a plug-and-play library of accelerator cost models and mappers which can easily be extended. The algorithms and accelerator cost models are connected via a novel mapping abstraction that captures the map space of spatial accelerators which can be systematically pruned based on constraints from the hardware, workload, and mapper. We demonstrate the value of Union for the community with several case studies which examine offloading different tensor operations(CONV/GEMM/Tensor Contraction) on diverse accelerator architectures using different mapping schemes.
In this work we propose an effective preconditioning technique to accelerate the steady-state simulation of large-scale memristor crossbar arrays (MCAs). We exploit the structural regularity of MCAs to develop a specially-crafted preconditioner that can be efficiently evaluated utilizing tensor products and block matrix inversion. Numerical experiments demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed technique compared to mainstream preconditioners.
424 - Shaoshan Liu , Yuhao Zhu , Bo Yu 2021
The commercialization of autonomous machines is a thriving sector, and likely to be the next major computing demand driver, after PC, cloud computing, and mobile computing. Nevertheless, a suitable computer architecture for autonomous machines is mis sing, and many companies are forced to develop ad hoc computing solutions that are neither scalable nor extensible. In this article, we analyze the demands of autonomous machine computing, and argue for the promise of dataflow architectures in autonomous machines.
One of the most critical aspects of integrating loosely-coupled accelerators in heterogeneous SoC architectures is orchestrating their interactions with the memory hierarchy, especially in terms of navigating the various cache-coherence options: from accelerators accessing off-chip memory directly, bypassing the cache hierarchy, to accelerators having their own private cache. By running real-size applications on FPGA-based prototypes of many-accelerator multi-core SoCs, we show that the best cache-coherence mode for a given accelerator varies at runtime, depending on the accelerators characteristics, the workload size, and the overall SoC status. Cohmeleon applies reinforcement learning to select the best coherence mode for each accelerator dynamically at runtime, as opposed to statically at design time. It makes these selections adaptively, by continuously observing the system and measuring its performance. Cohmeleon is accelerator-agnostic, architecture-independent, and it requires minimal hardware support. Cohmeleon is also transparent to application programmers and has a negligible software overhead. FPGA-based experiments show that our runtime approach offers, on average, a 38% speedup with a 66% reduction of off-chip memory accesses compared to state-of-the-art design-time approaches. Moreover, it can match runtime solutions that are manually tuned for the target architecture.
Molecular similarity search has been widely used in drug discovery to identify structurally similar compounds from large molecular databases rapidly. With the increasing size of chemical libraries, there is growing interest in the efficient accelerat ion of large-scale similarity search. Existing works mainly focus on CPU and GPU to accelerate the computation of the Tanimoto coefficient in measuring the pairwise similarity between different molecular fingerprints. In this paper, we propose and optimize an FPGA-based accelerator design on exhaustive and approximate search algorithms. On exhaustive search using BitBound & folding, we analyze the similarity cutoff and folding level relationship with search speedup and accuracy, and propose a scalable on-the-fly query engine on FPGAs to reduce the resource utilization and pipeline interval. We achieve a 450 million compounds-per-second processing throughput for a single query engine. On approximate search using hierarchical navigable small world (HNSW), a popular algorithm with high recall and query speed. We propose an FPGA-based graph traversal engine to utilize a high throughput register array based priority queue and fine-grained distance calculation engine to increase the processing capability. Experimental results show that the proposed FPGA-based HNSW implementation has a 103385 query per second (QPS) on the Chembl database with 0.92 recall and achieves a 35x speedup than the existing CPU implementation on average. To the best of our knowledge, our FPGA-based implementation is the first attempt to accelerate molecular similarity search algorithms on FPGA and has the highest performance among existing approaches.
160 - Nastaran Hajinazar 2021
There is an explosive growth in the size of the input and/or intermediate data used and generated by modern and emerging applications. Unfortunately, modern computing systems are not capable of handling large amounts of data efficiently. Major concep ts and components (e.g., the virtual memory system) and predominant execution models (e.g., the processor-centric execution model) used in almost all computing systems are designed without having modern applications overwhelming data demand in mind. As a result, accessing, moving, and processing large amounts of data faces important challenges in todays systems, making data a first-class concern and a prime performance and energy bottleneck in such systems. This thesis studies the root cause of inefficiency in modern computing systems when handling modern applications data demand, and aims to fundamentally address such inefficiencies, with a focus on two directions. First, we design SIMDRAM, an end-to-end processing-using-DRAM framework that aids the widespread adoption of processing-using-DRAM, a data-centric computation paradigm that improves the overall performance and efficiency of the system when computing large amounts of data by minimizing the cost of data movement and enabling computation where the data resides. Second, we introduce the Virtual Block Interface (VBI), a novel virtual memory framework that 1) eliminates the inefficiencies of the conventional virtual memory frameworks when handling the high memory demand in modern applications, and 2) is built from the ground up to understand, convey, and exploit data properties, to create opportunities for performance and efficiency improvements.
Aerial autonomous machines (Drones) has a plethora of promising applications and use cases. While the popularity of these autonomous machines continues to grow, there are many challenges, such as endurance and agility, that could hinder the practical deployment of these machines. The closed-loop control frequency must be high to achieve high agility. However, given the resource-constrained nature of the aerial robot, achieving high control loop frequency is hugely challenging and requires careful co-design of algorithm and onboard computer. Such an effort requires infrastructures that bridge various domains, namely robotics, machine learning, and system architecture design. To that end, we present AutoSoC, a framework for co-designing algorithms as well as hardware accelerator systems for end-to-end learning-based aerial autonomous machines. We demonstrate the efficacy of the framework by training an obstacle avoidance algorithm for aerial robots to navigate in a densely cluttered environment. For the best performing algorithm, our framework generates various accelerator design candidates with varying performance, area, and power consumption. The framework also runs the ASIC flow of place and route and generates a layout of the floor-planed accelerator, which can be used to tape-out the final hardware chip.
268 - Jie Zhang , Myoungsoo Jung 2021
Traditional graphics processing units (GPUs) suffer from the low memory capacity and demand for high memory bandwidth. To address these challenges, we propose Ohm-GPU, a new optical network based heterogeneous memory design for GPUs. Specifically, Oh m-GPU can expand the memory capacity by combing a set of high-density 3D XPoint and DRAM modules as heterogeneous memory. To prevent memory channels from throttling throughput of GPU memory system, Ohm-GPU replaces the electrical lanes in the traditional memory channel with a high-performance optical network. However, the hybrid memory can introduce frequent data migrations between DRAM and 3D XPoint, which can unfortunately occupy the memory channel and increase the optical network traffic. To prevent the intensive data migrations from blocking normal memory services, Ohm-GPU revises the existing memory controller and designs a new optical network infrastructure, which enables the memory channel to serve the data migrations and memory requests, in parallel. Our evaluation results reveal that Ohm-GPU can improve the performance by 181% and 27%, compared to a DRAM-based GPU memory system and the baseline optical network based heterogeneous memory system, respectively.
Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) allows computing on encrypted data, enabling secure offloading of computation to untrusted serves. Though it provides ideal security, FHE is expensive when executed in software, 4 to 5 orders of magnitude slower tha n computing on unencrypted data. These overheads are a major barrier to FHEs widespread adoption. We present F1, the first FHE accelerator that is programmable, i.e., capable of executing full FHE programs. F1 builds on an in-depth architectural analysis of the characteristics of FHE computations that reveals acceleration opportunities. F1 is a wide-vector processor with novel functional units deeply specialized to FHE primitives, such as modular arithmetic, number-theoretic transforms, and structured permutations. This organization provides so much compute throughput that data movement becomes the bottleneck. Thus, F1 is primarily designed to minimize data movement. The F1 hardware provides an explicitly managed memory hierarchy and mechanisms to decouple data movement from execution. A novel compiler leverages these mechanisms to maximize reuse and schedule off-chip and on-chip data movement. We evaluate F1 using cycle-accurate simulations and RTL synthesis. F1 is the first system to accelerate complete FHE programs and outperforms state-of-the-art software implementations by gmean 5400x and by up to 17000x. These speedups counter most of FHEs overheads and enable new applications, like real-time private deep learning in the cloud.
Machine learning algorithms have enabled computers to predict things by learning from previous data. The data storage and processing power are increasing rapidly, thus increasing machine learning and Artificial intelligence applications. Much of the work is done to improve the accuracy of the models built in the past, with little research done to determine the computational costs of machine learning acquisitions. In this paper, I will proceed with this later research work and will make a performance comparison of multi-threaded machine learning clustering algorithms. I will be working on Linear Regression, Random Forest, and K-Nearest Neighbors to determine the performance characteristics of the algorithms as well as the computation costs to the obtained results. I will be benchmarking system hardware performance by running these multi-threaded algorithms to train and test the models on a dataset to note the differences in performance matrices of the algorithms. In the end, I will state the best performing algorithms concerning the performance efficiency of these algorithms on my system.

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