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Pretraining on large labeled datasets is a prerequisite to achieve good performance in many computer vision tasks like 2D object recognition, video classification etc. However, pretraining is not widely used for 3D recognition tasks where state-of-th e-art methods train models from scratch. A primary reason is the lack of large annotated datasets because 3D data is both difficult to acquire and time consuming to label. We present a simple self-supervised pertaining method that can work with any 3D data - single or multiview, indoor or outdoor, acquired by varied sensors, without 3D registration. We pretrain standard point cloud and voxel based model architectures, and show that joint pretraining further improves performance. We evaluate our models on 9 benchmarks for object detection, semantic segmentation, and object classification, where they achieve state-of-the-art results and can outperform supervised pretraining. We set a new state-of-the-art for object detection on ScanNet (69.0% mAP) and SUNRGBD (63.5% mAP). Our pretrained models are label efficient and improve performance for classes with few examples.
We introduce H3DNet, which takes a colorless 3D point cloud as input and outputs a collection of oriented object bounding boxes (or BB) and their semantic labels. The critical idea of H3DNet is to predict a hybrid set of geometric primitives, i.e., B B centers, BB face centers, and BB edge centers. We show how to convert the predicted geometric primitives into object proposals by defining a distance function between an object and the geometric primitives. This distance function enables continuous optimization of object proposals, and its local minimums provide high-fidelity object proposals. H3DNet then utilizes a matching and refinement module to classify object proposals into detected objects and fine-tune the geometric parameters of the detected objects. The hybrid set of geometric primitives not only provides more accurate signals for object detection than using a single type of geometric primitives, but it also provides an overcomplete set of constraints on the resulting 3D layout. Therefore, H3DNet can tolerate outliers in predicted geometric primitives. Our model achieves state-of-the-art 3D detection results on two large datasets with real 3D scans, ScanNet and SUN RGB-D.
Optimizing a network of maps among a collection of objects/domains (or map synchronization) is a central problem across computer vision and many other relevant fields. Compared to optimizing pairwise maps in isolation, the benefit of map synchronizat ion is that there are natural constraints among a map network that can improve the quality of individual maps. While such self-supervision constraints are well-understood for undirected map networks (e.g., the cycle-consistency constraint), they are under-explored for directed map networks, which naturally arise when maps are given by parametric maps (e.g., a feed-forward neural network). In this paper, we study a natural self-supervision constraint for directed map networks called path-invariance, which enforces that composite maps along different paths between a fixed pair of source and target domains are identical. We introduce path-invariance bases for efficient encoding of the path-invariance constraint and present an algorithm that outputs a path-variance basis with polynomial time and space complexities. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on optimizing object correspondences, estimating dense image maps via neural networks, and semantic segmentation of 3D scenes via map networks of diverse 3D representations. In particular, for 3D semantic segmentation, our approach only requires 8% labeled data from ScanNet to achieve the same performance as training a single 3D segmentation network with 30% to 100% labeled data.
We present a deep generative scene modeling technique for indoor environments. Our goal is to train a generative model using a feed-forward neural network that maps a prior distribution (e.g., a normal distribution) to the distribution of primary obj ects in indoor scenes. We introduce a 3D object arrangement representation that models the locations and orientations of objects, based on their size and shape attributes. Moreover, our scene representation is applicable for 3D objects with different multiplicities (repetition counts), selected from a database. We show a principled way to train this model by combining discriminator losses for both a 3D object arrangement representation and a 2D image-based representation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our scene representation and the deep learning method on benchmark datasets. We also show the applications of this generative model in scene interpolation and scene completion.

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