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378 - Valerio Scarani 2015
This paper discusses a restriction of quantum theory, in which very complex states would be excluded. The toy theory is phrased in the language of the circuit model for quantum computing, its key ingredient being a limitation on the number of interac tions that textit{each} qubit may undergo. As long as one stays in the circuit model, the toy theory is consistent and may even match what we shall be ever able to do in a controlled laboratory experiment. The direct extension of the restriction beyond the circuit model conflicts with observed facts: the possibility of restricting the complexity of quantum state, while saving phenomena, remains an open question.
72 - Valerio Scarani 2015
Randomness is an unavoidable notion in discussing quantum physics, and this may trigger the curiosity to know more of its cultural history. This text is an invitation to explore the position on the matter of Thomas Aquinas, one of the most prominent philosophers and theologians of the European Middle Ages.
We discuss models that attempt to provide an explanation for the violation of Bell inequalities at a distance in terms of hidden influences. These models reproduce the quantum correlations in most situations, but are restricted to produce local corre lations in some configurations. The argument presented in [Bancal et al. Nature Physics 8, 867 (2012)] applies to all of these models, which can thus be proved to allow for faster-than-light communication. In other words, the signalling character of these models cannot remain hidden.
194 - Valerio Scarani 2013
This text is an introduction to an operational outlook on Bell inequalities, which has been very fruitful in the past few years. It has lead to the recognition that Bell tests have their own place in applied quantum technologies, because they quantif y non-classicality in a device-independent way, that is, without any need to describe the degrees of freedom under study and the measurements that are performed. At the more fundamental level, the same device-independent outlook has allowed the falsification of several other alternative models that could hope to reproduce the observed statistics while keeping some classical features that quantum theory denies; and it has shed new light on the long-standing quest for deriving quantum theory from physical principles.
We review the literature on Information Causality. Since its for a book, we dont think an abstract will be needed at all, so we have written this one just for the sake of the arXiv.
94 - Valerio Scarani 2010
I review the ideas and main results in the derivation of security bounds in quantum key distribution for keys of finite length. In particular, all the detailed studies on specific protocols and implementations indicate that no secret key can be extra cted if the number of processed signals per run is smaller than 10^5-10^6. I show how these numbers can be recovered from very basic estimates.
231 - Valerio Scarani 2009
This series of introductory lectures consists of two parts. In the first part, I rapidly review the basic notions of quantum physics and many primitives of quantum information (i.e. notions that one must be somehow familiar with in the field, like cl oning, teleportation, state estimation...). The second part is devoted to a detailed introduction to the topic of quantum correlations, covering the evidence for failure of alternative theories, some aspects of the formalism of no-signaling probability distributions and some hints towards some current research topics in the field.
Quantum key distribution (QKD) is the first quantum information task to reach the level of mature technology, already fit for commercialization. It aims at the creation of a secret key between authorized partners connected by a quantum channel and a classical authenticated channel. The security of the key can in principle be guaranteed without putting any restriction on the eavesdroppers power. The first two sections provide a concise up-to-date review of QKD, biased toward the practical side. The rest of the paper presents the essential theoretical tools that have been developed to assess the security of the main experimental platforms (discrete variables, continuous variables and distributed-phase-reference protocols).
The lists of bits processed in quantum key distribution are necessarily of finite length. The need for finite-key unconditional security bounds has been recognized long ago, but the theoretical tools have become available only very recently. We provi de finite-key unconditional security bounds for two practical implementations of the Bennett-Brassard 1984 coding: prepare-and-measure implementations without decoy states, and entanglement-based implementations. A finite-key bound for prepare-and-measure implementations with decoy states is also derived under a simplified treatment of the statistical fluctuations. The presentation is tailored to allow direct application of the bounds in experiments. Finally, the bounds are also evaluated on a priori reasonable expected values of the observed parameters.
A practical quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol necessarily runs in finite time and, hence, only a finite amount of communication is exchanged. This is in contrast to most of the standard results on the security of QKD, which only hold in the lim it where the number of transmitted signals approaches infinity. Here, we analyze the security of QKD under the realistic assumption that the amount of communication is finite. At the level of the general formalism, we present new results that help simplifying the actual implementation of QKD protocols: in particular, we show that symmetrization steps, which are required by certain security proofs (e.g., proofs based on de Finettis representation theorem), can be omitted in practical implementations. Also, we demonstrate how two-way reconciliation protocols can be taken into account in the security analysis. At the level of numerical estimates, we present the bounds with finite resources for ``device-independent security against collective attacks.

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