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Multiple zero-energy Majorana fermions (MFs) with spatially overlapping wave functions can survive only if their splitting is prevented by an underlying symmetry. Here we show that, in quasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) time reversal invariant topological s uperconductors (class DIII), a realistic model for superconducting lithium molybdenum purple bronze and certain families of organic superconductors, multiple Majorana-Kramers pairs with strongly overlapping wave functions persist at zero energy even in the absence of an easily identifiable symmetry. We find that similar results hold in the case of Q1D semiconductor-superconductor heterostructures (class D) with transverse hopping t_{perp} much smaller than longitudinal hopping t_x. Our results, explained in terms of special properties of the Hamiltonian and wave functions, underscore the importance of hidden accidental symmetries in topological superconductors.
Majorana fermions (MFs) are predicted to occur as zero-energy bound states in semiconductor nanowire-superconductor structures. However, in the presence of disorder or smooth confining potentials, these structures can also host non-topological nearly -zero energy states. Here, we demonstrate that the MFs and the nearly-zero topologically-trivial states have different characteristic signatures in a tunneling conductance measurement, which allows to clearly discriminate between them. We also show that low-energy non-topological states can strongly hybridize with metallic states from the leads, which generates the smooth background that characterizes the soft superconducting gap measured in tunneling experiments and produces an additional decoherence mechanism for the Majorana mode. Our results pave the way for the conclusive identification of MFs in a solid state system and provide directions for minimizing quantum decoherence in Majorana wires.
The excitation gap above the Majorana fermion (MF) modes at the ends of 1D topological superconducting (TS) semiconductor wires scales with the bulk quasiparticle gap E_{qp}. This gap, also called minigap, facilitates experimental detection of the pr istine TS state and MFs at experimentally accessible temperatures T << E_{qp}. Here we show that the linear scaling of minigap with E_{qp} can fail in quasi-1D wires with multiple confinement bands when the applied Zeeman field is greater than or equal to about half of the confinement-induced bandgap. TS states in such wires have an approximate chiral symmetry supporting multiple near zero energy modes at each end leading to a minigap which can effectively vanish. We show that the problem of small minigap in such wires can be resolved by forcing the system to break the approximate chirality symmetry externally with a second Zeeman field. Although experimental signatures such as zero bias peak from the wire ends is suppressed by the second Zeeman field above a critical value, such a field is required in some important parameter regimes of quasi-1D wires to isolate the topological physics of end state MFs. We also discuss the crucial difference of our minigap calculations from the previously reported minigap results appropriate for idealized spinless p-wave superconductors and explain why the clustering of fermionic subgap states around the zero energy Majorana end state with increasing chemical potential seen in the latter system does not apply to the experimental TS states in spin-orbit coupled nanowires.
Quantum ground states on the non-trivial side of a topological quantum critical point (TQCP) have unique properties that make them attractive candidates for quantum information applications. A recent example is provided by s-wave superconductivity on a semiconductor platform, which is tuned through a TQCP to a topological superconducting (TS) state by an external Zeeman field. Despite many attractive features of TS states, TQCPs themselves do not break any symmetries, making it impossible to distinguish the TS state from a regular superconductor in conventional bulk measurements. Here we show that for the semiconductor TQCP this problem can be overcome by tracking suitable bulk transport properties across the topological quantum critical regime itself. The universal low-energy effective theory and the scaling form of the relevant susceptibilities also provide a useful theoretical framework in which to understand the topological transitions in semiconductor heterostructures. Based on our theory, specific bulk measurements are proposed here in order to characterize the novel TQCP in semiconductor heterostructures.
The experimentally observed loss of superfluidity by introducing fermions to the boson Hubbard system on an optical lattice is explained. We show that the virtual transitions of the bosons to the higher Bloch bands, coupled with the contact boson-fer mion interactions of either sign, result in an effective increase of the boson on-site repulsion. If this renormalization of the on-site potential is dominant over the fermion screening of the boson interactions, the Mott insulating lobes of the Bose-Hubbard phase diagram will be enhanced for either sign of the boson-fermion interactions. We discuss implications for cold atom experiments where the expansion of the Mott lobes by fermions has been conclusively established.
We show that the breakdown of time-reversal invariance, confirmed by the recent polar Kerr effect measurements in the cuprates, implies the existence of an anomalous Nernst effect in the pseudogap phase of underdoped cuprate superconductors. Modeling the time-reversal-breaking ordered state by the chiral d-density-wave state, we find that the magnitude of the Nernst effect can be sizable even at temperatures much higher than the superconducting transition temperature. These results imply that the experimentally found Nernst effect at the pseudogap temperatures may be due to the chiral d-density wave ordered state with broken time-reversal invariance.
Using a phenomenological Ginzburg-Landau theory for the magnetic conical cycloid state of a multiferroic, which has been recently reported in the cubic spinel CoCr$_{2}$O$_{4}$, we discuss its low-energy fluctuation spectrum. We identify the Goldston e modes of the conical cycloidal order, and deduce their dispersion relations whose signature anisotropy in momentum space reflects the symmetries broken by the ordered state. We discuss the soft polarization fluctuations, the `electromagnons, associated with these magnetic modes and make several experimental predictions which can be tested in neutron scattering and optical experiments.
It was proposed that the $id_{x^2-y^2}$ density-wave state (DDW) may be responsible for the pseudogap behavior in the underdoped cuprates. Here we show that the admixture of a small $d_{xy}$ component to the DDW state breaks the symmetry between the counter-propagating orbital currents of the DDW state and, thus, violates the macroscopic time-reversal symmetry. This symmetry breaking results in a non-zero polar Kerr effect, which has recently been observed in the pseudogap phase.

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