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Weakly coupled Ising chains provide a condensed-matter realization of confinement. In these systems, kinks and antikinks bind into mesons due to an attractive interaction potential that increases linearly with the distance between the particles. Whil e single mesons have been directly observed in experiments, the role of the multiparticle continuum and bound states of mesons in the excitation spectrum is far less clear. Using time-dependent density matrix renormalization group methods, we study the dynamical structure factors of one- and two-spin operators in a transverse-field two-leg Ising ladder in the ferromagnetic phase. The propagation of time-dependent correlations and the two-spin excitation spectrum reveal the existence of interchain bound states, which are absent in the one-spin dynamical structure factor. We also identify two-meson bound states that appear at higher energies, above the thresholds of several two-meson continua.
We show that a honeycomb lattice of Heisenberg spin-$1/2$ chains with three-spin junction interactions allows for controlled analytical studies of chiral spin liquids (CSLs). Tuning these interactions to a chiral fixed point, we find a Kalmeyer-Laugh lin CSL phase which here is connected to the critical point of a boundary conformal field theory. Our construction directly yields a quantized spin Hall conductance and localized spinons with semionic statistics as elementary excitations. We also outline the phase diagram away from the chiral point where spinons may condense. Generalizations of our approach can provide microscopic realizations for many other CSLs.
Frustrated spin systems can show phases with spontaneous breaking of spin-rotational symmetry without the formation of local magnetic order. We study the dynamic response of the spin-nematic phase of one-dimensional spin-1/2 systems, characterized by slow large-distance decay of quadrupolar correlations, by numerically computing one-spin and two-spin dynamical structure factors at zero temperature using time-dependent density matrix renormalization group methods. We interpret the results in terms of an effective theory of gapped magnon excitations interacting with a quasi-condensate of bound magnon pairs. This employs an extension of the well-known Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid theory which includes the magnon states as a mobile impurity. A good qualitative understanding of the characteristic thresholds and their intensity in the structure factors is obtained this way. Our results are useful in the interpretation of inelastic neutron scattering and resonant inelastic x-ray scattering experiments.
We show that a quantum spin circulator, a nonreciprocal device that routes spin currents without any charge transport, can be achieved in Y junctions of identical spin-$1/2$ Heisenberg chains coupled by a chiral three-spin interaction. Using bosoniza tion, boundary conformal field theory, and density-matrix renormalization group simulations, we find that a chiral fixed point with maximally asymmetric spin conductance arises at a critical point separating a regime of disconnected chains from a spin-only version of the three-channel Kondo effect. We argue that networks of spin-chain Y junctions provide a controllable approach to construct long-sought chiral spin liquid phases.
Using a perturbative renormalization group approach, we show that the extended ($J_1$-$J_2$-$J_d$) Heisenberg model on the kagome lattice with a staggered chiral interaction ($J_chi$) can exhibit a gapless chiral quantum spin liquid phase. Within a c oupled-chains construction, this phase can be understood as a chiral sliding Luttinger liquid with algebraic decay of spin correlations along the chain directions. We calculate the low-energy properties of this gapless chiral spin liquid using the effective field theory and show that they are compatible with the predictions from parton mean-field theories with symmetry-protected line Fermi surfaces. These results may be relevant to the state observed in the kapellasite material.
We develop a stochastic model for the velocity gradients dynamics along a Lagrangian trajectory. Comparing with different attempts proposed in the literature, the present model, at the cost of introducing a free parameter known in turbulence phenomen ology as the intermittency coefficient, gives a realistic picture of velocity gradient statistics at any Reynolds number. To achieve this level of accuracy, we use as a first modelling step a regularized self-stretching term in the framework of the Recent Fluid Deformation (RFD) approximation that was shown to give a realistic picture of small scales statistics of turbulence only up to moderate Reynolds numbers. As a second step, we constrain the dynamics, in the spirit of Girimaji & Pope (1990), in order to impose a peculiar statistical structure to the dissipation seen by the Lagrangian particle. This probabilistic closure uses as a building block a random field that fulfils the statistical description of the intermittency, i.e. multifractal, phenomenon. To do so, we define and generalize to a statistically stationary framework a proposition made by Schmitt (2003). These considerations lead us to propose a non-linear and non-Markovian closed dynamics for the elements of the velocity gradient tensor. We numerically integrate this dynamics and observe that a stationary regime is indeed reached, in which (i) the gradients variance is proportional to the Reynolds number, (ii) gradients are typically correlated over the (small) Kolmogorov time scale and gradients norms over the (large) integral time scale (iii) the joint probability distribution function of the two non vanishing invariants $Q$ and $R$ reproduces the characteristic teardrop shape, (iv) vorticity gets preferentially aligned with the intermediate eigendirection of the deformation tensor and (v) gradients are strongly non-Gaussian and intermittent.
We investigate the statistical properties, based on numerical simulations and analytical calculations, of a recently proposed stochastic model for the velocity field of an incompressible, homogeneous, isotropic and fully developed turbulent flow. A k ey step in the construction of this model is the introduction of some aspects of the vorticity stretching mechanism that governs the dynamics of fluid particles along their trajectory. An additional further phenomenological step aimed at including the long range correlated nature of turbulence makes this model depending on a single free parameter $gamma$ that can be estimated from experimental measurements. We confirm the realism of the model regarding the geometry of the velocity gradient tensor, the power-law behaviour of the moments of velocity increments (i.e. the structure functions), including the intermittent corrections, and the existence of energy transfers across scales. We quantify the dependence of these basic properties of turbulent flows on the free parameter $gamma$ and derive analytically the spectrum of exponents of the structure functions in a simplified non dissipative case. A perturbative expansion in power of $gamma$ shows that energy transfers, at leading order, indeed take place, justifying the dissipative nature of this random field.

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