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In optical interferometry multi-mode entanglement is often assumed to be the driving force behind quantum enhanced measurements. Recent work has shown this assumption to be false: single mode quantum states perform just as well as their multi-mode en tangled counterparts. We go beyond this to show that when photon losses occur - an inevitability in any realistic system - multi-mode entanglement is actually detrimental to obtaining quantum enhanced measurements. We specifically apply this idea to a superposition of coherent states, demonstrating that these states show a robustness to loss that allows them to significantly outperform their competitors in realistic systems. A practically viable measurement scheme is then presented that allows measurements close to the theoretical bound, even with loss. These results promote a new way of approaching optical quantum metrology using single-mode states that we expect to have great implications for the future.
Quantum mechanics allows entanglement enhanced measurements to be performed, but loss remains an obstacle in constructing realistic quantum metrology schemes. However, recent work has revealed that entangled coherent states (ECSs) have the potential to perform robust sub-classical measurements [J. Joo et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 83601 (2011)]. Up to now no read out scheme has been devised which exploits this robust nature of ECSs, but we present here an experimentally accessible method of achieving precision close to the theoretical bound, even with loss. We show substantial improvements over unentangled classical states and highly-entangled NOON states for a wide range of loss values, elevating quantum metrology to a realizable technology in the near future.
Quantum entanglement offers the possibility of making measurements beyond the classical limit, however some issues still need to be overcome before it can be applied in realistic lossy systems. Recent work has used the quantum Fisher information (QFI ) to show that entangled coherent states (ECSs) may be useful for this purpose as they combine sub-classical phase precision capabilities with robustness (Joo et al., 2011). However, to date no effective scheme for measuring a phase in lossy systems using an ECS has been devised. Here we present a scheme that does just this. We show how one could measure a phase to a precision significantly better than that attainable by both unentangled classical states and highly-entangled NOON states over a wide range of different losses. This brings quantum metrology closer to being a realistic and practical technology.
57 - P.A. Knott , J. Sindt , 2012
One interpretation of how the classical world emerges from an underlying quantum reality involves the build-up of certain robust entanglements between particles due to scattering events [Science Vol.301 p.1081]. This is an appealing view because it u nifies two apparently disparate theories. It says that the uniquely quantum effect of entanglement is associated with classical behaviour. This is distinct from other interpretations that says classicality arises when quantum correlations are lost or neglected in measurements. To date the weakness of this interpretation has been the lack of a clear experimental signature that allows it to be tested. Here we provide a simple experimentally accessible scheme that enables just that. We also discuss a Bayesian technique that could, in principle, allow experiments to confirm the theory to any desired degree of accuracy and we present precision requirements that are achievable with current experiments. Finally, we extend the scheme from its initial one dimensional proof of principle to the more real world scenario of three dimensional localisation.

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