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104 - M. Juvela 2013
Sub-millimetre dust emission is an important tracer of density N of dense interstellar clouds. One has to combine surface brightness information at different spatial resolutions, and specific methods are needed to derive N at a resolution higher than the lowest resolution of the observations. Some methods have been discussed in the literature, including a method (in the following, method B) that constructs the N estimate in stages, where the smallest spatial scales being derived only use the shortest wavelength maps. We propose simple model fitting as a flexible way to estimate high-resolution column density maps. Our goal is to evaluate the accuracy of this procedure and to determine whether it is a viable alternative for making these maps. The new method consists of model maps of column density (or intensity at a reference wavelength) and colour temperature. The model is fitted using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, comparing model predictions with observations at their native resolution. We analyse simulated surface brightness maps and compare its accuracy with method B and the results that would be obtained using high-resolution observations without noise. The new method is able to produce reliable column density estimates at a resolution significantly higher than the lowest resolution of the input maps. Compared to method B, it is relatively resilient against the effects of noise. The method is computationally more demanding, but is feasible even in the analysis of large Herschel maps. The proposed empirical modelling method E is demonstrated to be a good alternative for calculating high-resolution column density maps, even with considerable super-resolution. Both methods E and B include the potential for further improvements, e.g., in the form of better a priori constraints.
Sub-millimetre dust emission provides information on the physics of interstellar clouds and dust. Noise can produce anticorrelation between the colour temperature T_C and the spectral index beta. This must be separated from the intrinsic beta(T) rela tion of dust. We compare methods for the analysis of the beta(T) relation. We examine sub-millimetre observations simulated as simple modified black body emission or using 3D radiative transfer modelling. In addition to chi^2 fitting, we examine the results of the SIMEX method, basic Bayesian model, hierarchical models, and one method that explicitly assumes a functional form for beta(T). All methods exhibit some bias. Bayesian method shows significantly lower bias than direct chi^2 fits. The same is true for hierarchical models that also result in a smaller scatter in the temperature and spectral index values. However, significant bias was observed in cases with high noise levels. Beta and T estimates of the hierarchical model are biased towards the relation determined by the data with the highest S/N ratio. This can alter the recovered beta(T) function. With the method where we explicitly assume a functional form for the beta(T) relation, the bias is similar to the Bayesian method. In the case of an actual Herschel field, all methods agree, showing some degree of anticorrelation between T and beta. The Bayesian method and the hierarchical models can both reduce the noise-induced parameter correlations. However, all methods can exhibit non-negligible bias. This is particularly true for hierarchical models and observations of varying signal-to-noise ratios and must be taken into account when interpreting the results.
Sub-millimetre dust emission is often used to derive the column density N of dense interstellar clouds. The observations consist of data at several wavelengths but of variable resolution. We examine two procedures that been proposed for the estimatio n of high resolution N maps. Method A uses a low-resolution temperature map combined with higher resolution intensity data while Method B combines N estimates from different wavelength ranges. Our aim is to determine the accuracy of the methods relative to the true column densities and the estimates obtainable with radiative transfer modelling. We use magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) simulations and radiative transfer calculations to simulate sub-millimetre observations at the wavelengths of the Herschel Space Observatory. The observations are analysed with the methods and the results compared to the true values and to the results from radiative transfer modelling of observations. Both methods A and B give relatively reliable column density estimates at the resolution of 250um data while also making use of the longer wavelengths. For high signal-to-noise data, the results of Method B are better correlated with the true column density, while Method A is less sensitive to noise. When the cloud has internal heating, results of Method B are consistent with those that would be obtained with high-resolution data. Because of line-of-sight temperature variations, these underestimate the true column density and, because of a favourable cancellation of errors, Method A can sometimes give more correct values. Radiative transfer modelling, even with very simple 3D cloud models, can provide better results. However, the complexity of the models required for improvements increases rapidly with the complexity and opacity of the clouds.
We examine the cloud structure around the Planck detections in 71 fields observed with the Herschel SPIRE instrument. We wish to determine the general physical characteristics of the fields and to examine the morphology of the clouds where the cold h igh column density clumps are found. We derive colour temperature and column density maps of the fields. We examine the infrared spectral energy distributions of the main clumps. The clouds are categorised according to their large scale morphology. With the help of recently released WISE satellite data, we look for signs of enhanced mid-infrared scattering (coreshine), an indication of growth of the dust grains, and examine the star formation activity associated with the cold clumps. The mapped clouds have distances ranging from ~100pc to several kiloparsecs and cover a range of sizes and masses from cores of less than 10 solar masses to clouds with masses in excess of 10000 solar mass. Most fields contain some filamentary structures and in about half of the cases a filament or a few filaments dominate the morphology. In one case out of ten, the clouds show a cometary shape or have sharp boundaries indicative of compression by an external force. The width of the filaments is typically ~0.2-0.3pc. However, there is significant variation from 0.1pc to 1pc and the estimates are sensitive to the methods used and the very definition of a filament. Enhanced mid-infrared scattering, coreshine, was detected in four clouds with six additional tentative detections. The cloud LDN183 is included in our sample and remains the best example of this phenomenon. About half of the fields are associated with active star formation as indicated by the presence of mid-infrared point sources. The mid-infrared sources often coincide with structures whose sub-millimetre spectra are still dominated by the cold dust.
81 - M. Juvela 2011
We investigate the uncertainties affecting the temperature profiles of dense cores of interstellar clouds. In regions shielded from external ultraviolet radiation, the problem is reduced to the balance between cosmic ray heating, line cooling, and th e coupling between gas and dust. We show that variations in the gas phase abundances, the grain size distribution, and the velocity field can each change the predicted core temperatures by one or two degrees. We emphasize the role of non-local radiative transfer effects that often are not taken into account, for example, when modelling the core chemistry. These include the radiative coupling between regions of different temperature and the enhanced line cooling near the cloud surface. The uncertainty of the temperature profiles does not necessarily translate to a significant error in the column density derived from observations. However, depletion processes are very temperature sensitive and a two degree difference can mean that a given molecule no longer traces the physical conditions in the core centre.
We study a northern part of the Corona Australis molecular cloud that consists of a filament and a dense sub-millimetre core inside the filament. Our aim is to measure dust temperature and sub-mm emissivity within the region. We also look for confirm ation that near-infrared (NIR) surface brightness can be used to study the structure of even very dense clouds. We extend our previous NIR mapping south of the filament. The dust colour temperatures are estimated using Spitzer 160um and APEX/Laboca 870um maps. The column densities derived based on the reddening of background stars, NIR surface brightness, and thermal sub-mm dust emission are compared. A three dimensional toy model of the filament is used to study the effect of anisotropic illumination on near-infrared surface brightness and the reliability of dust temperature determination. Relative to visual extinction, the estimated emissivity at 870um is kappa(870) = (1.3 +- 0.4) x 10^{-5} 1/mag. This is similar to the values found in diffuse medium. A significant increase in the sub-millimetre emissivity seems to be excluded. In spite of saturation, NIR surface brightness was able to accurately pinpoint, and better than measurements of the colour excesses of background stars, the exact location of the column density maximum. Both near- and far-infrared data show that the intensity of the radiation field is higher south of the filament.
80 - M. Juvela 2009
The cosmic infrared background (CIRB) consists mainly of the integrated light of distant galaxies. In the far-infrared the current estimates of its surface brightness are based on the measurements of the COBE satellite. Independent confirmation of th ese results is still needed from other instruments. In this paper we derive estimates of the far-infrared CIRB using measurements made with the ISOPHOT instrument aboard the ISO satellite. The results are used to seek further confirmation of the CIRB levels that have been derived by various groups using the COBE data. We study three regions of very low cirrus emission. The surface brightness observed with the ISOPHOT instrument at 90, 150, and 180 um is correlated with hydrogen 21 cm line data from the Effelsberg radio telescope. Extrapolation to zero hydrogen column density gives an estimate for the sum of extragalactic signal plus zodiacal light. The zodiacal light is subtracted using ISOPHOT data at shorter wavelengths. Thus, the resulting estimate of the far-infrared CIRB is based on ISO measurements alone. In the range 150 to 180 um, we obtain a CIRB value of 1.08+-0.32+-0.30 MJy/sr quoting statistical and systematic errors separately. In the 90 um band, we obtain a 2-sigma upper limit of 2.3 MJy/sr. The estimates derived from ISOPHOT far-infrared maps are consistent with the earlier COBE results.
33 - M. Juvela 2008
With current near-infrared (NIR) instruments the near-infrared light scattered from interstellar clouds can be mapped over large areas. The surface brightness carries information on the line-of-sight dust column density. Therefore, scattered light co uld provide an important tool to study mass distribution in quiescent interstellar clouds at a high, even sub-arcsecond resolution. We wish to confirm the assumption that light scattering dominates the surface brightness in all NIR bands. Furthermore, we want to show that scattered light can be used for an accurate estimation of dust column densities in clouds with Av in the range 1-15mag. We have obtained NIR images of a quiescent filament in the Corona Australis molecular cloud. The observations provide maps of diffuse surface brightness in J, H, and Ks bands. Using the assumption that signal is caused by scattered light we convert surface brightness data into a map of dust column density. The same observations provide colour excesses for a large number of background stars. These data are used to derive an extinction map of the cloud. The two, largely independent tracers of the cloud structure are compared. Results. In regions below Av=15m both diffuse surface brightness and background stars lead to similar column density estimates. The existing differences can be explained as a result of normal observational errors and bias in the sampling of extinctions provided by the background stars. There is no indication that thermal dust emission would have a significant contribution even in the Ks band. The results show that, below Av=15mag, scattered light does provide a reliable way to map cloud structure. Compared with the use of background stars it can also in practice provide a significantly higher spatial resolution.

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