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The performance of a quantum information processing protocol is ultimately judged by distinguishability measures that quantify how distinguishable the actual result of the protocol is from the ideal case. The most prominent distinguishability measure s are those based on the fidelity and trace distance, due to their physical interpretations. In this paper, we propose and review several algorithms for estimating distinguishability measures based on trace distance and fidelity, and we evaluate their performance using simulators of quantum computers. The algorithms can be used for distinguishing quantum states, channels, and strategies (the last also known in the literature as quantum combs). The fidelity-based algorithms offer novel physical interpretations of these distinguishability measures in terms of the maximum probability with which a single prover (or competing provers) can convince a verifier to accept the outcome of an associated computation. We simulate these algorithms by using a variational approach with parameterized quantum circuits and find that they converge well for the examples that we consider.
Resource theories in quantum information science are helpful for the study and quantification of the performance of information-processing tasks that involve quantum systems. These resource theories also find applications in other areas of study; e.g ., the resource theories of entanglement and coherence have found use and implications in the study of quantum thermodynamics and memory effects in quantum dynamics. In this paper, we introduce the resource theory of unextendibility, which is associated to the inability of extending quantum entanglement in a given quantum state to multiple parties. The free states in this resource theory are the k-extendible states, and the free channels are k-extendible channels, which preserve the class of k-extendible states. We make use of this resource theory to derive non-asymptotic, upper bounds on the rate at which quantum communication or entanglement preservation is possible by utilizing an arbitrary quantum channel a finite number of times, along with the assistance of k-extendible channels at no cost. We then show that the bounds obtained are significantly tighter than previously known bounds for quantum communication over both the depolarizing and erasure channels.
Symmetry is a unifying concept in physics. In quantum information and beyond, it is known that quantum states possessing symmetry are not useful for certain information-processing tasks. For example, states that commute with a Hamiltonian realizing a time evolution are not useful for timekeeping during that evolution, and bipartite states that are highly extendible are not strongly entangled and thus not useful for basic tasks like teleportation. Motivated by this perspective, this paper details several quantum algorithms that test the symmetry of quantum states and channels. For the case of testing Bose symmetry of a state, we show that there is a simple and efficient quantum algorithm, while the tests for other kinds of symmetry rely on the aid of a quantum prover. We prove that the acceptance probability of each algorithm is equal to the maximum symmetric fidelity of the state being tested, thus giving a firm operational meaning to these latter resource quantifiers. Special cases of the algorithms test for incoherence or separability of quantum states. We evaluate the performance of these algorithms by using the variational approach to quantum algorithms, replacing the quantum prover with a variational circuit. We also show that the maximum symmetric fidelities can be calculated by semi-definite programs, which is useful for benchmarking the performance of the quantum algorithms for sufficiently small examples. Finally, we establish various generalizations of the resource theory of asymmetry, with the upshot being that the acceptance probabilities of the algorithms are resource monotones and thus well motivated from the resource-theoretic perspective.
220 - Mark M. Wilde 2021
The distillable entanglement of a bipartite quantum state does not exceed its entanglement cost. This well known inequality can be understood as a second law of entanglement dynamics in the asymptotic regime of entanglement manipulation, excluding th e possibility of perpetual entanglement extraction machines that generate boundless entanglement from a finite reserve. In this paper, I establish a refined second law of entanglement dynamics that holds for the non-asymptotic regime of entanglement manipulation.
94 - Mark M. Wilde 2021
The quantum relative entropy is a measure of the distinguishability of two quantum states, and it is a unifying concept in quantum information theory: many information measures such as entropy, conditional entropy, mutual information, and entanglemen t measures can be realized from it. As such, there has been broad interest in generalizing the notion to further understand its most basic properties, one of which is the data processing inequality. The quantum f-divergence of Petz is one generalization of the quantum relative entropy, and it also leads to other relative entropies, such as the Petz--Renyi relative entropies. In this contribution, I introduce the optimized quantum f-divergence as a related generalization of quantum relative entropy. I prove that it satisfies the data processing inequality, and the method of proof relies upon the operator Jensen inequality, similar to Petzs original approach. Interestingly, the sandwiched Renyi relative entropies are particular examples of the optimized f-divergence. Thus, one benefit of this approach is that there is now a single, unified approach for establishing the data processing inequality for both the Petz--Renyi and sandwiched Renyi relative entropies, for the full range of parameters for which it is known to hold.
Bidirectional teleportation is a fundamental protocol for exchanging quantum information between two parties by means of a shared resource state and local operations and classical communication (LOCC). In this paper, we develop two seemingly differen t ways of quantifying the simulation error of unideal bidirectional teleportation by means of the normalized diamond distance and the channel infidelity, and we prove that they are equivalent. By relaxing the set of operations allowed from LOCC to those that completely preserve the positivity of the partial transpose, we obtain semi-definite programming lower bounds on the simulation error of unideal bidirectional teleportation. We evaluate these bounds for three key examples: when there is no resource state at all and for isotropic and Werner states, in each case finding an analytical solution. The first aforementioned example establishes a benchmark for classical versus quantum bidirectional teleportation. We then evaluate the performance of some schemes for bidirectional teleportation due to [Kiktenko et al., Phys. Rev. A 93, 062305 (2016)] and find that they are suboptimal and do not go beyond the aforementioned classical limit for bidirectional teleportation. We offer a scheme alternative to theirs that is provably optimal. Finally, we generalize the whole development to the setting of bidirectional controlled teleportation, in which there is an additional assisting party who helps with the exchange of quantum information, and we establish semi-definite programming lower bounds on the simulation error for this task. More generally, we provide semi-definite programming lower bounds on the performance of bipartite and multipartite channel simulation using a shared resource state and LOCC.
We introduce various measures of forward classical communication for bipartite quantum channels. Since a point-to-point channel is a special case of a bipartite channel, the measures reduce to measures of classical communication for point-to-point ch annels. As it turns out, these reduced measures have been reported in prior work of Wang et al. on bounding the classical capacity of a quantum channel. As applications, we show that the measures are upper bounds on the forward classical capacity of a bipartite channel. The reduced measures are upper bounds on the classical capacity of a point-to-point quantum channel assisted by a classical feedback channel. Some of the various measures can be computed by semi-definite programming.
171 - Mark M. Wilde 2020
This paper introduces coherent quantum channel discrimination as a coherent version of conventional quantum channel discrimination. Coherent channel discrimination is phrased here as a quantum interactive proof system between a verifier and a prover, wherein the goal of the prover is to distinguish two channels called in superposition in order to distill a Bell state at the end. The key measure considered here is the success probability of distilling a Bell state, and I prove that this success probability does not increase under the action of a quantum superchannel, thus establishing this measure as a fundamental measure of channel distinguishability. Also, I establish some bounds on this success probability in terms of the success probability of conventional channel discrimination. Finally, I provide an explicit semi-definite program that can compute the success probability.
Given two pairs of quantum states, a fundamental question in the resource theory of asymmetric distinguishability is to determine whether there exists a quantum channel converting one pair to the other. In this work, we reframe this question in such a way that a catalyst can be used to help perform the transformation, with the only constraint on the catalyst being that its reduced state is returned unchanged, so that it can be used again to assist a future transformation. What we find here, for the special case in which the states in a given pair are commuting, and thus quasi-classical, is that this catalytic transformation can be performed if and only if the relative entropy of one pair of states is larger than that of the other pair. This result endows the relative entropy with a fundamental operational meaning that goes beyond its traditional interpretation in the setting of independent and identical resources. Our finding thus has an immediate application and interpretation in the resource theory of asymmetric distinguishability, and we expect it to find application in other domains.
The security of quantum key distribution has traditionally been analyzed in either the asymptotic or non-asymptotic regimes. In this paper, we provide a bridge between these two regimes, by determining second-order coding rates for key distillation i n quantum key distribution under collective attacks. Our main result is a formula that characterizes the backoff from the known asymptotic formula for key distillation -- our formula incorporates the reliability and security of the protocol, as well as the mutual information variances to the legitimate receiver and the eavesdropper. In order to determine secure key rates against collective attacks, one should perform a joint optimization of the Holevo information and the Holevo information variance to the eavesdropper. We show how to do so by analyzing several examples, including the six-state, BB84, and continuous-variable quantum key distribution protocols (the last involving Gaussian modulation of coherent states along with heterodyne detection). The technical contributions of this paper include one-shot and second-order analyses of private communication over a compound quantum wiretap channel with fixed marginal and key distillation over a compound quantum wiretap source with fixed marginal. We also establish the second-order asymptotics of the smooth max-relative entropy of quantum states acting on a separable Hilbert space, and we derive a formula for the Holevo information variance of a Gaussian ensemble of Gaussian states.

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