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We construct a Josephson junction in non-relativistic case with a Lifshitz geometry as the dual gravity. We investigate the effect of the Lifshitz scaling in comparison with its relativistic counterpart. The standard sinusoidal relation between the c urrent and the phase difference is found for various Lifshitz scalings characterised by the dynamical critical exponent. We also find the exponential decreasing relation between the condensate of the scalar operator within the barrier at zero current and the width of the weak link, as well as the relation between the critical current and the width. Nevertheless, the coherence lengths obtained from two exponential decreasing relations generically have discrepancies for non-relativistic dual.
46 - L. Li , A. Chia , H. M. Wiseman 2014
The dynamics for an open quantum system can be `unravelled in infinitely many ways, depending on how the environment is monitored, yielding different sorts of conditioned states, evolving stochastically. In the case of ideal monitoring these states a re pure, and the set of states for a given monitoring forms a basis (which is overcomplete in general) for the system. It has been argued elsewhere [D. Atkins et al., Europhys. Lett. 69, 163 (2005)] that the `pointer basis as introduced by Zurek and Paz [Phys. Rev. Lett 70, 1187(1993)], should be identified with the unravelling-induced basis which decoheres most slowly. Here we show the applicability of this concept of pointer basis to the problem of state stabilization for quantum systems. In particular we prove that for linear Gaussian quantum systems, if the feedback control is assumed to be strong compared to the decoherence of the pointer basis, then the system can be stabilized in one of the pointer basis states with a fidelity close to one (the infidelity varies inversely with the control strength). Moreover, if the aim of the feedback is to maximize the fidelity of the unconditioned system state with a pure state that is one of its conditioned states, then the optimal unravelling for stabilizing the system in this way is that which induces the pointer basis for the conditioned states. We illustrate these results with a model system: quantum Brownian motion. We show that even if the feedback control strength is comparable to the decoherence, the optimal unravelling still induces a basis very close to the pointer basis. However if the feedback control is weak compared to the decoherence, this is not the case.
Kernel ridge regression is used to approximate the kinetic energy of non-interacting fermions in a one-dimensional box as a functional of their density. The properties of different kernels and methods of cross-validation are explored, and highly accu rate energies are achieved. Accurate {em constrained optimal densities} are found via a modified Euler-Lagrange constrained minimization of the total energy. A projected gradient descent algorithm is derived using local principal component analysis. Additionally, a sparse grid representation of the density can be used without degrading the performance of the methods. The implications for machine-learned density functional approximations are discussed.
228 - Rong-Gen Cai , Li Li , Li-Fang Li 2013
We continue our study of entanglement entropy in the holographic superconducting phase transitions. In this paper we consider the holographic p-wave superconductor/insulator model, where as the back reaction increases, the transition is changed from second order to first order. We find that unlike the s-wave case, there is no additional first order transition in the superconducting phase. We calculate the entanglement entropy for two strip geometries. One is parallel to the super current, and the other is orthogonal to the super current. In both cases, we find that the entanglement entropy monotonically increases with respect to the chemical potential.
The higher $q,t$-Catalan polynomial $C^{(m)}_n(q,t)$ can be defined combinatorially as a weighted sum of lattice paths contained in certain triangles, or algebraically as a complicated sum of rational functions indexed by partitions of $n$. This pape r proves the equivalence of the two definitions for all $mgeq 1$ and all $nleq 4$. We also give a bijective proof of the joint symmetry property $C^{(m)}_n(q,t)=C^{(m)}_n(t,q)$ for all $mgeq 1$ and all $nleq 4$. The proof is based on a general approach for proving joint symmetry that dissects a collection of objects into chains, and then passes from a joint symmetry property of initial points and terminal points to joint symmetry of the full set of objects. Further consequences include unimodality results and specific formulas for the coefficients in $C^{(m)}_n(q,t)$ for all $mgeq 1$ and all $nleq 4$. We give analogous results for certain rational-slope $q,t$-Catalan polynomials.
320 - Yudong Chen , Li Li , Yi Zhang 2009
In the study of complex networks (systems), the scaling phenomenon of flow fluctuations refers to a certain power-law between the mean flux (activity) $<F_i>$ of the $i$th node and its variance $sigma_i$ as $sigma_i propto < F_{i} > ^{alpha}$. Such s caling laws are found to be prevalent both in natural and man-made network systems, but our understanding of their origins still remains limited. In this paper, a non-stationary Poisson process model is proposed to give an analytical explanation of the non-universal scaling phenomenon: the exponent $alpha$ varies between 1/2 and 1 depending on the size of sampling time window and the relative strength of the external/internal driven forces of the systems. The crossover behavior and the relation of fluctuation scaling with pseudo long range dependence are also accounted for by the model. Numerical experiments show that the proposed model can recover the multi-scaling phenomenon.
155 - Fa Wang , Li Li , Xuexiang Jin 2008
Different from previous models based on scatter theory and random matrix theory, a new interpretation of the observed log-normal type time-headway distribution of vehicles is presented in this paper. Inspired by the well known Galton Board, this mode l views drivers velocity adjusting process similar to the dynamics of a particle falling down a board and being deviated at decision points. A new car-following model based on this idea is proposed to reproduce the observed traffic flow phenomena. The agreement between the empirical observations and the simulation results suggests the soundness of this new approach.
404 - Fa Wang , Li Li , Jianming Hu 2008
To provide a more accurate description of the driving behaviors in vehicle queues, a namely Markov-Gap cellular automata model is proposed in this paper. It views the variation of the gap between two consequent vehicles as a Markov process whose stat ionary distribution corresponds to the observed distribution of practical gaps. The multiformity of this Markov process provides the model enough flexibility to describe various driving behaviors. Two examples are given to show how to specialize it for different scenarios: usually mentioned flows on freeways and start-up flows at signalized intersections. The agreement between the empirical observations and the simulation results suggests the soundness of this new approach.
Modeling of headway/spacing between two consecutive vehicles has many applications in traffic flow theory and transport practice. Most known approaches only study the vehicles running on freeways. In this paper, we propose a model to explain the spac ing distribution of queuing vehicles in front of a signalized junction based on random-matrix theory. We show that the recently measured spacing distribution data well fit the spacing distribution of a Gaussian symplectic ensemble (GSE). These results are also compared with the spacing distribution observed for car parking problem. Why vehicle-stationary-queuing and vehicle-parking have different spacing distributions (GSE vs GUE) seems to lie in the difference of driving patterns.

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