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101 - K. Beuermann 2020
We report results on the ROSAT-discovered noneclipsing short-period polars RX J0154.0-5947, RX J0600.5-2709, RX J0859.1+0537, RX J0953.1+1458, and RX J1002.2-1925 collected over 30 years. We present accurate linear orbital ephemerides that allow a co rrect phasing of data taken decades apart. Three of the systems show cyclotron and Zeeman lines that yield magnetic field strengths of 36 MG, 19 MG, and 33 MG for the last three targets, respectively. RX J0154.0-5947, RX J0859.1+0537, and RX J1002.2-1925 show evidence for part-time accretion at both magnetic poles, while RX J0953.1+1458 is a polar with a stable one-pole geometry. RX J1002.2-1925 shows large variations in the shapes of its light curves that we associate with an unstable accretion geometry. Nevertheless, it appears to be synchronized. We determined the bolometric soft and hard X-ray fluxes and the luminosities at the Gaia distances of the five stars. Combined with estimates of the cyclotron luminosities, we derived high-state accretion rates that range from $dot M = 2.9 times 10^{-11}$ $M_{odot}$yr$^{-1}$ to $9.7 times 10^{-11}$ $M_{odot}$yr$^{-1}$ for white dwarf masses between 0.61 and 0.82 $M_odot$, in agreement with predictions based on the observed effective temperatures of white dwarfs in polars and the theory of compressional heating. Our analysis lends support to the hypothesis that different mean accretion rates appply for the subgroups of short-period polars and nonmagnetic cataclysmic variables.
213 - K. Beuermann 2020
We report on the X-ray observations of the eclipsing polar HY Eri (RX J0501-0359), along with its photometric, spectrophotometric, and spectropolarimetric optical variations, collected over 30 years. With an orbital period of 2.855 h, HY Eri falls ne ar the upper edge of the 2-3 h period gap. After 2011, the system went into a prolonged low state, continuing to accrete at a low level. We present an accurate alias-free long-term orbital ephemeris and report a highly significant period change by 10 ms that took place over the time interval from 2011 to 2018. We acquired a high-quality eclipse spectrum that shows the secondary star as a dM5-6 dwarf at a distance $d = 1050 pm 110$ pc. Based on phase-resolved cyclotron and Zeeman spectroscopy, we identify the white dwarf (WD) in HY Eri as a two-pole accretor with nearly opposite accretion spots of 28 and 30 MG. The Zeeman analysis of the low state spectrum reveals a complex magnetic field structure, which we fit by a multipole model. We detected narrow emission lines from the irradiated face of the secondary star, of which Mg I $lambda 5170$ with a radial velocity amplitude of $K_2 = 139 pm 10$ km/s (90% confidence) tracks the secondary more reliably than the narrow H$alpha$ line. Based on the combined dynamical analysis and spectroscopic measurement of the angular radius of the WD, we obtain a primary mass of $M_1 = 0.42 pm 0.05$ $M_odot$ (90% confidence errors), identifying it as a probable He WD or hybrid HeCO WD. The secondary is a main sequence star of $M_2 = 0.24 pm 0.04$ $M_odot$ that seems to be slightly inflated. The large distance of HY Eri and the lack of similar systems suggest a very low space density of polars with low-mass primary. According to current theory, these systems are destroyed by induced runaway mass transfer, suggesting that HY Eri may be doomed to destruction.
We present a simple heuristic model for the time-averaged soft X-ray temperature distribution in the accretion spot on the white dwarf in polars. The model is based on the analysis of the Chandra LETG spectrum of the prototype polar AM Her and involv es an exponential distribution of the emitting area vs. blackbody temperature a(T) = a0 exp(-T/T0). With one free parameter besides the normalization, it is mathematically as simple as the single blackbody, but is physically more plausible and fits the soft X-ray and far-ultraviolet spectral fluxes much better. The model yields more reliable values of the wavelength-integrated flux of the soft X-ray component and the implied accretion rate than reported previously.
89 - K. Beuermann 2008
We present an in-flight calibration of the ROSAT PSPC using the incident spectra of the hot white dwarf HZ43 and the polar AM Her. We derive an absolute flux calibration of the PSPC using the accurately known soft X-ray spectrum of HZ43. Corrections to the PSPC response matrix are derived from a comparison of predicted and observed PSPC spectra of HZ43, supplemented by results for AM Her. The calibration of the PSPC for photon energies E < 0.28 keV is found to be accurate to better than 5% refuting earlier reports of a major miscalibration. Our corrections to the detector response matrices remove systematic residuals in the pulse height spectra of soft sources.
Polars (AM Herculis binaries) are a prominent class of bright soft X-ray sources, many of which were discovered with ROSAT. We present a homogenous analysis of all the pointed ROSAT PSPC observations of polars subdivided into two papers that discuss the prototype polar AM Her in detail and summarize the class properties of all other polars. We derive the high-state soft X-ray flux and short-term spectral variability of AM Her using a new detector response matrix and a confirmed flux calibration of the ROSAT PSPC below 0.28 keV. The best-fit mean single-blackbody temperature and integrated bright-phase energy flux of AM Her in its April 1991 high state are 27.2 +/- 1.0 eV and (2.6 +/- 0.6) x 10^-9 erg cm^-2s^-1, respectively. The total blackbody flux of a multi-temperature model that fits both the soft X-ray and the fluctuating far-ultraviolet components is Fbb = (4.5 +/- 1.5) x 10^-9 erg cm^-2s^-1. The total accretion luminosity at a distance of 80 pc, Lbb = (2.1 +/- 0.7) x 10^33 erg s-1, implies an accretion rate of Mdot = (2.4 +/- 0.8) x 10^-10 Msun yr^-1 for an 0.78 Msun white dwarf. The soft X-ray flux displays significant variability on time scales down to 200 ms. Correlated spectral and count-rate variations are seen in flares on time scales down to 1 s, demonstrating the heating and cooling associated with individual accretion events. Our spectral and temporal analysis provides direct evidence for the blobby accretion model and suggests a connection between the soft X-ray and the fluctuating far-ultraviolet components.
86 - K. Beuermann , K. Reinsch 2008
EX Hya is one of the few double-lined eclipsing cataclysmic variables that allow an accurate measurement of the binary masses. We analyze orbital phase-resolved UVES/ VLT high resolution spectroscopic observations of EX Hya with the aims of deriving the binary masses and obtaining a tomographic image of the illuminated secondary star. We present a novel method for determining the binary parameters by directly fitting an emission model of the illuminated secondary star to the phase-resolved line profiles of NaI lambda 8183/ 8195 in absorption and emission and CaII lambda 8498 in emission. The fit to the NaI and CaII line profiles, combined with the published K1, yields a white-dwarf mass M1 = 0.790 +/- 0.026 Msun, a secondary mass M2 = 0.108 +/- 0.008 Msun, and a velocity amplitude of the secondary star K2 = 432.4 +/- 4.8 km s-1. The secondary is of spectral type dM5.5 +/- 0.5 and has an absolute K-band magnitude of MK = 8.8. Its Roche radius places it on or very close to the main sequence of low-mass stars. It differs from a main sequence star by its illuminated hemisphere that faces the white dwarf. The secondary star contributes only 5% to the observed spin-phase averaged flux at 7500 A, 7.5% at 8200 A, and 37% in the K-band. We present images of the secondary star in the light of the NaI doublet and the CaII emission line derived with a simplified version of Roche tomography. We have discovered narrow spectral lines from the secondary star in EX Hya that delineate its orbital motion and allow us to derive accurate masses of both components. The primary mass significantly exceeds recently published values. The secondary is a low-mass main sequence star that displays a rich emission line spectrum on its illuminated side, but lacks chromospheric emission on its dark side.
The first phase-resolved JHK light curves of the eclipsing polar (AM Herculis binary) V1309 Ori are presented and interpreted. We separate the contributions from the secondary star and from other sources with the aim of determining a photometric dist ance. Simple model calculations show that the accretion stream and the cyclotron source on the accreting white dwarf are minor contributors to the infrared light, allowing an accurate determination of spectral type and absolute flux of the secondary star. The unilluminated backside of the secondary star as seen in eclipse has spectral type dM0 to dM0+. Its dereddened magnitude is K = 13.58 at orbital phase phi = 0 (eclipse). Using the calibrated surface brightness of M-stars and the published mass of the secondary, M2 = 0.46 Msun, we obtain a distance d = 600 +/- 25 pc which scales as M2^(1/2). The radius of the Roche-lobe filling secondary exceeds the main-sequence radius of an M0 star by 21 +11/-6 %. The debated origin of the infrared light of V1309 Ori has been settled in favor of the secondary star as the main contributor and an accurate distance has been derived that will place estimates of the luminosity and synchronization time scale on a more secure basis.
53 - K. Reinsch 2004
We have started a systematic study of the field topologies of magnetic single and accreting white dwarfs using Zeeman tomography. Here we report on our analysis of phase-resolved flux and circular polarization spectra of the magnetic cataclysmic vari ables BL Hyi and MR Ser obtained with FORS1 at the ESO VLT. For both systems we find that the field topologies are more complex than a dipole or an offset dipole and require at least multipole expansions up to order l = 3 to adequately describe the observed Zeeman features and their variations with rotational phase. Overall our model fits are in excellent agreement with observations. Remaining residuals indicate that the field topologies might even be more complex. It is, however, assuring that the global characteristics of our solutions are consistent with the average effective field strengths and the halo field strengths derived from intensity spectra in the past.
We present imaging circular polarimetry and near-infrared photometry of the suspected ultra-short period white-dwarf binary RX J0806.3+1527 obtained with the ESO VLT and discuss the implications for a possible magnetic nature of the white dwarf accre tor and the constraints derived for the nature of the donor star. Our V-filter data show marginally significant circular polarization with a modulation amplitude of ~0.5% typical for cyclotron emission from an accretion column in a magnetic field of order 10 MG and not compatible with a direct-impact accretor model. The optical to near-infrared flux distribution is well described by a single blackbody with temperature kT_bb = 35000 K and excludes a main-sequence stellar donor unless the binary is located several scale heights above the galactic disk population.
184 - K. Beuermann 2003
The structure of the near-polar accretion spots on accreting magnetic white dwarfs has been studied theoretically and observationally in numerous papers over the last decade. Detailed treatments are available for the regime of low mass flux, usually termed the bombardment case, and for higher mass fluxes which create a strong shock standing above the photosphere of the white dwarf. No general treatment is so far available for the case of shocks buried deep in the photosphere. I review the theoretical foundations, present some applications of theory, and discuss in short the open questions which still need to be addressed.

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