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68 - Shu-Zheng Yang , Kai Lin , Jin Li 2014
Recently the modified Dirac equation with Lorentz invariance violation has been proposed, which would be helpful to resolve some issues in quantum gravity theory and high energy physics. In this paper, the modified Dirac equation has been generalized in curved spacetime, and then fermion tunneling of black strings is researched under this correctional Dirac field theory. We also use semi-classical approximation method to get correctional Hamilton-Jacobi equation, so that the correctional Hawking temperature and correctional black holes entropy are derived.
68 - Qing-Quan Jiang 2012
In recent work [emph{Quantum tunneling and black hole spectroscopy, Phys. Lett.} B686 (2010) 279, arXiv:0907.4271, by Banerjee et al.], it has been shown, in the tunneling mechanism, the area spacing parameter of a black hole horizon is given by $gam ma=4$. In this paper, by carefully analyzing the tunneling process of the black hole radiation, we interestingly find that the most qualified candidate for a universal area gap in the tunneling mechanism is $gamma=8pi$. First, we develop the Banerjees treatment and the Kunstatters conjecture to revisit the black hole spectroscopy via quantum tunneling, and find for a real tunneling process, the area spacing parameter is given by the possible value $gammageq 4$. That is, the previous model-dependent area spacing parameters, i.e. $gamma=8pi, 4ln 3, 4$, are all possible in the tunneling mechanism. Finally, some discussions are followed to find, in the tunneling mechanism, $gamma=8pi$ is the most qualified candidate for a universal area spacing parameter.
59 - Qing-Quan Jiang 2012
Banerjee and Majhis recent work shows that black holes emission spectrum could be fully reproduced in the tunneling picture, where, as an intriguing technique, the Kruskal extension was introduced to connect the left and right modes inside and outsid e the horizon. Some attempt, as an extension, was focused on producing the Hawking emission spectrum of the (charged) Reissner-Nordstr{o}m black hole in the Banerjee-Majhis treatment. Unfortunately, the Kruskal extension in their observation was so badly defined that the ingoing mode was classically forbidden traveling towards the center of black hole, but could quantum tunnel across the horizon with the probability $Gamma=e^{-pi omega_0/kappa_+}$. This tunneling picture is unphysical. With this point as a central motivation, in this paper we first introduce such a suitable Kruskal extension for the (charged) Reissner-Nordstr{o}m black hole that a perfect tunneling picture can be provided during the charged particles emission. Then, under the new Kruskal extension, we revisit the Hawking emission spectrum and entropy spectroscopy as tunneling from the charged black hole. The result shows that the tunneling method is so universally robust that the Hawking blackbody emission spectrum from a charged black hole can be well reproduced in the tunneling mechanism, and its induced entropy quantum is a much better approximation for the forthcoming quantum gravity theory.
Kerner and Manns recent work shows that, for an uncharged and non-rotating black hole, its Hawking temperature can be exactly derived by fermions tunnelling from its horizons. In this paper, our main work is to improve the analysis to deal with charg ed fermion tunnelling from the general dilatonic black holes, specifically including the charged, spherically symmetric dilatonic black hole, the rotating Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton-Axion (EMDA) black hole and the rotating Kaluza-Klein (KK) black hole. As a result, the correct Hawking temperatures are well recovered by charged fermions tunnelling from these black holes.
Hawking radiation from black hole horizon can be viewed as a quantum tunnelling process, and fermions via tunnelling can successfully recover Hawking temperature. In this paper, considering the tunnelling particles with spin 1/2 (namely, Dirac partic les), we further improve Kerner and Mans fermion tunnelling method to study Hawking radiation via tunnelling from rotating black holes in de Sitter spaces, specifically including that from Kerr de Sitter black hole and Kerr-Newman de Sitter black hole. As a result, Hawking temperatures at the event horizon (EH) and the cosmological horizon (CH) are well described via Dirac particles tunnelling.

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