ترغب بنشر مسار تعليمي؟ اضغط هنا

Performance of a sensory-neural network developed for diagnosing of diseases is described. Information about patients condition is provided by answers to the questionnaire. Questions correspond to sensors generating signals when patients acknowledge symptoms. These signals excite neurons in which characteristics of the diseases are represented by synaptic weights associated with indicators of symptoms. The disease corresponding to the most excited neuron is proposed as the result of diagnosing. Its reliability is estimated by the likelihood defined by the ratio of excitation of the most excited neuron and the complete neural network.
In the article a transition from pattern evolution equation of reaction-diffusion type to a cellular automaton (CA) is described. The applicability of CA is demonstrated by generating patterns of complex irregular structure on a hexagonal and quadrat ic lattice. With this aim a random initial field is transformed by a sequence of CA actions into a new pattern. On the hexagonal lattice this pattern resembles a lizard skin. The properties of CA are specified by the most simple majority rule that adapts selected cell state to the most frequent state of cells in its surrounding. The method could be of interest for manufacturing of textiles as well as for modeling of patterns on skin of various animals.
Efficient control of a laser welding process requires the reliable prediction of process behavior. A statistical method of field modeling, based on normalized RBFNN, can be successfully used to predict the spatiotemporal dynamics of surface optical a ctivity in the laser welding process. In this article we demonstrate how to optimize RBFNN to maximize prediction quality. Special attention is paid to the structure of sample vectors, which represent the bridge between the field distributions in the past and future.
328 - I. Grabec 2007
Redundancy of experimental data is the basic statistic from which the complexity of a natural phenomenon and the proper number of experiments needed for its exploration can be estimated. The redundancy is expressed by the entropy of information perta ining to the probability density function of experimental variables. Since the calculation of entropy is inconvenient due to integration over a range of variables, an approximate expression for redundancy is derived that includes only a sum over the set of experimental data about these variables. The approximation makes feasible an efficient estimation of the redundancy of data along with the related experimental information and information cost function. From the experimental information the complexity of the phenomenon can be simply estimated, while the proper number of experiments needed for its exploration can be determined from the minimum of the cost function. The performance of the approximate estimation of these statistics is demonstrated on two-dimensional normally distributed random data.
140 - I. Grabec 2007
The extraction of a physical law y=yo(x) from joint experimental data about x and y is treated. The joint, the marginal and the conditional probability density functions (PDF) are expressed by given data over an estimator whose kernel is the instrume nt scattering function. As an optimal estimator of yo(x) the conditional average is proposed. The analysis of its properties is based upon a new definition of prediction quality. The joint experimental information and the redundancy of joint measurements are expressed by the relative entropy. With the number of experiments the redundancy on average increases, while the experimental information converges to a certain limit value. The difference between this limit value and the experimental information at a finite number of data represents the discrepancy between the experimentally determined and the true properties of the phenomenon. The sum of the discrepancy measure and the redundancy is utilized as a cost function. By its minimum a reasonable number of data for the extraction of the law yo(x) is specified. The mutual information is defined by the marginal and the conditional PDFs of the variables. The ratio between mutual information and marginal information is used to indicate which variable is the independent one. The properties of the introduced statistics are demonstrated on deterministically and randomly related variables.
419 - I. Grabec 2007
A physical law is represented by the probability distribution of a measured variable. The probability density is described by measured data using an estimator whose kernel is the instrument scattering function. The experimental information and data r edundancy are defined in terms of information entropy. The model cost function, comprised of data redundancy and estimation error, is minimized by the creation-annihilation process.
210 - T. Kosel , I. Grabec 2007
Part I describes an intelligent acoustic emission locator, while Part II discusses blind source separation, time delay estimation and location of two continuous acoustic emission sources. Acoustic emission (AE) analysis is used for characterization and location of developing defects in materials. AE sources often generate a mixture of various statistically independent signals. A difficult problem of AE analysis is separation and characterization of signal components when the signals from various sources and the mode of mixing are unknown. Recently, blind source separation (BSS) by independent component analysis (ICA) has been used to solve these problems. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the applicability of ICA to locate two independent simultaneously active acoustic emission sources on an aluminum band specimen. The method is promising for non-destructive testing of aircraft frame structures by acoustic emission analysis.
125 - I. Grabec 2007
Statistical modeling of experimental physical laws is based on the probability density function of measured variables. It is expressed by experimental data via a kernel estimator. The kernel is determined objectively by the scattering of data during calibration of experimental setup. A physical law, which relates measured variables, is optimally extracted from experimental data by the conditional average estimator. It is derived directly from the kernel estimator and corresponds to a general nonparametric regression. The proposed method is demonstrated by the modeling of a return map of noisy chaotic data. In this example, the nonparametric regression is used to predict a future value of chaotic time series from the present one. The mean predictor error is used in the definition of predictor quality, while the redundancy is expressed by the mean square distance between data points. Both statistics are used in a new definition of predictor cost function. From the minimum of the predictor cost function, a proper number of data in the model is estimated.
155 - T. Kosel , I. Grabec 2007
The intelligent acoustic emission locator is described in Part I, while Part II discusses blind source separation, time delay estimation and location of two simultaneously active continuous acoustic emission sources. The location of acoustic emissi on on complicated aircraft frame structures is a difficult problem of non-destructive testing. This article describes an intelligent acoustic emission source locator. The intelligent locator comprises a sensor antenna and a general regression neural network, which solves the location problem based on learning from examples. Locator performance was tested on different test specimens. Tests have shown that the accuracy of location depends on sound velocity and attenuation in the specimen, the dimensions of the tested area, and the properties of stored data. The location accuracy achieved by the intelligent locator is comparable to that obtained by the conventional triangulation method, while the applicability of the intelligent locator is more general since analysis of sonic ray paths is avoided. This is a promising method for non-destructive testing of aircraft frame structures by the acoustic emission method.
259 - I. Grabec 2007
The normalized radial basis function neural network emerges in the statistical modeling of natural laws that relate components of multivariate data. The modeling is based on the kernel estimator of the joint probability density function pertaining to given data. From this function a governing law is extracted by the conditional average estimator. The corresponding nonparametric regression represents a normalized radial basis function neural network and can be related with the multi-layer perceptron equation. In this article an exact equivalence of both paradigms is demonstrated for a one-dimensional case with symmetric triangular basis functions. The transformation provides for a simple interpretation of perceptron parameters in terms of statistical samples of multivariate data.

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