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167 - Hung-Yu Tseng , Lu Jiang , Ce Liu 2021
Recent years have witnessed the rapid progress of generative adversarial networks (GANs). However, the success of the GAN models hinges on a large amount of training data. This work proposes a regularization approach for training robust GAN models on limited data. We theoretically show a connection between the regularized loss and an f-divergence called LeCam-divergence, which we find is more robust under limited training data. Extensive experiments on several benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed regularization scheme 1) improves the generalization performance and stabilizes the learning dynamics of GAN models under limited training data, and 2) complements the recent data augmentation methods. These properties facilitate training GAN models to achieve state-of-the-art performance when only limited training data of the ImageNet benchmark is available.
Image generation from scene description is a cornerstone technique for the controlled generation, which is beneficial to applications such as content creation and image editing. In this work, we aim to synthesize images from scene description with re trieved patches as reference. We propose a differentiable retrieval module. With the differentiable retrieval module, we can (1) make the entire pipeline end-to-end trainable, enabling the learning of better feature embedding for retrieval; (2) encourage the selection of mutually compatible patches with additional objective functions. We conduct extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments to demonstrate that the proposed method can generate realistic and diverse images, where the retrieved patches are reasonable and mutually compatible.
People often create art by following an artistic workflow involving multiple stages that inform the overall design. If an artist wishes to modify an earlier decision, significant work may be required to propagate this new decision forward to the fina l artwork. Motivated by the above observations, we propose a generative model that follows a given artistic workflow, enabling both multi-stage image generation as well as multi-stage image editing of an existing piece of art. Furthermore, for the editing scenario, we introduce an optimization process along with learning-based regularization to ensure the edited image produced by the model closely aligns with the originally provided image. Qualitative and quantitative results on three different artistic datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework on both image generation and editing tasks.
With the growing attention on learning-to-learn new tasks using only a few examples, meta-learning has been widely used in numerous problems such as few-shot classification, reinforcement learning, and domain generalization. However, meta-learning mo dels are prone to overfitting when there are no sufficient training tasks for the meta-learners to generalize. Although existing approaches such as Dropout are widely used to address the overfitting problem, these methods are typically designed for regularizing models of a single task in supervised training. In this paper, we introduce a simple yet effective method to alleviate the risk of overfitting for gradient-based meta-learning. Specifically, during the gradient-based adaptation stage, we randomly drop the gradient in the inner-loop optimization of each parameter in deep neural networks, such that the augmented gradients improve generalization to new tasks. We present a general form of the proposed gradient dropout regularization and show that this term can be sampled from either the Bernoulli or Gaussian distribution. To validate the proposed method, we conduct extensive experiments and analysis on numerous computer vision tasks, demonstrating that the gradient dropout regularization mitigates the overfitting problem and improves the performance upon various gradient-based meta-learning frameworks.

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