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Community detection, aiming to group the graph nodes into clusters with dense inner-connection, is a fundamental graph mining task. Recently, it has been studied on the heterogeneous graph, which contains multiple types of nodes and edges, posing gre at challenges for modeling the high-order relationship between nodes. With the surge of graph embedding mechanism, it has also been adopted to community detection. A remarkable group of works use the meta-path to capture the high-order relationship between nodes and embed them into nodes embedding to facilitate community detection. However, defining meaningful meta-paths requires much domain knowledge, which largely limits their applications, especially on schema-rich heterogeneous graphs like knowledge graphs. To alleviate this issue, in this paper, we propose to exploit the context path to capture the high-order relationship between nodes, and build a Context Path-based Graph Neural Network (CP-GNN) model. It recursively embeds the high-order relationship between nodes into the node embedding with attention mechanisms to discriminate the importance of different relationships. By maximizing the expectation of the co-occurrence of nodes connected by context paths, the model can learn the nodes embeddings that both well preserve the high-order relationship between nodes and are helpful for community detection. Extensive experimental results on four real-world datasets show that CP-GNN outperforms the state-of-the-art community detection methods.
With the continuous improvement of the performance of object detectors via advanced model architectures, imbalance problems in the training process have received more attention. It is a common paradigm in object detection frameworks to perform multi- scale detection. However, each scale is treated equally during training. In this paper, we carefully study the objective imbalance of multi-scale detector training. We argue that the loss in each scale level is neither equally important nor independent. Different from the existing solutions of setting multi-task weights, we dynamically optimize the loss weight of each scale level in the training process. Specifically, we propose an Adaptive Variance Weighting (AVW) to balance multi-scale loss according to the statistical variance. Then we develop a novel Reinforcement Learning Optimization (RLO) to decide the weighting scheme probabilistically during training. The proposed dynamic methods make better utilization of multi-scale training loss without extra computational complexity and learnable parameters for backpropagation. Experiments show that our approaches can consistently boost the performance over various baseline detectors on Pascal VOC and MS COCO benchmark.
313 - Long Chen , Hao Luo 2021
We present a unified convergence analysis for first order convex optimization methods using the concept of strong Lyapunov conditions. Combining this with suitable time scaling factors, we are able to handle both convex and strong convex cases, and e stablish contraction properties of Lyapunov functions for many existing ordinary differential equation models. Then we derive prevailing first order optimization algorithms, such as proximal gradient methods, heavy ball methods (also known as momentum methods), Nesterov accelerated gradient methods, and accelerated proximal gradient methods from numerical discretizations of corresponding dynamical systems. We also apply strong Lyapunov conditions to the discrete level and provide a more systematical analysis framework. Another contribution is a novel second order dynamical system called Hessian-driven Nesterov accelerated gradient flow which can be used to design and analyze accelerated first order methods for smooth and non-smooth convex optimizations.
111 - Hao Luo , Weihua Chen , Xianzhe Xu 2021
This paper introduces our solution for the Track2 in AI City Challenge 2021 (AICITY21). The Track2 is a vehicle re-identification (ReID) task with both the real-world data and synthetic data. We mainly focus on four points, i.e. training data, unsupe rvised domain-adaptive (UDA) training, post-processing, model ensembling in this challenge. (1) Both cropping training data and using synthetic data can help the model learn more discriminative features. (2) Since there is a new scenario in the test set that dose not appear in the training set, UDA methods perform well in the challenge. (3) Post-processing techniques including re-ranking, image-to-track retrieval, inter-camera fusion, etc, significantly improve final performance. (4) We ensemble CNN-based models and transformer-based models which provide different representation diversity. With aforementioned techniques, our method finally achieves 0.7445 mAP score, yielding the first place in the competition. Codes are available at https://github.com/michuanhaohao/AICITY2021_Track2_DMT.
In this paper, we introduce the adaptive Wasserstein curvature denoising (AWCD), an original processing approach for point cloud data. By collecting curvatures information from Wasserstein distance, AWCD consider more precise structures of data and p reserves stability and effectiveness even for data with noise in high density. This paper contains some theoretical analysis about the Wasserstein curvature and the complete algorithm of AWCD. In addition, we design digital experiments to show the denoising effect of AWCD. According to comparison results, we present the advantages of AWCD against traditional algorithms.
Video-text retrieval plays an essential role in multi-modal research and has been widely used in many real-world web applications. The CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training), an image-language pre-training model, has demonstrated the power of visual concepts learning from web collected image-text datasets. In this paper, we propose a CLIP4Clip model to transfer the knowledge of the CLIP model to video-language retrieval in an end-to-end manner. Several questions are investigated via empirical studies: 1) Whether image feature is enough for video-text retrieval? 2) How a post-pretraining on a large-scale video-text dataset based on the CLIP affect the performance? 3) What is the practical mechanism to model temporal dependency between video frames? And 4) The Hyper-parameters sensitivity of the model on video-text retrieval task. Extensive experimental results present that the CLIP4Clip model transferred from the CLIP can achieve SOTA results on various video-text retrieval datasets, including MSR-VTT, MSVC, LSMDC, ActivityNet, and DiDeMo. We release our code at https://github.com/ArrowLuo/CLIP4Clip.
Feature pyramid network (FPN) has been an effective framework to extract multi-scale features in object detection. However, current FPN-based methods mostly suffer from the intrinsic flaw of channel reduction, which brings about the loss of semantica l information. And the miscellaneous fused feature maps may cause serious aliasing effects. In this paper, we present a novel channel enhancement feature pyramid network (CE-FPN) with three simple yet effective modules to alleviate these problems. Specifically, inspired by sub-pixel convolution, we propose a sub-pixel skip fusion method to perform both channel enhancement and upsampling. Instead of the original 1x1 convolution and linear upsampling, it mitigates the information loss due to channel reduction. Then we propose a sub-pixel context enhancement module for extracting more feature representations, which is superior to other context methods due to the utilization of rich channel information by sub-pixel convolution. Furthermore, a channel attention guided module is introduced to optimize the final integrated features on each level, which alleviates the aliasing effect only with a few computational burdens. Our experiments show that CE-FPN achieves competitive performance compared to state-of-the-art FPN-based detectors on MS COCO benchmark.
109 - Hao Luo 2021
We introduce a novel primal-dual flow for affine constrained convex optimization problem. As a modification of the standard saddle-point system, our primal-dual flow is proved to possesses the exponential decay property, in terms of a tailored Lyapun ov function. Then a class of primal-dual methods for the original optimization problem are obtained from numerical discretizations of the continuous flow, and with a unified discrete Lyapunov function, nonergodic convergence rates are established. Among those algorithms, we can recover the (linearized) augmented Lagrangian method and the quadratic penalty method with continuation technique. Also, new methods with a special inner problem, that is a linear symmetric positive definite system or a nonlinear equation which may be solved efficiently via the semi-smooth Newton method, have been proposed as well. Especially, numerical tests on the linearly constrained $l_1$-$l_2$ minimization show that our method outperforms the accelerated linearized Bregman method.
94 - Hao Luo 2021
This work introduces a second-order differential inclusion for unconstrained convex optimization. In continuous level, solution existence in proper sense is obtained and exponential decay of a novel Lyapunov function along with the solution trajector y is derived as well. Then in discrete level, based on numerical discretizations of the continuous differential inclusion, both an inexact accelerated proximal point algorithm and an inexact accelerated proximal gradient method are proposed, and some new convergence rates are established via a discrete Lyapunov function.
Wasserstein distance, especially among symmetric positive-definite matrices, has broad and deep influences on development of artificial intelligence (AI) and other branches of computer science. A natural idea is to describe the geometry of $SPDleft(n right)$ as a Riemannian manifold endowed with the Wasserstein metric. In this paper, by involving the fiber bundle, we obtain explicit expressions for some locally geometric quantities, including geodesics, exponential maps, the Riemannian connection, Jacobi fields and curvatures. Furthermore, we discuss the behaviour of geodesics and prove that the manifold is globally geodesic convex with non-negative curvatures but no conjugate pair and cut locus. According to arithmetic estimates, we find curvatures can be controlled by the minimal eigenvalue.

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