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Deep networks for Monocular Depth Estimation (MDE) have achieved promising performance recently and it is of great importance to further understand the interpretability of these networks. Existing methods attempt to provide posthoc explanations by in vestigating visual cues, which may not explore the internal representations learned by deep networks. In this paper, we find that some hidden units of the network are selective to certain ranges of depth, and thus such behavior can be served as a way to interpret the internal representations. Based on our observations, we quantify the interpretability of a deep MDE network by the depth selectivity of its hidden units. Moreover, we then propose a method to train interpretable MDE deep networks without changing their original architectures, by assigning a depth range for each unit to select. Experimental results demonstrate that our method is able to enhance the interpretability of deep MDE networks by largely improving the depth selectivity of their units, while not harming or even improving the depth estimation accuracy. We further provide a comprehensive analysis to show the reliability of selective units, the applicability of our method on different layers, models, and datasets, and a demonstration on analysis of model error. Source code and models are available at https://github.com/youzunzhi/InterpretableMDE .
In semi-supervised domain adaptation, a few labeled samples per class in the target domain guide features of the remaining target samples to aggregate around them. However, the trained model cannot produce a highly discriminative feature representati on for the target domain because the training data is dominated by labeled samples from the source domain. This could lead to disconnection between the labeled and unlabeled target samples as well as misalignment between unlabeled target samples and the source domain. In this paper, we propose a novel approach called Cross-domain Adaptive Clustering to address this problem. To achieve both inter-domain and intra-domain adaptation, we first introduce an adversarial adaptive clustering loss to group features of unlabeled target data into clusters and perform cluster-wise feature alignment across the source and target domains. We further apply pseudo labeling to unlabeled samples in the target domain and retain pseudo-labels with high confidence. Pseudo labeling expands the number of ``labeled samples in each class in the target domain, and thus produces a more robust and powerful cluster core for each class to facilitate adversarial learning. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets, including DomainNet, Office-Home and Office, demonstrate that our proposed approach achieves the state-of-the-art performance in semi-supervised domain adaptation.
Humans learn from life events to form intuitions towards the understanding of visual environments and languages. Envision that you are instructed by a high-level instruction, Go to the bathroom in the master bedroom and replace the blue towel on the left wall, what would you possibly do to carry out the task? Intuitively, we comprehend the semantics of the instruction to form an overview of where a bathroom is and what a blue towel is in mind; then, we navigate to the target location by consistently matching the bathroom appearance in mind with the current scene. In this paper, we present an agent that mimics such human behaviors. Specifically, we focus on the Remote Embodied Visual Referring Expression in Real Indoor Environments task, called REVERIE, where an agent is asked to correctly localize a remote target object specified by a concise high-level natural language instruction, and propose a two-stage training pipeline. In the first stage, we pretrain the agent with two cross-modal alignment sub-tasks, namely the Scene Grounding task and the Object Grounding task. The agent learns where to stop in the Scene Grounding task and what to attend to in the Object Grounding task respectively. Then, to generate action sequences, we propose a memory-augmented attentive action decoder to smoothly fuse the pre-trained vision and language representations with the agents past memory experiences. Without bells and whistles, experimental results show that our method outperforms previous state-of-the-art(SOTA) significantly, demonstrating the effectiveness of our method.
Although deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have demonstrated remarkable performance on multiple computer vision tasks, researches on adversarial learning have shown that deep models are vulnerable to adversarial examples, which are crafted by adding visually imperceptible perturbations to the input images. Most of the existing adversarial attack methods only create a single adversarial example for the input, which just gives a glimpse of the underlying data manifold of adversarial examples. An attractive solution is to explore the solution space of the adversarial examples and generate a diverse bunch of them, which could potentially improve the robustness of real-world systems and help prevent severe security threats and vulnerabilities. In this paper, we present an effective method, called Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with Accumulated Momentum (HMCAM), aiming to generate a sequence of adversarial examples. To improve the efficiency of HMC, we propose a new regime to automatically control the length of trajectories, which allows the algorithm to move with adaptive step sizes along the search direction at different positions. Moreover, we revisit the reason for high computational cost of adversarial training under the view of MCMC and design a new generative method called Contrastive Adversarial Training (CAT), which approaches equilibrium distribution of adversarial examples with only few iterations by building from small modifications of the standard Contrastive Divergence (CD) and achieve a trade-off between efficiency and accuracy. Both quantitative and qualitative analysis on several natural image datasets and practical systems have confirmed the superiority of the proposed algorithm.
Temporal grounding of natural language in untrimmed videos is a fundamental yet challenging multimedia task facilitating cross-media visual content retrieval. We focus on the weakly supervised setting of this task that merely accesses to coarse video -level language description annotation without temporal boundary, which is more consistent with reality as such weak labels are more readily available in practice. In this paper, we propose a emph{Boundary Adaptive Refinement} (BAR) framework that resorts to reinforcement learning (RL) to guide the process of progressively refining the temporal boundary. To the best of our knowledge, we offer the first attempt to extend RL to temporal localization task with weak supervision. As it is non-trivial to obtain a straightforward reward function in the absence of pairwise granular boundary-query annotations, a cross-modal alignment evaluator is crafted to measure the alignment degree of segment-query pair to provide tailor-designed rewards. This refinement scheme completely abandons traditional sliding window based solution pattern and contributes to acquiring more efficient, boundary-flexible and content-aware grounding results. Extensive experiments on two public benchmarks Charades-STA and ActivityNet demonstrate that BAR outperforms the state-of-the-art weakly-supervised method and even beats some competitive fully-supervised ones.
Object detectors are usually trained with large amount of labeled data, which is expensive and labor-intensive. Pre-trained detectors applied to unlabeled dataset always suffer from the difference of dataset distribution, also called domain shift. Do main adaptation for object detection tries to adapt the detector from labeled datasets to unlabeled ones for better performance. In this paper, we are the first to reveal that the region proposal network (RPN) and region proposal classifier~(RPC) in the endemic two-stage detectors (e.g., Faster RCNN) demonstrate significantly different transferability when facing large domain gap. The region classifier shows preferable performance but is limited without RPNs high-quality proposals while simple alignment in the backbone network is not effective enough for RPN adaptation. We delve into the consistency and the difference of RPN and RPC, treat them individually and leverage high-confidence output of one as mutual guidance to train the other. Moreover, the samples with low-confidence are used for discrepancy calculation between RPN and RPC and minimax optimization. Extensive experimental results on various scenarios have demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed method in both domain-adaptive region proposal generation and object detection. Code is available at https://github.com/GanlongZhao/CST_DA_detection.
The field of computer vision has witnessed phenomenal progress in recent years partially due to the development of deep convolutional neural networks. However, deep learning models are notoriously sensitive to adversarial examples which are synthesiz ed by adding quasi-perceptible noises on real images. Some existing defense methods require to re-train attacked target networks and augment the train set via known adversarial attacks, which is inefficient and might be unpromising with unknown attack types. To overcome the above issues, we propose a portable defense method, online alternate generator, which does not need to access or modify the parameters of the target networks. The proposed method works by online synthesizing another image from scratch for an input image, instead of removing or destroying adversarial noises. To avoid pretrained parameters exploited by attackers, we alternately update the generator and the synthesized image at the inference stage. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed defensive scheme and method outperforms a series of state-of-the-art defending models against gray-box adversarial attacks.
Recently deep convolutional neural networks have achieved significant success in salient object detection. However, existing state-of-the-art methods require high-end GPUs to achieve real-time performance, which makes them hard to adapt to low-cost o r portable devices. Although generic network architectures have been proposed to speed up inference on mobile devices, they are tailored to the task of image classification or semantic segmentation, and struggle to capture intra-channel and inter-channel correlations that are essential for contrast modeling in salient object detection. Motivated by the above observations, we design a new deep learning algorithm for fast salient object detection. The proposed algorithm for the first time achieves competitive accuracy and high inference efficiency simultaneously with a single CPU thread. Specifically, we propose a novel depthwise non-local moudule (DNL), which implicitly models contrast via harvesting intra-channel and inter-channel correlations in a self-attention manner. In addition, we introduce a depthwise non-local network architecture that incorporates both depthwise non-local modules and inverted residual blocks. Experimental results show that our proposed network attains very competitive accuracy on a wide range of salient object detection datasets while achieving state-of-the-art efficiency among all existing deep learning based algorithms.
108 - Jie Wu , Guanbin Li , Si Liu 2020
Temporally language grounding in untrimmed videos is a newly-raised task in video understanding. Most of the existing methods suffer from inferior efficiency, lacking interpretability, and deviating from the human perception mechanism. Inspired by hu mans coarse-to-fine decision-making paradigm, we formulate a novel Tree-Structured Policy based Progressive Reinforcement Learning (TSP-PRL) framework to sequentially regulate the temporal boundary by an iterative refinement process. The semantic concepts are explicitly represented as the branches in the policy, which contributes to efficiently decomposing complex policies into an interpretable primitive action. Progressive reinforcement learning provides correct credit assignment via two task-oriented rewards that encourage mutual promotion within the tree-structured policy. We extensively evaluate TSP-PRL on the Charades-STA and ActivityNet datasets, and experimental results show that TSP-PRL achieves competitive performance over existing state-of-the-art methods.
92 - Jihan Yang , Ruijia Xu , Ruiyu Li 2019
We focus on Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) for the task of semantic segmentation. Recently, adversarial alignment has been widely adopted to match the marginal distribution of feature representations across two domains globally. However, this s trategy fails in adapting the representations of the tail classes or small objects for semantic segmentation since the alignment objective is dominated by head categories or large objects. In contrast to adversarial alignment, we propose to explicitly train a domain-invariant classifier by generating and defensing against pointwise feature space adversarial perturbations. Specifically, we firstly perturb the intermediate feature maps with several attack objectives (i.e., discriminator and classifier) on each individual position for both domains, and then the classifier is trained to be invariant to the perturbations. By perturbing each position individually, our model treats each location evenly regardless of the category or object size and thus circumvents the aforementioned issue. Moreover, the domain gap in feature space is reduced by extrapolating source and target perturbed features towards each other with attack on the domain discriminator. Our approach achieves the state-of-the-art performance on two challenging domain adaptation tasks for semantic segmentation: GTA5 -> Cityscapes and SYNTHIA -> Cityscapes.

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